- ベストアンサー
- 米国の鉄道は日本の鉄道ほど快適ではない。
- これは私が見たうちで二番目にいい映画だ。
- 予想していた人数の四倍の人が来てくれた。
- みんなの回答 (2)
- 専門家の回答
1. The trains of the US are not as comfortable as those of Japan. 2. This is the second best movie [that] I have ever seen. 3. Four times as many people as I had expected came. 主語がこれでは長くなるので、 There came four times as many people as I had expected. にするのも一案かも。 4. It would be better to say that oceans do not so much devide the world as unite it. http://tatoeba.org/eng/sentences/show/22222 5. The more one has, the more one [desires / wants]. http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/the+more+one+has%2C 6, The child was no bigger than a thumb. 7. What we enjoy most while [we are] staying abroad is teatime. 8. He is the worst correspondent [that] I have ever known. 9. Nothing is scarier than living near a volcano. / Nothing is as scary as living near a volcano. 10. He is superior to me in learning, but he is far inferior to me in experience. 11. What I want to say is that it is completely wrong to think the more expensive something is, the better it is. 12. Nothing is more uncomfortable to me than being asked, "What is your hobby?" 13. "How many years older is your brother than you?" "He is three years older than me, but he is much shorter than me." ☆ ... than I (am) の方が文法的には正しいが、... than I は、ネイティブスピーカーに嫌われ、... tham me が定着しているようです。
その他の回答 (1)
- sayshe
- ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)
#1.です。 >1. はAmerican trainsでも良いですか? American trains are not as comfortable as Japanese ones. として下さい。それも正解だと思います。
回答ありがとうございました。 1はAmerican trainsでも良いですか?