• ベストアンサー


He then weighed in with his ideas. Osaka mayor weighs in against Oi reactors. 後者は新聞記事のヘッドラインです。 weigh inの意味は自分で調べてわかったつもりです。 議論に参加する という意味ですよね。 こなれた役がどうなるかを見たいのです。よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語
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  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

He then weighed in with his ideas. 彼は、それから、自分の考えを出して議論に加わりました。 *weigh in with http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=weigh+in+with Osaka mayor weighs in against Oi reactors. 大阪市長は、大飯原発には反対の意見を表明している。



いつもありがとうございます。感謝いたします。 後者は、反対意見を携えて議論に加わるというニュアンスですね?


  • 英字新聞の和訳と解説をお願いします。

    opposition Thursday to restarting two of the reactors at the Oi nuclear plant in Fukui Prefecture, caving to intense corporate lobbying and central government pressure and removing one of the last major political obstacles to bringing the units back online. OSAKA — Kansai leaders, including vocal critic Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto, reversed weeks of 英字新聞のリード文なのですが 一番最後のand removing以降の部分の主語はなんでしょうか? 文法的に意味がとれませんでした。たぶん政治的障害って橋本氏のことだと思うのですが...... また、最後の部分のbringing the units back onlineの部分も意味わかりませんでした。 できれば全訳していただけると助かります。 途中まではやってみます。 「声高に批判を口にする大阪市長 橋本氏を含め 関西の指導者たちは 何週にもわたる福井県の大飯原発の2つの原子炉の再稼働に対する反対を しつこいロビー活動や中央政府の圧力に屈する形で 意見を変えて容認した。」(下手ですみません。)

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    Maxim,having thus studied Edison's ideas,announced in the Scientific American of October 23,1880,his new lamp,which in reality was but a bad imitation of the Edison paper lamp Instead of making a carbon in the shape of a horseshoe,Maxim made his at first in the form of a Maltese cross and later in the form of an M. His company,the United States Electric Light Company,made several installations during its struggling existence,and then passed away, as did also Maxim the electrician-through Maxim the gun maker survived in England where he found it more congenial to live than in America.The trouble with most of the early imitators of Edison's ideas was that they had no system,while Edison had worked out a fundamental one which embraced all the necessary accessories and of which the lamp was but one of principal parts. In those days spies were plentiful;it appeared that there existed a regular inaugurated system of espionage for years.Later we obtained conclusive evidence of the existence of printed confidential reports from private operators-of which I hope soon to tell you more.

  • 和訳お願いします。

    Maxim,having thus studied Edison's ideas,announced in the Scientific American of October 23,1880,his new lamp,which in reality was but a bad imitation of the Edison paper lamp Instead of making a carbon in the shape of a horseshoe,Maxim made his at first in the form of a Maltese cross and later in the form of an M. His company,the United States Electric Light Company,made several installations during its struggling existence,and then passed away, as did also Maxim the electrician-through Maxim the gun maker survived in England where he found it more congenial to live than in America.The trouble with most of the early imitators of Edison's ideas was that they had no system,while Edison had worked out a fundamental one which embraced all the necessary accessories and of which the lamp was but one of principal parts. In those days spies were plentiful;it appeared that there existed a regular inaugurated system of espionage for years.Later we obtained conclusive evidence of the existence of printed confidential reports from private operators-of which I hope soon to tell you more.

  • 和訳

    英語の赤本をやっているのですが、長文で意味が取れない箇所があるので訳してもらえませんか。 (1)He was nearly fifty at the time, and had no ambitions less an adequate income and a good home for his family―Brompton was a pleasant place to live in after the City. (2)Then in 1861, when Charles Digby was twenty, his father handed over control on the understanding that it was not an inheritance but a business deal to be paid for.

  • 文法問題?比較級?

    Archimedes made his discovery about how objects weighed ( )in water when he was taking a bath のカッコ内に(1)less(2)little(3)more(4)muchのどれかを入れるのですが、根拠を含め解説をお願いしたいんです。風呂はいっているとき、アルキメデスは物体が軽くなることを発見したくらいの意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    In order to get even this close, his units had to rush southward and were now spread out over a long line running southward from just east of Königsberg. An attack by the German Eighth Army from the west would flank the entire army. Of course, the Germans were also far away, but unlike the Russians, the Germans could easily close the distance using their rail network in the area. On 31 August, with Tannenberg lost, Zhilinsky ordered Rennenkampf to stand his ground in the event of a German attack. Realizing his forces were too spread out to be effective, he ordered a withdrawal to a line running from Königsberg's defensive works in the north to the Masurian Lakes near Angerburg (Węgorzewo, Poland) in the south, anchored on the Angrapa River. Bolstering his forces were the newly formed XXVI Corp, which he placed in front of Königsberg, moving his more experienced troops south into his main line. His forces also included two infantry divisions held in reserve. All in all, he appeared to be in an excellent position to await the arrival of the Russian Tenth Army, forming up to his south. German efforts at mopping up the remains of the Second Army were essentially complete by 2 September and Hindenburg immediately started moving his units to meet the southern end of Rennenkampf's line. He was able to safely ignore the Russian right (in the north), which was in front of the extensive defensive works outside of Königsberg. Adding to his force were two newly arrived Corps from the Western Front, the Guards Reserve Corps and the XI Corps. Then, like Rennenkampf, Hindenburg fed his newest troops into the northern end of the line and planned an offensive against the south. But unlike Rennenkampf, Hindenburg had enough forces not only to cover the entire front in the Insterburg Gap but had additional forces left over. He sent his most capable units, the I Corps and XVII Corps, far to the south of the lines near the middle of the Lakes, and sent the 3rd Reserve Division even further south to Lyck, about 30 miles from the southern end of Rennenkampf's line. Hindenburg's southern divisions began their attack on 7 September, with the battle proper opening the next day. Throughout 8 September the German forces in the north hammered at the Russian forces facing them, forcing an orderly retreat eastward. In the south, however, things were going much worse. The German XVII Corps had met their counterpart, the Russian II Corps, but were at this point outnumbered. The Russian II Corps maneuvered well, and by the end of the day had gotten their left flank into position for a flanking attack on the Germans, potentially encircling them. However, all hope of a Russian victory vanished the following day when then the German I Corps arrived in support of the XVII; now the Russians were outflanked.

  • 次の和訳をお願い致します。 大変困っています。

    次の和訳をお願い致します。 大変困っています。 I hear the FBI has been question the mayor's staff. He must be involved in something crooked. Someone might object, You're right . The FBI has been questioning his staff,but why does that mean he's crooked? To defend his reasoning, the first person might offer the proverb ,Well,where there's smoke, there's fire. (訳例) 私は、FBIが市長が配置する質問だったと聞いています。 彼は、曲がったものに関係しなければなりません。 誰かが反対するかもしれません。あなたは正しい。 FBIは彼のスタッフに質問しています。しかし、なぜそれは、彼が曲がったことを意味しますか。 彼の推論を防御するために、最初の人は諺をまあ提示するかもしれません、火のないところに煙は立たず。

  • 和訳お願いします!!

    自分でやったりアプリでやると日本語がおかしくなるのできれいな日本語に訳せる方よろしくお願いします!! On June 17, 1966, two black men entered a bar and grill in New Jersey, and started shooting . The bartender and one customer died instantly . Another customer died almost a month later, as a result of her wounds. A third customer survived, though he lost the use of one eye . Soon after the crime, the police stopped Rubin's car. Rubin and a friend of his were taken to the bar and grill and made to stand against the wall while their car was searched . The police then took them to the hospital and showed them to one of the victims, who said they had not been the shooters . Rubin and his friend were then taken to the police station, where they were questioned for sixteen hours. They both took lie detector tests, and were released. However, by october, the police had found witnesses who said they saw Rubin and his friend running away from the bar and grill just after the crime. One of the witnesses was Alfred Bello, an ex-convict, who had himself been questioned about the crime. The surviving customer, Willie Marins, had changed his story, and now seemed to think that Rubin and his friend were the criminals. When the case came to court, it soon became clear that everything depended on the testimony of these two witnesses. There was no fingerprint evidence, and no scientific proof that Rubin and his friend had recently fired weapons. Some ammunition was found in Rubin's car, which was similar to that used in the shooting. Marins' descriptions of the two men were vague, but Bello's testimony was damning. He said that he heard shots, and then saw Rubin and his friend leave the bar laughing, one carrying a shotgun and the other a handgun. Bello admitted that he himself went into the bar to take money out of the cash register. In spite of this, the all-white jury believed him - in less than two hours, they convicted Rubin and his friend of murder.

  • 和訳をお願いします

    以下の英文を和訳していただける方に。 お願いできますでしょうか。 自動でやってみましたが、とても難解でした・・・。 どうかよろしくお願いします。 Sagittarius in the third house suggests he is a man of some advanced learning, a highly educated man. He is well traveled. I cannot tell if he went to university, but if so he would have enjoyed his student years.. He would have looked prosperous, and fit, He was tall and well proportioned by his student years, athletic. His nose and face looked longer, then somehow, He was more happy go lucky. Liked outdoor life. Done well educationally. Gained lofty ideas. At some point in his life he will have been initiated into a religion. spiritual or political faith, of a conventional sort, mature for his age. Once your married you will aim at living in a good area. You and he will a wedding ceremony that incorporates customs or rituals to do with this faith and some guests who are followers of it. Afterwards he will keep the faith He has thick socks like a sportsman, or footballer. His shoes make a clomping and clipping sound like that of a distant horse, lifts the knees high. Places far away from him draw him like a magnet, and during times spent far apart it is mostly because of his leisure time travels, but sport and occasional education or a work related coarse may also cause him to make a long journey

  • 和訳をおしえてください。

    和訳の宿題をしていますが 一つ一つの単語の意味はわかるのですが 文の要旨がわからず困っています。少し長くなりますが どなたかよろしくお願いします。 (1)When Rudy Giuliani stepped down as mayor, amidst near-universal adulation, at the end of last year, New Yorkers were doubly fearful. Mr Giuliani had been a source of great strength after the attack on the World Trade Centre. Almost as big a fear was that he would take with him his main pre-September 11th achievement, the sharp reduction in (non-crime) crime. "a source of great strength" は「おおいなる強さの拠り所」で良いのでしょうか? Almost as big...以下の文章の和訳を教えてください。 (2) Would his successor, Mike Bloomberg, only recently and notionally a Republican, be as bloody-mindedly committed to the cause? "notionally" は「名目上」で良いでしょうか? as 以下は「ジュリアーニ市長の様に必死に取り組む」で良いのでしょうか? また、"the cause" とは具体的に何を指しているのでしょうか? ちなみにこの文章の前には ジュリアーニ市長が 在任中NYPDを支援しニューヨークの犯罪率が激減したといった内容が書かれています。 長くなりましたが よろしくお願いします。