• ベストアンサー


Critics charge that Hashimoto,who has toned down his harsh criticism of the DPJ in recent days, was only using the Oi reactor issue as political leverage to force Noda to pass the merger bill. ご教授よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
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  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

橋下氏がここ数日民主党への手厳しい批判を和らげているのは、 彼は単に野田首相に合併法案を成立させようと、 大飯原発問題を政争の具として利用したに過ぎないとして、評論家筋は非難している。





  • この英文を和訳してほしいです。

    There is some evidence that these improvements in the characteristics of elders have resulted in more positive views of aging. Tibbitts claimed that during the past 30 to 40 years, U.S. society has moved from holding negative stereotypes of old people to holding positive views in which elders are seen as being able to contribute to the quality of life for themselves, their communities, and society as a whole. Schonfield even argued that the assumption of negative attitudes toward old people is a "social myth" perpetuated by the gerontological literature. We will be examining these attitudes in derail in Chapter 2, but there does appear to be a substantial shift from negative to positive attitudes. The improvements in the physical, mental,social, and economic characteristics of elders have been so marked, and there have been so many programs and services developed for elders only, that many have begun to criticize these programs as discrimination in favor of the aged, or positive ageism. We will be discussing examples of positive ageism throughout this book; but the ones that have drawn most criticism so far are the Medicare program and some features of the Social Security System, such as the automatic cost of living increases in benefits and the tax-exemption of Social Security benefits for most elders. Perhaps these programs have been criticized the most because they involve the most money. Critics are beginning to argue that since elders are no longer deprived economically and since they are now much better off mentally, physically, and socially than they were in the past, it is no longer necessary or fair to continue the enormous expense of these special supports and programs available only to elders. Some argue that the way to reduce positive ageism is to make these supports and programs available to all ages on the basis of need. For example, they recommend that the national health insurance, which only elders now enjoy, be extended to all ages. It is clear that positive ageism is becoming an important issue and promises to become even more important as we are faced with more older people and more expensive programs for "seniors only."

  • とても長文ですが、以下の英文で困っています!

    とても長文ですが、以下の英文で困っています! どのように訳せばよいですか? よろしくお願いします!! ■ Themes for a Structured Argument The case studies on which most of this book rests are not drawn at random. They illustrate specific themes. Taking the importance of studying change as paramount, I identify four other themes drawn from within the dimensions of diversity as follows. Adaptability through time The adaptability of farmers, using a diverse range of strategies, is a central issue. It is still greatly undervalued in a wide professional literature on agriculture development. Yet the circumstantial evidence of longer term adaptability is overwhelming. The purpose of managing agricultural land resources is to enhance drop plant environments. Crop plants differ greatly in their preferred microenvironments, yet we do not find them growing only where natural conditions are optimal; much more widely there is deliberate modification. To this fact has to be added the wide diffusion of crop plants across the world that has taken place throughout the history of farming. It accelerated after linkages were established between Old and New Worlds in the sixteenth century and become more rapid still in the past 100 years. In many parts of the world, a majority of the most commonly grown crop plants are recent imports. Either the preexisting systems contained ecological niches that suited them, or the system have been modified in their favor. This much ought to be obvious. Nonetheless, it seems not to be obvious to many writes, and warrants careful examination.

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    The colonial government also begun attacking the rights of missionaries in Nyasaland and, although Anglican missions, those of the Scottish churches and Catholic missions were not affected, it banned many smaller, often American-originated churches, including the Churches of Christ and Watchtower Society, from Nyasaland, and placed restrictions on other African-run churches. Public gatherings, especially those associated with African-initiated religious groups, were banned until 1919. Fear of similar uprisings in other colonies, notably Northern Rhodesia, also led to similar repression of independent churches and foreign missions beyond Nyasaland. Though the rebellion failed, the threat to colonial rule posed by the Chilembwe revolt compelled the local authorities to introduce some reform. The colonial government proposed to undermine the power of independent churches like Chilembwe's, by promoting secular education but lack of funding made this impossible. The government began to promote tribal loyalties in the colony, through the system of indirect rule, which was expanded after the revolt. In particular, the Muslim Yao people, who attempted to distance themselves from Chilembwe, were given more power and autonomy. Although delayed by the war, the Nyasaland Police, which had been primarily composed of African askaris levied by local white officials, was restructured as a professional force of white colonists. Forced labour was retained, and would remain a resentment for decades afterwards. In the aftermath of the revolt, the colonial administration formed a Commission of Enquiry to examine the causes and handling of the rebellion. The Commission, which presented its conclusions in early 1916, found that the revolt was chiefly caused by mismanagement of the Bruce plantation. The Commission also blamed Livingstone himself for "treatment of natives [that was] often unduly harsh" and for poor management of the estate. The Commission found that the systematic discrimination, lack of freedoms and respect were key causes of resentment among the local population. It also emphasised the effect of Booth's ideology on Chilembwe. The Commission's reforms were not far-reaching—though it criticised the thangata system, it made only minor changes aimed at ending "casual brutality". Though the government passed laws banning plantation owners from using the services of their tenants as payment of rent in 1917, effectively abolishing thangata, it was "uniformly ignored". A further Commission in 1920 concluded that the thangata could not be effectively abolished, and it remained a constant source of friction into the 1950s.

  • 朝日新聞の橋下慰安婦問題視発言の捏造報道について

    朝日新聞記者のぶら下がり取材での一言一句気をつけろ発言にキレた橋下市長が、今後のぶら下がり取材を拒否したのが問題報道されていますが、そもそもの発端は朝日新聞のインタビューの内容を捏造報道したのが原因でした。 アメリカ国務省の報道官への取材で以下のやり取りがありました。 ホワイトハウスが公表した記者会見【原文】 QUESTION: Hi, my name is Takashi from Japanese newspaper Asahi. Osaka City Mayor Hashimoto recently made a comment on the so-called “comfort women” issue, arguing that even though it is unacceptable from the moral perspective value, but the comfort women were necessary during the war period. And he also argued that it is not fair that only Japan is criticized by the United States and other countries, because there are other country military that were provided sexual service by prostitute. And do U.S. has any position on his comment or criticism against the United States? MS. PSAKI: We have seen, of course, those comments. Mayor Hashimoto’s comments were outrageous and offensive. As the United States has stated previously, what happened in that era to these women who were trafficked for sexual purposes is deplorable and clearly a grave human rights violation of enormous proportions. We extend, again, our sincere and deep sympathy to the victims, and we hope that Japan will continue to work with its neighbors to address this and other issues arising from the past and cultivate relationships that allow them to move forward. QUESTION: Do you describe this issue sex slave or comfort women? MS. PSAKI: Again, I don’t know that I’m going to define it. You kind of laid out the specific details there, and we have described this issue in the past as comfort women[ii]. Go ahead in the back. 【アメリカ側回答の日本語訳】 (橋下氏の米政府批判についてどう思うか、という質問に対して) 「わたしたちはそれらの(橋下氏の)発言については、むろん目にしている。橋下市長の発言は法外なもので人を傷つけるものだ。合衆国は以前に声明を出しているが、性的目的のため連れ去られた女性にあの時代に起きたことは嘆かわしいことであり、また明らかに重なで深刻な人権侵害である。わたしたちは、ふたたび、彼ら犠牲者たちへの誠意ある深い共感を深め、そして日本が過去より生じるこの問題やそのほかの問題に隣人たちとともに取り組み、彼ら(日本と隣国)が前に進むことができるような関係を築くことを希望している」 (続いて、それは性奴隷なのか慰安婦なのかという質問に対して) 「わたしはそれを定義するつもりはない。あなたたちはそちらで特別の細部について議論を展開しているようだが、わたしたちはこの問題を過去に慰安婦と記述している。ではつぎの質問へ」 これが、朝日新聞の記事になると・・・ 朝日新聞版(英文)【原文】 Mayor Hashimoto’s comment is outrageous and offensive. As the United States has stated previously, what happened in that era to those women, who were trafficked for sexual purposes, is deplorable and clearly grave human right violations of enormous proportions. We understand that mayor Hashimoto is planning to travel to the United States, but in the light of these statements, we are not sure that anyone will want to meet with him. 【日本語訳】 橋下市長の発言は、言語道断で侮辱的なものだ。米国が以前に述べている通り、戦時中、性的な目的で連れて行かれた女性たちに起きたことは、嘆かわしく、明らかに深刻な人権侵害で、重大な問題だ。橋下市長は米国訪問を計画しているそうだが、こうした発言を踏まえると、面会したいと思う人がいるかどうかはわからない。 アメリカ当局は朝日新聞に対して抗議したそうですが、日本メディアは一切報道しません。 これはどういう意図なんでしょうか? メディアによる言論弾圧ですか?

  • 英文にできなくてすごく困っています。少しでもいいので英文を教えてください。お願いします。


  • この不自然な英文をまともな英文に直してください。

    (日本語)このシミュレーションと普通の細胞分裂を模擬実験した(模倣した)シミュレーションを比較する事で、必要不可欠な物理パラメーターを突き止めようとしている。 (英語)Essential physical parameters will be found out by comparing this simulation to a simulation which mimics a normal cell division. 違和感を感じる英文です。 恐らくシミュレーションを一文に二回使っているのが主な原因だと思いますが、他にもあるかもしれません。 どなたか添削をお願いします。

  • 長文になりますが翻訳をお願いいたします。

    海外サイトにてネットショッピングをしたのですが、後日下記内容のメールが数度にわたり配信せれて参りました。 そこで、翻訳ソフトを使用したのですが、いまいち解りません。 どなたかお手数をお掛けいたしますが翻訳をお願いいたします。 Note: Your order will not ship until you respond to this email. Credit Card Verification: ×××× has charged a small amount to the credit card you provided (between $0.00-$5.00). *****PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING STEPS AND DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY***** 1. Contact the bank associated with the credit card you used for the order or check your online statement to see your recent account activity. The small credit card verification amount we charged will be a separate transaction from your order. 2. Contact ×××× at our toll free number ********* or ********** to confirm the amount we charged. You can also email us at info@××××. Please include your name, order number, and exact charge amount. Once the amount is confirmed, we will deduct the amount from your order and we will proceed with processing and shipping your order. Our online ordering system is very secure and ensures that no one can tap into your transmission and use your credit information. However, this does not stop people from entering false information. The Credit Card Verification is a procedure to confirm that the order has been made by the authorized cardholder. This is an extra security measure we require to protect you, the cardholder, and ×××× from credit card fraud. We realize that this will take a little more time but the protection it offers outweighs the inconvenience. Credit Card Verification is issued to all new customers and will not be required for future orders. (* Previous customers using a shipping address and/or card number different to the one we have on file will be asked to complete another Credit Card Verification). We appreciate your support as we strive to maintain a secure online ordering system for our customers. Thank you for shopping. By placing this order, you agree to the terms and conditions found below. There are no U.S. taxes; however, you will be responsible for any additional customs handling fees, duties and/or taxes. ×××× strongly suggests that you check with your local government agency to determine the extent of such charges prior to purchase. If any international order is refused upon delivery for any reason, all customs & duty charges will be billed to you by ××××. Once a package enters your country, these charges are not reversible whether the package is delivered to you or not. ×××× will not issue credit in cases where packages are not delivered due to non-payment of fees, refusal or abandonment. (Please note: Orders that have already been shipped cannot be canceled.) Sincerely,

  • 簡単な英文と頭を抱える英文

    英検(少なくとも2級まで)やセンター試験の長文は、とても読みやすく、 大半において、素直に意味を取れる英文だと思います。 一方、一般洋書になると、第2外国語だと思うほど難しいです。 しかし、どちらも英語です。 上記の試験の英語でも、語彙レベルから言えば決して低くは無いと思います(日常会話語彙で言えば)。 メル友募集サイトなどのネイティブの英文も、言い回しや一部の語彙を除いては、 まぁまぁ素直にスラスラ分かります。 しかし、適当に手にした一般洋書は3行読んだらもうやめ~ってなります。 これを克服するためには、一般洋書を「精読」するしかないのでしょうか? 分からないすべての英文を1つ1つ聞いたりして減らしていくしかないのでしょうか? とある多読法によると、今のレベルにあった簡単な英文を大量に読むと、 数年後には一般洋書も(自然と)分かるようになる、とありますが。

  • 上手な英文、ヘタな英文

    こんにちは。 日本語の文章でも、書き手によって上手下手があります。これと同じように、英語の文章にも上手下手があるはずです。そこで、 (1)上手な英文・下手な英文が、同じ場所に並べて掲載してある(比較ができる) (2)上手な英文・下手な英文は、それぞれ同じ内容のことを表現している (3)上手下手に対する解説がある (4)できれば、(3)は日本語で書かれているか、日本語訳がついている 以上の条件を満たす本やホームページを探しています。(4は必須ではありません。)英文と書きましたが、英語の会話文でもかまいません。 なにか良いものがありましたら、教えてください。よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文にして欲しいのと、英文のチェックをお願いします

    この文章を英語にしてください。 日本語の文章と英語の文章は相違ありますが、自分なりに書いてみました。 こちらのチェックもお願いします。 「[仕事が忙しいと言われて] かわいそうに。でも羨ましいかも。 私は(やっと)仕事を探し始めました。でも、旅行に行きたくて心ここにあらずって感じです。 だから仕事探しに集中できない。」 Oh, poor you... but sounds good for me! I started to look for a job now but I can't concentrate to search jobs... My mind is floating around somewhere else like a balloon with a broken string. I feel I wanna go somewhere to travel. できれば「心ここにあらず」の部分をoff with the fairies かaway with the fairies to 使って表現したいんですが、使い方がよくわかりません。 それか、「心ここにあらず」を「(夢みる乙女ぽい感じで)夢を見ていて現実が見えていない」感じの 表現だとどう表現すればいいのでしょうか? たくさん質問してしまいましたが、よろしくお願い致します。