
  • 英語の分からない問題を教えてください。
  • 上記の1~5の英文の意味を解説します。
  • 解説を通じて英語の理解を深めましょう。
  • ベストアンサー


次の1~5に続く英文はa~eのどれだと思いますか? 1.He is very lonely... 2.He neglected his heart... 3.He doesn't mix with others... 4.Even when he has some hope... 5.This lonely man... a)it naturally dies without encouragement. b)and continues to live a solitary life. c)because he didn't care about anyone. d)would like to control his life. e)so much that it died.

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー

1.He is very lonely...c)because he didn't care about anyone. 2.He neglected his heart...e)so much that it died. 3.He doesn't mix with others...b)and continues to live a solitary life. 4.Even when he has some hope...a)it naturally dies without encouragement. 5.This lonely man...d)would like to control his life. 主語だけの5と動詞だけのdの組み合わせは、まず確実。 主節が続くのを求めている4と裸のSVであるaの組み合わせも確実。 eのmuchは、動詞の後に置く副詞なので、2か3との組み合わせ。eの過去形diedゆえに主節も過去形である必要があり、2との組み合わせが決まる。 1・3とb・cとの組み合わせは、文法的には決まらなそう。意味的にも微妙。 だが、1.の抽象的ステートメントの理由をcの過去形because節で説明する流れが自然。 残りは、3とbの組み合わせで、意味の流れは自然。




その他の回答 (1)

  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

1.He is very lonely because he didn't care about anyone. 2.He neglected his heart would like to control his life. 3.He doesn't mix with others and continues to live a solitary life. 4.Even when he has some hope, it naturally dies without encouragement. 5.This lonely man so much that it died.





  • 英語小問題

    わからなかったものを中心に書いてます。 お願いします。 ・次の各組の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように()内に適語を補いなさい 1He isn't back yet. Perhaps he missde his train. He isn't back yet. He ()()()his train. 2 It's a pity that you didn't tell me the truth. You ()()() me the truth. 3 It's a pity that laughed at his mistake. You ought () to ()() at his mistake. 4 You waited for me, but it was not necessary.  You needn't ()() for me. ・並び替えなさい。 1 You (at/be/if/laughed/will)you wear that silly hat. 2 Such a thing ought (about/be/not/spoken/to) in public. 3 Last night he (by/got/stopped/the police/while) he was driving home.

  • 英語の文法ミス指摘してください

    I like this story because there are many points, which makes me thinking about what human-being happiness is many times. Even though, Robert has a physical disability, he enjoys his life more than me. He did not imply negative contents of his physical disability. On the contrary, he has great pride in himself. For example, when the wife offered him to move his staff to his room, he said, “it can go up when I go up”. He declined her gentle offer because he wanted to do whatever he could do it by himself because of his pride. Also, he alway tries enjoying his life. When the husband offers blind man to smoke together, he accepts that offer, and he said, “There is a first time for everything”. Although it was a first time to smoke, He didn't to hesitate to do it. He likes doing new challenge, which is worth doing. That is why he enjoys his life.

  • 英語の問題教えてください。。

    (1)同じ意味になるようにカッコを埋める He remained very poor all his life. =He spent his ( ) life in great ( ). (2)動名詞を使って書き換え We all screamed on the roller coaster.We couldn't help it. (Weからはじめる。一文で) No one knows whether he will come or not. (There is no...からはじめる) (3)不定詞を使って書き換え Don't make too much noise.That's all I ask. (All I ask..ではじめる、一文) 考えてもよくわからないので教えていただけますか><

  • 英語の問題について

    古い英文学なのですが、この物語の中の父親の人物像について、どのようなものだと書かれていますか? 書かれている部分とその意味を教えてください。 Father made a great point of our getting down to breakfast on time. I meant to be prompt, but it never occurred to me that I had better try to be early. My idea was to slide into the room at the last moment. Consequently, I often was late. My brothers were often late, too, with the exception of George. He was the only thoroughly reliable son Father had. George got down so early, Father pointed out to me, that he even had time to practise a few minutes on the piano. The reason George was so prompt was that he was in a hurry to see the sporting page before Father got hold of the newspaper, and the reason he then played the piano was to signal to the rest of us, as we dressed, which team had won yesterday’s ball game. He had made up a code for this purpose, and we leaned over the banisters, pulling on our stockings and shoes, to hear him announce the results. I don’t remember now what the titles were of the airs he selected, but the general idea was that if he played a gay, lively air it meant that the Giants had won, and when the strains of a dirge or lament floated up to us, it meant that Pop Anson had beaten them. As Father didn’t approve of professional baseball, we said nothing to him about this arrangement. He led his life and we led ours, under his nose. He took the newspaper away from George the moment he entered the room, and George said good morning to him and stepped innocently into the parlour. Then, while Father watched him through the broad doorway and looked over the political headlines, George banged out the baseball news for us on the piano. Father used to admonish him with a chuckle not to thump it so hard, but George felt that he had to. We were at the top of the house, and he wanted to be sure that we’d hear him even if we were brushing our teeth. George always was thorough about things. He not only thumped the piano as hard as he could but he hammered out the tune over and over besides, while Father impatiently muttered to himself, “Trop de zèle.” Upstairs, there was usually some discussion as to what kind of news George was sending. He had not been allowed to learn popular tunes, which it would have been easy for us to recognize, and the few classic selections which were available in his little music-book sounded pretty much alike at a distance. George rendered these with plenty of goodwill and muscle but not a great deal of sympathy. He regarded some of the rules of piano-playing as needlessly complicated. The fact remained that he was the one boy who was always on time, and Father was so pleased by this that he bought a watch for him with “George Parmly Day, Always on Time” engraved on the back. He told me that as I was the eldest he had meant to give me a watch first, and he showed me the one he had bought for me. It was just like George’s except that nothing had been engraved on it yet. Father explained that to his regret he would have to put it away for a while, until I had earned it by getting down early to breakfast. Time went on, without much improvement on my part. Dawdling had got to be a habit with me. Sometimes my lateness was serious. One morning, when breakfast was half over and I had nothing on but a pair of long woollen drawers, Father called up from the front hall, napkin in hand, that he wouldn’t stand it and that I was to come down that instant. When I shouted indignantly that I wasn’t dressed yet, he said he didn’t care. “Come down just as you are, confound it!” he roared. I was tempted to take him at his word, but thought there might be some catch in it and wouldn’t, though I hurried, of course, all I could. Father ate his usual hearty breakfast in a stormy mood, and I ate my usual hearty breakfast in a guilty and nervous one. Come what might, we always ate heartily. I sometimes wished afterward that I hadn’t, but it never seemed to hurt Father.

  • 英語の問題 助けてください。

    1.He is last man 2.I cannot see him 3.It is not long 4.[ ]get angry 5.[ ]his promise 6.He looks 7.She is cheerful 8.Tired sa he was 9.What do you think 10.So great her surprise A.to do such a foolish thing B.he must have forgotten C.that she could not say a word D.before she has a baby E.your father said to you? F.without remembering his father G.he may well H.he kept on working I.as if he had been ill J.as well as intelligent 最初の1~10の文の後にA~Jが続きます。4,5は最初に文が入ります。 どれが繋がり略も書いてくださると助かります。答えがないのでずっと苦戦していました。どうかお助けください。簡単で結構なので理由も書いてくださるとありがたいです。

  • [英語]並び替え問題を教えて下さい><

    1. 彼は学生時代、勉強をおろそかにしたことを後悔している。 He (of/neglected/in/having/repents/studies/his) his school days. 2. 彼女の説明が説得力のあるものだったので、われわれとしては彼女を信じるしかなかった。 Her explanation (believe/but/convincing/could/not/so/that/was/we) her. 3. 以前は畑だったところに、家が次々と建てられている。 Houses (on/be/being/built/are/used/to/what/) fields. 4. 彼女の誕生日のお祝いは土曜日に催される予定だった。 Her (be/birthday/to/Saturday/held/on/celebration/was). 5. He (have/the/cannot/of/been/facts/ignorant). 6. Why should (an/given/he/him/obey/order) by a perfect stranger? 7. They are very kind to me. They (their/as/I/own/me/son/if/were/treat).

  • 和訳お願いします

    He could have borne to live an ordinary life, but not to be forgotten in the grave. His great desire had changed to hope. and hope had at last become a certainty that, althought he now journeyed unnoticed, a glory would shine on his pathway-though not, perhaps,while he was travelling it.but the day would come when people would realize that a gifted one had passed through this life with none to recognize him.

  • 英語の空欄補充問題です

    John's mother wanted to go shopping,so she asked him() his little brother while she was out. 1 if he looked after 2 he would look after 3 looking after 4 to look after I like his new house,but I hadn't expected it ()so small 1 be 2 of being 3 to be 4 to being どうしても分かりません 回答お願いします!

  • 英語問題8問を教えてください。

    英語問題8問を教えてください。 I.次の英文の意味が同じようになるようにしなさい。 (1)Having no money with me ,I can't see the movies. I have no ( )( )see the movies. (2)He put on his overcoat ,and he went off. ( )( )on his overcoat ,and he went off. (3)Not finding any work,he walked about the city streets. ( ) he ( )find any work,he walked about the city streets. (4)As the little girl was left behind ,she began to weep. ( ) behind ,the little girl began to weep. (5)Weather permitting,we will go on a picnic. ( )it is ( ), will go on a picnic. II.文法的な誤りを訂正しなさい。 (6)Seeing from a distance,it looked like a human face. (7)Being a fine day,I went for a walk. (8)Knowing not where the station was ,I asked a woman the way. 以上、よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の問題です。

    三つ目のような、誤ったものを選択する問題が苦手です。訳とともに、正しい答えをつけていただけると助かります。ポイントなどがあれば、お願いします。 【穴埋め問題】 1 首脳会議は7つの国で構成されている。   The summit meeting is () up of seven countries. 2 約束は必ず守ってください。   Don´t () to () your promise. 3 昨夜は映画を見て夜更かししてしまいました。   Last night I () () late watching the movie. 4 私は彼女の手を握った。   I held her () the hand. 5 私はワルツとタンゴの区別がつかない。   I cannot tell a waltz () a tango. 6 明日物理の試験があります。   We have a test () physics tomorrow. 7 私は一分違いで電車に乗り遅れた。   I missed the train () a minute. 【記号問題】()内と同じ意味の語 1 This tie does not (go with) your shirt. 2 I couldn´t (make out) what he said. 3 The accident (took place) in the strange building. 4 What do the letters UFO (stand for)? 5 Mary doesn´t (care for) chocolates very much. アunderstand イrepresent ウmatch エbear オlike カhappen 【誤り選択問題】 1 When ア(it) comes to イ(talk) about sports,ウ(no one) can エ(beat) Jack in his class. 2 It was ア(generous) イ(to them) ウ(to share) their house エ(with) the refugees. 3 He ア(never did) any イ(houseworks) and he ウ(got) terrible エ(results) in school. 4 ア(The two presidents) finally イ(reached to) ウ(an agreement) エ(at) the conference. 5 I ア(have told) him last week イ(that) he ウ(should) エ(change) his mind. 【語句整序問題】 1 He(killed,to,thought,been,was,have)in World War II. 2 You can´t expect everything(you,go,as,it,want,to)do. 3 You should read(as,books,do,good,such,will,you). 4 They had no idea(what,like,life,electricity,was,without). 5 A(acted,would,sense,of,man,have,not)in such a way. 以上です。