• ベストアンサー


・I was the only student in my school who brought lunch with a message written on the napkin by Dad, and I still remember how embarressed I felt. ・From the way my friends talked, I thought they wished they also received letters full of affection from someone who really loved them. ・Attached to the card sent to him were the signatures of all of my friends. ・A puzzle or joke that appears to be nonsense but has an amusing answer. ・To get or pick up suddenly and roughly.

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数0


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

・ 私は、学校では、お父さんがナプキンに書いたメッセージの付いたお弁当を持って来るただ一人の学生でした、それで、私はどれくらいきまりが悪いと感じたか、今でも覚えています。 ・ 私の友人の話しぶりから、自分を本当に愛している誰かからの愛情に満ちた手紙を彼らも受け取りたいと願っているのだと、私は思いました。 ・ 彼に送られたカードには、私の友人全員の署名が、付けられていました。 ・ バカバカしく思えるが、面白い答えのあるパズルまたは冗談。 ・ 突然、そして、粗っぽく取ったり、拾い上げたりすること。


  • 日本語に訳していただけないでしょうか?

    長文になりますが、おおまかで構わないので日本語に訳していただけないでしょうか? よろしくお願いいたします。 ………………………… In summer in the year before last, I received a mail from a person. I felt almost was make-up story but various thinks about you were written in it. I understood the contents and replied my promise not to relate with you. However, harassment to me started by your friends, staffs of (店名) and your friends I had never related and it has been continuing until now although it becomes not so often as before. Even some of my friends were harassed only because being with me. (店名) is your working place and a place for your friends to gather. I guess they hope me not to relate with you. Because I had been told about you sometimes, I had a complicated feeling when I received your message via facebook. I thought that I would select my human relation and it would be possible for me to be a friend with you but I can not be free from the wavering of my decision to relate with you as a friend if I visit (店名). I have to keep promise with your friends.... I do not know why your friends still stick to me. Because I have no relation with you now. I also have no relation with anyone who might have close relation with you. I do not know you have any engagement to such continuous sticking to me but I think it is a matter of mind of these people not of yours or mine. I am thankful to you for calling me your friend. However, considering my current position, I think that it would be difficult to be your friend. If you have good human relation now, I think that there would be no reason for you to keep on staying as my friend beyond it. What do you think about it? Please do not misunderstand. I do not take you into my confidence to hurt you. I want to tell you only why I have avoided you. If we have fate, we might be able to relate as ordinary friend.

  • 日本語に訳してくださいその1

    海外からの、送金を受けたいのですが。。 訳して貰えますか? Hi Shuji, How are you doing? I came on here to reply you from my second e-mail, I just came back from Work and i want to login to my Gmail, I don't know who collected my Gmail please if anybody reply you don't answer this is my second e-mail for you to contact me any time. Have you heard from the bank today? because they should have start processing the money to your account Ok Let me know back as soon as they contact you from the bank. Thank You

  • 日本語訳を!

    お願いします (8) Budge sipped his coffee without any hurry, knowing Grebaut would be held up at the least until the next day. And that afternoon, a dealer arrived, bringing six clay tablets with him. Were they kadim ("old")? he asked. Or jaded ("new")? Were the tablets genuine? Or were they fake? Budge writes in By Nile and Tigris, "When I examined the tablets I found that the matter was not as simple as it looked. In shape and form, and colour and material, the tablets were unlike any and I had ever seen in London or Paris, and the writing on all of them was of a most unusual character and puzzled me for hours." (9) It was while he was puzzling over the wedge-shaped markings that he was able to make out the words, "to Nimmuriya, king of the land of Egypt." Budge writes, "The opening words of nearly all the tablets proved them to be letters or dispatches, and I felt certain that the tablets were both genuine and of very great historical importance." Budge stuck to his "letter" theory despite arguments from scholars who thought the tablets were fake and arguments from scholars who had misinterpreted the markings.

  • 英文を日本語に訳してください!お願いします!

    アメリカ在住の中国人女性と英語でメールのやり取りをしています。私は英語初心者のため彼女からの文章が上手く理解できません。 どなたか日本語に翻訳してください!どうぞよろしくお願い致します!長文で申し訳ありません… (この女性の職業は家庭教師です。マイケルは旦那さんです。 また、私は食材を使用したアートの写真をSNSにアップしています。) My character is active ,like to make friends . Michael remain me don't too closely with people, they will feel uncomfortable. Maybe they think I want to get adventure from them. But I say I want all my friends happy ,enjoy their life and feeling love. When I see all my friends carry lovely smile, I will feel happy too. I like sharing love with all my friends. I always let my students to know this. I give lots of time , thinking and communication with them. They all are teenagers, never listen to their family. Not reply to messages, knock bedroom and s Unlike go out for public society . I show with them to know they are very important to me. And step by step to let them know your family so worried about them. I can see your food art also let people to know that meaning. Honestly, I think what will you make on this week. Because I feel happy to see it. Haha never seen people like me ,right? Too much comments and suggestions, Michael feels headaches all the time but that is me.

  • 上手な日本語訳にしていただけませんか?

    上手な日本語訳にしていただけませんか? お願いします。 Acute Alcohol Poisoning Do you know the signs of acute alcohol poisoning? Your friend who had ways too much to drink, may not just be sleeping it off. If he or she is suffering from acute alcohol poisoning, as a result of drinking too much too quickly, They could die if you do not intervene. How do you tell the difference between being passed out and alcohol poisoning? If they are suffering from alcohol poisoning the person may be unconscious but cannot be awakened. If you try to wake your friend up and they do not respond, check to see if they have cold, unusually pale or bluish skin. Check their breathing also. If they are breathing slowly or irregularly ? less than eight times a minute ? or ten seconds or more between any two breaths, they are in trouble. Another sign is if they vomit while passed out and do not wake up during or after vomiting.

  • 日本語にお願いします★

    Or my other friend jazz what time would be good we will be boyfriend and girlfriend next weekend and meet me and my friend jazz at 7plex is 4:30 a good time to go to mihama next week friday with my friend jazz Is 4:30 a good time to hang out on Friday next week meet me and my friend in 7plex or mister donut in jusco bring money ↑ これ日本語にお願いします!!

  • 日本語に訳してください

    please i sent you an email did you see it please go trough it and get back to me ok i am waiting to hear from you, and you know this is something concerning relationship we have to be streghtford to each other please i don,t need dissapointment or somthing that will break my heart, you know i love you from my inner heart and i am gooing to live with you forever as a wife and my spirit is telling me strongly that you are going to be my house wife and i believe that, please hoping to hear from you ok my love,

  • 英文を日本語に訳してください。よろしくお願いします

    He was fifty years old when I was born, and a "Mr.Mom" long before anyone had a name for it. I didn`t know why he was home instead of Mom, but I was young and the only one of my friends who had their dad around. I considered myself very lucky. He always had my lunch ready for me when I came home - usually a peanut butter sandwich that was shaped for the season. My favorite was at Christmas time. The sandwich would be covered lightly with green sugar and cut in the shape of a tree. As I got a little older and tried to gain my independence, I wanted to move away from those "childish" signs of his love. But he wasn't going to give up. In high school and no longer able to go home for lunch, I began taking my own bag lunch. Dad would get up a little early and make it for me. I never knew what to expect. The outside of the bag might be covered with his drawing of a mountain scene (this became his trademark) or a heart with the words "Dad and Angie" written in the center. Inside there would be a napkin with that same heart or an "I love you." Many times he would write a joke or a riddle. He always had some silly saying to make me smile and let me know that he loved me.

  • 日本語訳にしていただけませんか?

    知人からメールが来ました。 翻訳していただけませんか? I hope you and your family are okay after this terrible tragedy. My heart goes out to the people of Japan. Take care and I hope Japan can recover from this disaster. Japanese people are strong, so I have faith that they will endure and handle this as best as they can. My best wishes are with Japan. Take care. よろしくお願い致します。

  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    I visit Hawaii once or twice a year. Thank for becoming my FB friend, I heard about you from my friend tomoko, she told me you took care of her when she was in Hawaii last year. よろしくお願いします。