• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語の質問です!)

Japan's Instant Ramen Export in 2004

  • Japan exported eighty-three million packs of instant ramen in 2004.
  • The instant noodles have been changed to fit in with the tastes and eating habits of the local people all over the world.
  • For example, most instant ramen is chickin-soup based in the US, while tomato-flavored and cheese-flavored ramen are popular in Brazil. In Europe, The soup is a bit thicker, and both chicken and tomato flavors are popular. Spices are Very important in Asian countries, so instant ramen sold in China is flavored with Chinese spice, While that sold in Thailand tastes like traditional tom yum soup. Therefore, Vegetarian ramen is made in India, where Hinduism and Islam are the two major religions.


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

<訳例>は、http://okwave.jp/qa/q7718819.html を参考にして下さい。 <設問> 1. (1) It exported (eighty-three) (million) packs. (2) Because (spices) are very important in (Asian) countries like Thailand. (3) Because some Indians do not eat (beef) or (pork) for a (religious) reason. 日本語に (3) ~時まで待って下さい、その頃には、ボブは戻ります。 ☆「~」の部分が、over と言う単語になっています。和訳できません。数字に合わせて、変更して下さい。

