• 締切済み

Blue tail flyの日本語訳

「Blue tail fly」という歌の歌詞の日本語訳が知りたいです。 下記が歌詞です。 宜しくお願いします。 When I was young I used to wait
 On master and give him his plate
 And pass the water when he got dry 
And brush away the blue-tail fly Jimmy crack corn, and I don't care
 My master's gone away And When he would ride in the afternoon 
I'd follow after with my hickory broom
 The pony being rather shy
 When bitten by the blue-tail fly


  • mathammy
  • ベストアンサー率30% (336/1097)

Blue tail flyは 19世紀のアメリカで、白人が黒人の扮装(ふんそう)をして歌や軽口を聞かせる喜劇芸人団で演じられる寸劇で使われていた歌のようですね。


  • 日本語訳を教えて下さい

    日本語訳を教えて下さい When I decided to send my son to a regular Japanese elementary school, my friends and family in America asked if I was worried about stereotype that bullying is worse in Japan. I bullying, I told them it's a told them my son would be fine. And at first, he was happy and learning well. なんとなくはわかるんですがはっきりとは理解できず、どなたか教えて頂けないでしょうか。

  • 日本語訳お願いします。(低レベルです・・)

    Remember when I took the laces out of my blue-and-white sneakers and gave them to you? 翻訳サイトを使ってもわけがわかりません。 英語が全然できないのでどなたか和訳お願いします。

  • 日本語訳をお願いします。

    I'm working at Starbucks and now I am doing my training to be assisting manager in the store. Always, I'm busy.This is the job to be bussy. Also, I'm doing my Master in distribution management and marketing.

  • 訳がわかりません 日本語にできません・・・

    英語を勉強のため詩を訳しているのですがこれはなんといっているのが訳せませんでした。自分でやってみると、 もし私があなたに私が愛してると話したらそれは....わかりませんでした。君が必要だというとしたら....すみませこれ以上訳せませんでした。教えてくださいおねがいします。 If I told you I love you That doesn't mean that I don't care, And when I tell you I need you, Don't you think that I'll can never be there I'm so tired of the way you turn my words into Deception and lies... Don't misunderstand me when I try to speak my mind I'm only saying what's in my heart.

  • 日本語訳を!

    お願いします (12) The first soldiers to reach Ramesses II's camp burst into the command tent, shouting that the Hittite army was right behind. Ramesses grabbed his battle armor and stepped out of the tent to see his camp already in chaos. The Hittites had broken through the defensive line. Ramesses realized he was isolated from his elite guards in the midst of the enemy with only his shield bearer, Menna, at his side. "When Menna saw so great a number of chariots had ringed about me, he felt faint, and fear entered his limbs. Thus he spoke to his majesty,‘We stand alone in the middle of the enemy. The infantry and the chariots have abandoned us.... Let us also leave unharmed.'" Ramesses stood firm and answered, "Steady your heart, Menna. I shall move among them just as a hawk." (13) The battle scenes carved on the walls of the Great Temple at Abu Simbel show Ramesses single-handedly taking down the Hittite army:  There was no officer with me, no charioteer, no soldier. My infantry and my chariotry had run away before the enemy and no one stood firm to fight.... I found that my heart grew stout and my breast swelled with joy. Everything which I attempted I succeeded.... I found the enemy chariots scattering before my horses. Not one of them could fight me. Their hearts quaked with fear when they saw me and their arms went limp so they could not shoot.... I made them plunge into the water like crocodiles. They fell on their faces, one on top of another. I slaughtered them at will.... Behold, I am victorious, me alone!

  • 日本語の訳を教えてください

    好きなアーティストさんの英語の歌詞なのですが 英語ができないので意味を理解できません この曲を覚えたいので訳を知りたいです 教えていただきたいです You you for you My love will goes on I just wanna be with you and let it show I` ve known you for years my love goes on and on I believe my heart it feels for you you です。スペルが間違っていたらごめんなさい よろしくお願いします

  • 日本語訳を! 8-(6)

    お願いします。 (17) But just when he was sure he was a goner, Sinuhe was rescued by a tribe of nomads. The head of the tribe tells Sinuhe, "stay with me; I shall do you good." True to his word, the headsman made Sinuhe a wealthy and important man. But when Sinuhe grew old he began to miss his beloved homeland. Sinuhe wanted to be buried in Egypt. He wanted to build his tomb―his resting place for eternity―in his own country. Sinuhe writes to Senwosert, now king of Egypt; "Whatever God fated this flight―be gracious, and buring e home! Surely You will let me see the place where my heart still stays! What matters more than my being buried in the land where I was born?" King Senwosert answers, "Return to Egypt! And you will see the Residence where you grew up." (18) Back in Egypt, the king gave Sinuhe a home and food and fine linen. All his needs were taken care of: "A pyramid of stone was built for me...the masons who construct the pyramid measured out its foundations; the draughtsman drew in it; the overseer of sculptors carved in it." Sinuhe's tale, like Egypt itself, was in for a happy ending. Using "landing" as a metaphor for death―an appropriate word choice for a tale of journey―Sinuhe ends his story by saying, "I was in the favors of the king's giving, until the day of landing came." And now Egypt was in the favors of the king, too. It had traveled from monarchy to anarchy and back again.

  • X-Japanの紅の日本語訳

    I could not look back,you'd gone away from me I felt my heart ache I was afraid of following you When I had looked at the shadows on the wall I started running into the night to find the truth in me こちらの英語歌詞の日本語訳を教えてください。 よろしくお願いします☆

  • 日本語訳お願いします(>_<)

    日本語訳をお願いします(>_<) When I had played with it a little while,Miss Sullivan slowly spelled into my hand the word"d-o-l-l". I was at once interested in this finger play and tried to imitate it. When I finally succeeded in making the letters correctly I was flushed with childish pleasure and pride.

  • 18-4日本語訳

    お願いします。 He told his people that he wanted them to live in a way that would lead to an“increase of their inner worthiness.”Ashoka also promoted the teachings of the Buddha and sent missionaries,including his son and his daughter,to lands as dar away as Sri Lanka so that his people would not make the same mistakes he had.As he said,“All men are my children.As for my own children,I desire that they may be provided with all the welfare and happiness of this world and of the next,so do I desire for all men as well.”  As part of his reforms,Ashoka banned the sacrifice of animals.This confused and angered many of his people,especially the Brahmins who made their living by performing animal sacrifices.The Brahmins were powerful enemies,break away from the Mauryan Empire after Ashoka's death.The last Mauryan ruler was assassinated in 185 BCE by one of his generals-who was,not so coincidentalky,a Brahmin.Although other kings would follow,no ruler would be strong enough to unite the many different people of the subcontinent into a single political state for 1,600 years.
