• 締切済み


「●●連山に面した農園と工場。これは●●(←地名)の風と大地の恵みを受けてできたワインです。」 という表記をしたい場合なのですが、 「Farm and factory facing the ●● Mountain Range. This is a wine enriched by the wind and the soil of ●●」 で問題ないでしょうか? 間違いがあったりより良い表現があったらお教えください。 ちなみに出だしにAは必要ですか?

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数0


  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

"With the farm and the factory facing the ●● Mountain Range, the wine is nurtured by the wind and the soil of ●●."


  • 英訳お願いします。

    「○○連山に面した農園。○○の風と大地の恵みをたっぷり受けた野菜を作っている。」 を英文にしたいです。○〇には地名が入ります。 出だしをA farm~始めたいのですがおねがいできますでしょうか?

  • 次の記事を訳してください。個人的にはすごく興味があります。暇なときでい

    次の記事を訳してください。個人的にはすごく興味があります。暇なときでいいです。 Individual wind turbines and even whole wind farms remain at the mercy of local weather for how much electricity they can generate. But researchers have confirmed that linking up such farms along the entire U.S. East Coast could provide a surprisingly consistent source of power. In fact, such a setup could someday replace much of the region's existing generating capacity, which is based on coal, natural gas, nuclear reactors, and oil. In terms of potential, wind-energy resources are tremendous. One estimate puts it at nearly five times as much as the world's entire existing electricity demand. And for environmentalists and anticarbon advocates, wind offers an energy source that does not require drilling, mining, or enriched uranium?and its carbon footprint is essentially zero. But wind is erratic. A region might get gale-force winds one day and dead calm the next. To balance things out, engineers have proposed linking up wind farms to take advantage of wind variability across a wider area. But until now, no one had ever quantified whether meteorological conditions would justify such a linkup.

  • 和訳をお願いします!(翻訳サイトはなしで!)

    1 Today, few Americans want to live on a farm or a ranch. 2 Of course Edison little thought that he would become a great inventor like James Want. 3 Be friendly to everyone, even to the people you like least. 4 Between 1872 and 1940 however, Japan's agricultural production was increased by about 40 per cent. Moreover, little of this increase in farm crops was accomplished by the use of modern machinery, which would have been to expensive. 5 With improved farming skills fewer children will be needed to help till the soil. よろしくお願いします!!

  • この文章はどのように訳すのでしょうか?

    この文章はどのように訳すのでしょうか? Resource management as a whole In studying agrodiversity, it is also necessary to take account of diversity in resource management as a whole. The small farm regions of the tropical world contain a high degree of biodiversity, sometimes greater in species numbers than the wild land itself. Only a portion of this biodiversity is directly manipulated for production, although a much higher proportion provides services of various kinds to the farmers. It provides food and economically valuable fruits, nuts, and leaves, restores soil fertility, yield wood and raw materials for artisanal production, offers a range of medicines, shelters wildlife that can be hunted, and so on. Whether or not agroforests are part of the system, the farm does not end where the field meets the wood. We need to look at the continuum between the two and examine the manner in which the managed and unmanaged wild elements relate to the cultivated land and plants. Inclusion of managed and unmanaged wild elements in the content of agridiversity or agrobiodiversity is contrary to the view of some modern students of agricultural biodiversity. Wood and Lenne(1992a:2) excluded “wild plants and animals of food value outside the agroecosystem“ from the domain of agrobiodiversity because they are of small importance on the global level. On the local level, they can be of major importance. Chapter 4 introduces the integral significance of the wild populations historically. The topic is taken further in chapter 6, and chapter 8 develops the close relationship between farm and forest in depth. Food and useful plant sources beyond the field are indeed part of the farm. 分からず、困っております 本の中の途中の文章ですが、よろしくおねがいします!

  • かなり長文なのですが、以下の英文で困っています!

    かなり長文なのですが、以下の英文で困っています! 以下の英文はどのように訳すでしょうか? どうぞよろしくお願いします!! Resource management as a whole In studying agrodiversity, it is also necessary to take account of diversity in resource management as a whole. The small farm regions of the tropical world contain a high degree of biodiversity, sometimes greater in species numbers than the wild land itself. Only a portion of this biodiversity is directly manipulated for production, although a much higher proportion provides services of various kinds to the farmers. It provides food and economically valuable fruits, nuts, and leaves, restores soil fertility, yield wood and raw materials for artisanal production, offers a range of medicines, shelters wildlife that can be hunted, and so on. Whether or not agroforests are part of the system, the farm does not end where the field meets the wood. We need to look at the continuum between the two and examine the manner in which the managed and unmanaged wild elements relate to the cultivated land and plants. Inclusion of managed and unmanaged wild elements in the content of agridiversity or agrobiodiversity is contrary to the view of some modern students of agricultural biodiversity. Wood and Lenne(1992a:2) excluded “wild plants and animals of food value outside the agroecosystem“ from the domain of agrobiodiversity because they are of small importance on the global level. On the local level, they can be of major importance. Chapter 4 introduces the integral significance of the wild populations historically. The topic is taken further in chapter 6, and chapter 8 develops the close relationship between farm and forest in depth. Food and useful plant sources beyond the field are indeed part of the farm.

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    Opposite the British right, Bavarian Reserve Regiment 17 lost a switch trench facing Trivelet and then a second line was overrun, with the garrison being lost. The left of III Battalion to the south of the Trivelet road, began bombing to its right and part of I Battalion attacked frontally and from the right, taking 61 prisoners. On the Australian flank, III Battalion, Bavarian Reserve Regiment 21 was pushed back in the centre and on its right, forming a defensive flank at Kasten Weg and in front of Delangre Farm. The right flank of III Battalion, Bavarian Reserve Regiment 16 repulsed the 15th Australian Brigade and was then reinforced by the II Battalion from Rue Delaval, which joined with the left of III Battalion, Bavarian Reserve Regiment 21.

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    The British attack began on 8 July at 8:00 a.m., when a battalion advanced eastwards from Bernafay Wood and reached a small rise, where fire from German machine-guns and two field guns, caused many losses and stopped the advance, except for a bombing attack along Trônes Alley. A charge across the open was made by the survivors, who reached the wood and disappeared. The French 39th Division attacked at 10:05 a.m. and took the south end of Maltz Horn Trench, as a battalion of the 30th Division attacked from La Briqueterie and took the north end. A second attack from Bernafay Wood at 1:00 p.m., reached the south-eastern edge of Trônes Wood, despite many losses and dug in facing north. The 30th Division attacked again at 3;00 a.m. on 9 July, after a forty-minute bombardment; the 90th Brigade on the right advanced from La Briqueterie up a sunken road, rushed Maltz Horn Farm and then bombed up Maltz Horn Trench, to the Guillemont track.

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    The garrisons were able to shoot at the advancing British troops of the 48th Brigade from behind and only isolated parties of British troops managed to reach their objectives. The 49th Brigade on the left was also held up by Borry Farm, which defeated several costly attacks but the left of the brigade got within 400 yd (370 m) of the top of Hill 37. The 36th Division also struggled to advance, Gallipoli and Somme farms were behind a new wire entanglement, with German machine-guns trained on gaps made by the British bombardment, fire from which stopped the advance of the 108th Brigade. To the north, the 109th Brigade had to get across the swamp astride the Steenbeek. The infantry lost the barrage and were stopped by fire from Pond Farm and Border House. On the left troops got to Fortuin, about 400 yd (370 m) from the start line. The attack further north was much more successful. In XVIII Corps, the 48th Division attacked at 4:45 a.m. with one brigade, capturing Border House and gun pits either side of the St. Julien–Winnipeg road, where they were held up by machine-gun fire and a small counter-attack. The capture of St. Julien was completed and the infantry consolidated along a line from Border House, to Jew Hill, the gun pits and St. Julien. The troops were fired on from Maison du Hibou and Hillock Farm, which was captured soon after, then British troops seen advancing on Springfield Farm disappeared. At 9:00 a.m., German troops gathered around Triangle Farm and at 10:00 a.m., made a counter-attack which was repulsed. Another German attack after dark was defeated at the gun pits and at 9:30 p.m., another German counter-attack from Triangle Farm was repulsed. The 11th Division attacked with one brigade at 4:45 a.m. The right flank was delayed by machine-gun fire from the 48th Division area and by pillboxes to their front, where the infantry lost the barrage. On the left, the brigade dug in 100 yd (91 m) west of the Langemarck road and the right flank dug in facing east, against fire from Maison du Hibou and the Triangle.

  • 梨狩り日記を書きました。間違っている&こっちの方がいいと思う文を教えて下さい。

    I went to Hawaii hotspring and pear huntig. First time "Hawaii hot sprig" The place is for the southern in Tottori prefecture near Japan sea. You can take a hotspring to see Togou lake. And then pear hunting. It's Japan of one in autumn. I hunted red pear in farm near Tottori dune. It's really big. I was surprised. I ate it after I took a picter. It was a real disappointment. 今日は羽合温泉と梨狩りに行ってきました。 羽合温泉に行くのは、はじめてです。 場所は鳥取県の日本海に近い所です。 東郷湖を見ながら温泉に入れます。 それから、日本の秋のひとつ、梨狩りです。 鳥取砂丘に近い農園で赤梨を狩りました。 とても、大きくてビックリしました。 写真を撮る前に食べてしまったのが、残念です。

  • バイオマスの和訳(長文)

    以下は、土壌のバイオマスの話しです。 和訳以外にも、バイオマスについて知識が無いあたりも、余計に訳がおかしいかもしれません。 In fact, the rainforest can grow on very nutrient poor soils because it has a closed nutrient cycle and can use the available nutrients very effectively. 事実、多雨林は、栄養物非常に不十分な土壌で成長することができる。なぜなら栄養物循環をふさぎ,非常に効果的に利用可能な栄養物を使用することができるからである。 In the short term, fire is an efficient means to convert nutrients contained in the standing biomass into nutrients available to the crops that would otherwise grow only poorly. 短期で、炎は常備のバイオマスに含まれた栄養物を別の方法で単に不十分に成長する作物を利用可能な栄養物に変える効率的な手段です。 Zero-burning has a positive effect on soil properties such as pH, water retention, organic matter content, and nutrient contents according to much of the literature. 多くの文献によると、ゼロ燃焼はpHや、水貯留や、有機物含有量や、栄養物含有量などの土質に明白な効果を持っています。 This may ultimately lead to lower fertiliser application. これは結局、下側の肥料適用にもたらしているのかもしれません。 However, since the nutrients from decaying wood debris left after zero-burning are released only very slowly, the benefits may not be obvious immediately. しかしながら、燃やさない後に残っている木の残骸を腐朽からの栄養物が非常にゆっくり放つので、利益はすぐに、明白でないかもしれません。 Whereas a large part of these nutrients are lost to the atmosphere or through leaching during and after burning, whatever remains is in a mineralised form, which is immediately available. これらの栄養物の大部分は、大気に失われるか、またはこされて燃えた後であるのに,無機物形態に何でも残っていてる。そしてそれはすぐに、利用可能である. This means that a plantation after zero-burning may have higher fertiliser requirements during the early years (year 0-2), and lower fertiliser requirements and better yields later, on the other hand, have shown that slash-and-burn did not improve the soil fertility of plantations significantly, but created negative balance of elements stores in the soil.これは、ゼロ燃焼後に農園には早い時期により高い肥料要件(0-2年)、下側の肥料要件、および、より良い収穫後であるのを意味します。他方では、意味深いことに,焼き畑式、農園の地力をかなり改良しなかったことを示された。しかし、土の中の成分貯蔵の負の均衡を生み出した。 Except for a slight increase in pH through the well-known ‘ash-effect’ for several years, almost all nutrients important for crop plants decreased over time. 数年間,周知の‘灰効果'によるpHのわずかな増加を除いて、農作物の植物に、重要なほとんどすべての栄養素が時間がたつにつれて、減少しました。 In the long term, it seems that the ecological and economic sustainability of plantations can only be guaranteed if the removal of biomass is minimal and the use of fire is avoided. 長期においては、もしバイオマスは最小の移動で、炎の使用が避けられる場合、農園の生態と経済の持続性を保証だけすることができるように思えます。 以上のように訳してみたのですが 特に後半が全然わかりません。 長文ですが、よろしくお願いします。