• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:ビジネス文書(英文)添削のお願い)


  • 海外からの研修生の受入を実施し、その概評を本国にレポートすることになりました。公式文書の場合、主語は“I”なのか“We”が良いのか? などなど、不慣れな英語で四苦八苦しています。どなたか添削をお願いします。
  • Mr. Aは、“C”及び他のシステムに造詣が深く、我々のプログラムにおいて、積極的に議論に参加した。
  • 彼の提案(問題提起)はプログラムの内容の充実に貢献した。2文考えました。どちらの文章が良いでしょうか?


  • ベストアンサー
  • naomkb
  • ベストアンサー率74% (56/75)

こんにちは ビジネス文書では、「会社」「グループ」「部署」としてのスタンスとして書くならWe です。 あなたの個人的な感想や、個人で何かをする といった場合のみ I my を使います。 公式な場合は we を使っておいた方が良いでしょう。 褒めたい場合は、これでもか! と、賞賛の形容詞・副詞をちりばめましょう。 Mr. Aは、“C”及び他のシステムに造詣が深く、我々のプログラムにおいて、積極的に議論に参加した。 Mr. A has knowledge of “c”and other systems, in our program, taken an active part in the discussion. ↓ Mr. A had an excellent understanding of “C” as well as other systems, and he actively participated in discussions during the program. “He is well experienced” でも良いですが、その場合は He is well experienced in “C” となります。 彼の提案(問題提起)はプログラムの内容の充実に貢献した。  2文考えました。どちらの文章が良いでしょうか? His suggestions made a contribution to a fulfilling our program. (His problem presentations made a contribution to a fulfilling program.) ↓ His suggestions (proposals/ Issues he raised ) largely contributed to make the program more fruitful. こういうう場合の「問題」はproblem ではなくて issue という単語を使った方が良いと思います。 我々に、よい刺激を与えてくれたことに感謝している。 We are very thankful that the suggestions makes to give new impetus to us. ↓ We are grateful the stimulation he has given to the program. We are grateful that the program has been stimulated by him. “the suggestions makes to give new impetus to us.” は文法として変ですね。 Mr.Bは誠実な方で,熱心にプログラムに参加した。 Mr. B is a very loyal person, and our program participated with great ardour. ↓ Mr. B was very diligent and participated in the program very actively. Participate in で 参加する です。 Loyal は 誠実 というより、忠実 とか、きちんとサポートしてくれる、といった意味です。 “C”及び他のシステムに関する、我々の活動について理解して頂けたと確信している。 We believe that he understand our activity on“C”and other systems. ↓ We believe that they now deeply understand our activities on “C” and other programs. It was a very short program, but I appreciate that I was sent to sharing of nice time. ↓ It was a very short program, but I am very grateful that I shared a good time with them.



naomkb さん 丁寧な添削ありがとうございました. 勉強になりました. 今後とも宜しくお願いいたします.


その他の回答 (1)


>Mr. Aは、“C”及び他のシステムに造詣が深く、我々のプログラムにおいて、積極的に議論に参加した。 >Mr. A has knowledge of “c”and other systems, in our program, taken an active part in the discussion. Mr. A is well experiened of “c”and other systems, and he hasactively contributed the discussion in our program. >彼の提案(問題提起)はプログラムの内容の充実に貢献した。  2文考えました。どちらの文章が良いでしょうか? >His suggestions made a contribution to a fulfilling our program. >His problem presentations made a contribution to a fulfilling program.) He did a lot for the contents of the program to be fruitful. >我々に、よい刺激を与えてくれたことに感謝している。 >We are very thankful that the suggestions makes to give new impetus to us. We truly are thank him for his help. >Mr.Bは誠実な方で,熱心にプログラムに参加した。 >Mr. B is a very loyal person, and our program participated with great ardour. Mr. B is very reliable and he has highly prticipated in our program. >“C”及び他のシステムに関する、我々の活動について理解して頂けたと確信している。>We believe that he understand our activity on“C”and other systems. We can now say that he knows our activities very well on “C”and other systems >It was a very short program, but I appreciate that I was sent to sharing of nice time. It might have been too short for the program, but I do appreciate for this oppotunity given to me, thank you very much. 「短いプログラムでしたが、このような機会に恵まれて幸いでした。ありがとうございました。」



cozycube1さん 早速の回答ありがとうございます.大苦戦でしたので助かりました. (ご無沙汰していましたが)今後とも宜しくお願いします.  



  • 英文の翻訳お願いします。

    大変でも以下の英文の翻訳お願いします。 We value you as a customer very much – we’re trying our best to accommodate you. Please contact me if we can make our systems better to suite your needs. Thank you very much for your business.

  • 英文の添削をお願い致します。

    477 上司:You all deserve an enormous pat on the back. 君らは途方もない事をやり遂げた 上司:I think it's time to start coordinating with our friends at NASA. NASAの我々の友人と連係を開始する時期だと思う 483 上司:Look, I won't deny that what you've created here is incredible. 驚くべき発明だ 493 スーザン:Just give him a second to figure this out. 彼に理解させるためにちょっと説明して下さい  772 上司:We have resources here,the best in the world. 我々には世界で最高の資源がここにある 774 上司:Whatever it is, we can find a way to reverse it. それが何であれ我々はそれを覆す方法を見つける 782 上司:protecting our men and women in battle, and saving countless lives. 戦いで私達の男性と女性を保護し無数の命を救いました 791 上司:Another dimension that our scientists have taken to calling, Planet Zero. 我々の科学者が惑星ゼロと名づけた異次元 796 上司:we'll have control over more than that world. 我々にはその世界を超える管理権を持っています 上司:We'll have control over ours. 我々は我々のものとして管理します 812 スーザン:They're aggressively abnormal physical conditions that we're gonna fix. 上層部は強引に異常な身体状態に私達を修正するつもりよ 815 ジョニー:What if it takes more time to get it right, 決着をつけるのに時間が掛かるとしたら? ジョニー:we could be talking years. 何年も話し合う可能性がある 831 上司:There she is, the Quantum Gate herself,上司は 政府の人間を案内してます。 彼女はそこにいる量子ゲートは彼女自身だ 839 博士:Well we've had a few issues but we're getting closer. まあ 2,3問題はあったがより親密になった 上司:Closer every day. 毎日より親密に 860 博士:It's never been as easy for him as it has for you. それは君にとっても彼にとっても容易いことではなかっただろう 914 スーザン:It's the only chance we have to figure out what happened to us and reverse it. 私達に起こった事を把握して覆すのが唯一のチャンスよ

  • 添削お願いします。。。

    翻訳をしてみたのですが、前半部分と後半部分で日本語がよくわからなくなってしまいました。添削をお願いします。 Often, these are systems science and operation research tools for analysis of systems themselves. 多くの場合、これらは、システム自体の分析用のシステム科学とオペレーションリサーチのツールです。 Specific design of systems may involve a diversity of physical and material science tools, as well システムの特定の設計は、物理性および材料化学のツールを含んでいるのかもしれません。 Also, the functional definition notes our concern with a combination of these tools. さらに、機能的な定義は、これらのツールの組み合わせに対する私たちの関係を示しています We denote the effort to obtain this combination systems methodology and design. 私たちは、システム方法論と設計の組み合わせを得る努力を示します。 Finally, the definition implies that we aim to accomplish this in a useful and appropriate setting 最終的に定義は有用で適切な設定の中で我々がこれを完遂することを目指すことを示唆しています。 We use the term systems management to refer to the cognitive tasks necessary to produce a useful process from a system methodology and design study. 我々はシステム方法論と設計検討から役に立つ過程を作るのに必要な認識的な作業を示すのに用語「システム方法論」を使用します。 This product is an appropriate combination of systems science and operations research methods,with suitable technical direction and the leadrship associated with systems management for resolving issues. この製品はシステム科学の適切な組み合わせと、適切で技術的な問題解決をするためのシステム管理に結びつける指導力を持ったオペレーションリサーチメソッドである。

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    Our Commitment to Trust At Indiegogo, we dedicate ourselves to your safety and peace of mind throughout the crowdfunding experience. We work hard to maintain the best environment for making contributions and managing campaigns, giving you confidence when it comes to making safe, informed decisions. If you ever need us, reach out to our Customer Happiness team any day of the week. Just send us an email at indiegogo.com, and we'll respond within 24 hours. Our team of anti-fraud experts focuses on keeping our community safe. They're responsible for developing new features to create a more secure and trustworthy environment for you. Our anti-fraud systems constantly monitor the performance of our product, helping us identify and eliminate fraudulent activity and scams. We partner with global experts in online payments to ensure your Indiegogo payments are processed securely. If you experience any problems with your payments on Indiegogo, please see our article about common contribution errors for help. If you run a campaign on Indiegogo, we also have secure systems that manage how you receive money you've raised.

  • 【至急】ビジネス英文メールのご添削

    取引先(派遣先)へ返信したく英文で作成しましたが、ビジネス的に自信がありません(;_;) ご添削の程、宜しくお願い申し上げます。 取引先からのメール I would like to introduce you to Tanaka(cc’d) who is our Managing Director for Asia. He is looking to appoint some employees in Japan, not for Acompany but a potential new client. Please could you liaise with him to discuss costs and process. 返信文 Thank you for introducing Tanaka. We will contact Mr. Tanaka-san. Mr. Tanaka-san, We have heard that you are looking for employees, but could you tell us about your job title(職種) and the skill you are looking for?

  • 英文の添削をしていただけないでしょうか

    ルール違反かもしれないのですが、どうしても急いでいるのでお願いしたいことがあります。会社の社史編集をしており、挨拶文を英語にしたのですが、きっと間違いがあると思うので、どこが違うか、そしてどう直したらいいか、教えて頂けると大変助かります。(海外のお客様に見せて「間違いがある」とは言われたのですがどの部分が、か自分で分かりません。)内容自体は変更の必要がないので、「英語」として間違っているところのみ、教えて頂けないでしょうか。すみませんがどなたか自信のある方、宜しくお願い致します。 Gratitude on our XXth anniversary XXX(会社名) started as a small family company in 19XX, and I feel privileged to announce that we reached an important stage as we celebrated the XXth anniversary. XX years did not go by without some hardships as we experienced two big oil shocks and repeated fluctuations in the exchange rate, and these are to mention only a few. We have overcome these straggles but it could certainly not be done without all the help and supports given by customers, business partners and friends through all these years. While celebrating our anniversary, we would like to express our deep gratitude towards all those who supported us, advised us and led us to reach here today. The world's economy still continues to stagnate and we are to face a need to change the old way. We would like to make this stage as a step to move forward with new determination, and will continue to make every effort in business with a good manner and continue to have good relationships with customers and partners. - President -

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    We just wanted to move on in a productive, caring, productive… — and did I say 'productive?' — environment, and when the time came for us to do that, I think we shocked a lot of people. So with that said, we really, really wish Scott the very, very best. I hope he one day finds the light. But as far us, we wanted to, like I said, move forward, and not try to recreate our catalog, because I think that's impossible to do; we had a lineup change, we have a different man in the band now, we have a different human being, a different energy.

  • ヘルプ!翻訳お願い致します!

    Kind Attn Mr.Taku As per our phone conversation with Mr.Oshiro of this morning, we have concluded the fact that "Hachiyo" is not in a position to perform to purchase PET RESINS as was planned.Definitely it is a great disappointment to us and we are in a dillema now as how to pass on this disturbing news to our supplier"INDO RAMA" We had highly recommended Hachiyo to our supplier due to our good long term relationship with Mr.Oshiro without any doubts and any due diligence on Hachiyo. After all the long wait we are now told that transaction has to be aborted. We vouched for "Hayicho". We yet fail to understand why all of a sudden this transaction has to be aborted when we were informed a day earlier that the lab result was positive and that we were proceeding. Honestly, to an extent we feel that our simplicity and trust has been breached by "Hachiyo"with no real explanation from them for their drastic actions to abort transaction. Yes ,we treated this whole matter in a gentlemens way and agreeing verbally on the whole matter. Hence this was a Gentleman's agreement. Otherwise if this was a different party without being introduced by Mr.Oshiro, we would have signed an agreement in the beginnng. In normal practice an agreement would have been signed with a clause of non performance penalty for the value of 2% based on the annual contract value. In this we are refering to 100mt per month as verbally agreed with a trial purchase of 21 mt. We would have also asked for a Bank Comfort Letter but also did not ask for that. However since this was a Gentleman's agreement and as per our teleconversation with Mr.Oshiro this morning, we would like Mr.So to suggest how he would like to settle the penalty on a gentleman's basis due to this situation. Please also note, the supplier had also committed to allocate these quantities for Hachiyo and supply on this basis accordingly. This was also on a verbal basis because of our relationship with them.We are very concerned now as how to explain this bombshell news. The other concern of ours is ,we are gong to face ,that our supplier might not entertain any other buyers of ours as our first trial run for the Japanese market turned out to be a disaster.The damages is one thing but more so our long years credit wth them is now at level zero. With all due respect Mr So,we feel that "Hachiyo" should also should give us a written explanation to this subject matter ( As to why they had to abort the transaction ) Kindly reply urgently as we have to answer to Mr.Ben and also our supplier as soon as possible. Sincerely, Tarlok Singh Narula // Goldy Singh Narula

  • 【かなり急いでおります】ビジネス英文メールのご添削

    一個前の質問の続きなのですが、 英文メール(1)に対する返信として(2)の英文メールを考えたのですが、おかしな箇所や丁寧にした方が良い部分がありましたら訂正をお願いいたしますm(_ _)m ※(1)は弊社から人材を派遣している企業からきた英文メールです。 (1)We are thinking to give TANAKA JPY10,000yen worth of spot award in near future. He led one of our big project early this year and worked hard to lead my team to complete the tasks. As a result, we want to give him spot award and recognize his great work. Is it possible to give him its amount via your paycheck and charge through invoice to us? We want to make sure He receives exact amount in his pocket, without your commission fee. (It is ok to charge your fee to us, but not to him please) (I will let you know when spot award will be available) 我々は田中君に特別な賞与として近日中に1万円支払いたい。 彼は今年初めにビックプロジェクトを牽引しチームが業務を遂行するために大変良く働いてくれた。 この成果に対し彼に特別賞与を与え、偉大な仕事ぶりを賞賛したい。 そこで、御社から給与を通じて彼に総額を支払っていただき,請求書を通じて我々にその分を請求してもらうことは可能か? 我々は諸経費を差し引くこと無く,彼に総額一万円を渡したい。(彼には諸経費を請求せず,経費については私どもに請求してほしい) (賞与の準備が整ったら改めてお知らせする) (2) Thank you for your patronage. We appreciate that you have appraued our staff Tanaka. Regarding the spot award, I have understand . Also, regarding your question, it is possible that you give him amount via our paycheck and charge through invoice to you. We will charge our fee to only you. We are hearing from you again when spot award will be available. Best regards,

  • 【かなり急いでおります】ビジネス英文メールのご添削

    前の質問の続きなのですが、 英文メール(3)に対する返信を(4)に書いたのですが、おかしいでしょうか。 丁寧にしたほうが良いなどありましたら ご添削の程、どうぞ宜しくお願い申し上げますm(_ _)m ※(1)と(3)は弊社から人材を派遣している企業からきた英文メールです。 (1)We are thinking to give TANAKA JPY10,000yen worth of spot award in near future. He led one of our big project early this year and worked hard to lead my team to complete the tasks. As a result, we want to give him spot award and recognize his great work. Is it possible to give him its amount via your paycheck and charge through invoice to us? We want to make sure He receives exact amount in his pocket, without your commission fee. (It is ok to charge your fee to us, but not to him please) (I will let you know when spot award will be available) 我々は田中君に特別な賞与として近日中に1万円支払いたい。 彼は今年初めにビックプロジェクトを牽引しチームが業務を遂行するために大変良く働いてくれた。 この成果に対し彼に特別賞与を与え、偉大な仕事ぶりを賞賛したい。 そこで、御社から給与を通じて彼に総額を支払っていただき,請求書を通じて我々にその分を請求してもらうことは可能か? 我々は諸経費を差し引くこと無く,彼に総額一万円を渡したい。(彼には諸経費を請求せず,経費については私どもに請求してほしい) (賞与の準備が整ったら改めてお知らせする) (2) Thank you for your email. We appreciate that you have appraved our staff Tanaka. Regarding the spot award, I have understand . Also, regarding your question, it is possible that you give him the amount via our paycheck and charge through invoice to you. We will charge our fee only to you. we will appreciate if you let us know when the spot award is available. (3)How much will your fee in your invoice? (4)We will charge our fee JPN35,000. This money include social insurance premium. Best regards,

  • エレコムのTK-FBP102を使用している際に、何もしていないのに昨日からwinキーを押した時の反応が何度も繰り返される現象が発生しています。
  • 頻度は頻繁で、蛍光灯が切れかけた時のチカチカのような頻度です。
  • レシーバーを変えたり他のエレコムのbluetoothキーボードに変えたらその現象は発生しません。どの様な原因が考えられるでしょうか?