• 締切済み


次の日本語を英語になおせるかた教えてください (1) 昔に比べて日本人の生活は豊かだ (2) 自社の製品を、体によいとうたう会社がたくさんある (3) 健康への関心が高まるにつれて、自分が口にするものにますます目を光らせるようになった (4) 最初のコンピュータが作られて60年以上になる (5)昔は夢のように思われていたものが今では現実のものになっている (6) 自動で動く車が誕生する日も近いだろう(7) あなた、以前より明るくなったみたいよ(8) 驚いたことに、だんだんやる気がでるようになったんだ (9) そうするって決めさえすればいいんだから (10) 半月前、仲のよい友達とささいなことでけんかになったのだ (11) それ以来彼と口をきいていなかった (12) どうやったらこの気持ちを相手にわかってもらえるのか お願いします!


  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

(1) The lives of Japanese people are richer than they used to be. (2) There are a lot of companies that say their products are good for the health. (3) As my interest in my health grew, I became more careful about what I ate. (4) It has been more than sixty years since the first computer was made. (5) What was thought to be a dream in the old days has now become a reality. (6) The day will come soon when the car that runs automatically will be produced. (7) You seem to have become more cheerful than you used to be. (8) To my surprise, I have become more and more motivated. (9) All you have to do is [to] decide that you will do it. (10) Half a year ago I quarrelled with a good friend of mine over a trifling matter. (11) I haven't talked with him since then. (12) I wonder how I can make him understand my feelings.




  • Noize001
  • ベストアンサー率0% (0/0)

(1) Japanese life is richer than in the past (2) their products, many companies have a good body and sing (3) the growing interest in health, become more and more like an eye to what your mouth is (4) is more than 60 years have created the first computer (5), what was old is now a dream which seems to have become a reality (6) The day will close automatically moving car is born (7), you'll want brighter than before (8) Surprisingly, I gradually began to get motivated (9) What I decided to do so we need do (10) half a month ago, he was a minor quarrel with a good friend (11) was not with him ever since hearing the mouth (12) or get them How do I know this feeling against です。 読みづらかったらすみません。



