• ベストアンサー


in such a way that the last (or marginal) dollar spent on one item gives him no more and no less satisfaction, or welfare, or usefulness than the last dollar spent on anything else he buys. 宜しくお願いします。

  • bekool
  • お礼率55% (132/239)
  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数0


  • ベストアンサー
  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

 そのようにして、その1つのことに最後の (というか余った) 1ドルを使ったが、それは満足感も不満も、幸福な気持ちももたらさず、役にも立たなかったし、何か他のものを買うのにその最後の1ドルを使った方がましだったかもしれない。


  • 英文構造について

    下記の英文中のwereについてお教えください。 How strange it was that the creative instinct should seize upon this dull stockbroker, to his own ruin, perhaps; and to the misfortune of such (※) were dependent on him, and yet no stranger than the way in which the spirit of God has seized men, powerful and rich, pursuing them with stubborn vigilance till at last, conquered, they have abandoned the joy of the world and the love of women for the painful austerities of the cloister. ※彼の扶養家族を指しています。 突然すべてをなげうって画家になった、中年の株式仲買人(this dull stockbroker)を主題にする小説の一節です。ここでは、この世俗的な男が神に目覚めて突然修道院に入るのと比べてどちらが不思議かと問うています。 英文の前半部にto the misfortune of such were dependent on himとありますが、このwereの役割を教えてください。wereがなければdependent以下がsuchを修飾する形になるのかなと理解できるのですが、wereがあるため当該部分の英文構造がよくわからなくなってしまいました。 お手数かけますが、ご教授いただければありがたいです。なにとぞ宜しくお願いいたします。

  • He is no more young than I am. という文は本当に英文として正しい表現ですか?

    ジーニアス大英和には以下のように書いてあります。 He is no more young than I am. (彼は私が若くないのと同様若くない。) この場合、「私」も若くないという意味が込められている。 (cf. He is not younger than I am. (彼は私より若くない)では2人が若いか年寄りか不明) また、F.T.Wood著 Current English Usage revised edition , Macmillan のP.171には "He is no younger than I am" merely compares the ages of the two persons, without telling us whether either is really young or old. "He is no more young than I am" means that it would be no more appropriate to call him young than it is to call me young. とあります。 しかし、Oxford English Dictionary で全文検索をしても、そのような表現はでてきませんし、googleで"no more young than"を検索しても28件しかでてこず、しかもその28件のほとんどは日本人の英文法に関するホームページであり、それ以外の場合も上記の意味で使用されている例はありません。 (There is no more young (people) than ~ . のように「もっと多くの若い人」のように使われている例はある) 文法書以外で"no more young than"という表現をみたことがないのですが、実際に使われている実例をご存知の方、教えていただけないでしょうか?

  • 英文の意味が分かりません。

    言語に関する文章の一部なんですが、次の二つの【 】部分の意味が分かりません。 (1)【In virtue of knowing the word】, we are able to apply it correctly to anything that can be categorized as a tree (【in contrast ,say,to a bush, a shrub, or an electricity pylon.】) (2)Language itself is an object of categorization.Like everything else in our environment, every linguistic utterance is a unique event.【That language is able to be used as a means of communication at all rests on our ability to recognize, in the flux of language events, instances of linguistic categories -- such things as phonemes, words, word classes, clause types, and so on.】 分かる方がいたら、訳だけでなくコロケーション的なものの意味も添えて教えていただけると助かります。 よろしくお願いします。

  • missとmiss out onの違い

    Kyle would strap him around his body and carry him around so Korey could participate in every activity as well. Kyle doesn’t want him to miss out on anything or feel left out. miss out onは単にmiss で置き換えられるケースが多いように思えるのですが、どのようなニュアンスの違いが出るでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 以下の英文について教えてください。

    From time to time he saw Omyobu, but though he still implored her to arrange a meeting, none of his many arguments availed him. He also pestered her with so many questions about the child that she exclaimed at last: "Why do you go on plaguing me like this? You will be seeing him for yourself soon, when he is shown at Court." But though she spoke impatiently she knew quite well what he was suffering and felt for him deeply. The matter was not one which he could discuss except with Fujitsubo herself, and it was impossible to see her. Would he indeed ever again see her alone or communicate with her save through notes and messengers? And half-weeping with despair he recited the verse: "What guilty intercourse must ours have been in some life long ago, that now so cruel a barrier should be set between us?" 源氏物語の『The Festival of Red Leaves』(紅葉賀)からの抜粋です。 藤壺が源氏との不義の子供を出産した後の、源氏と、藤壺のお付きの女房(=王命婦)とのやりとりの場面です。 上記の英文の中でわからない個所があります。 (一番最後の英文です) "What guilty intercourse must ours have been in some life long ago, that now so cruel a barrier should be set between us?" 意味は現代訳を参照して大体掴んでいるのですが、that now so cruel a barrier ~のthatは何かを指しているものなのでしょうか? それとも文法的に置かれているものなのでしょうか? 解説していただける方、よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    海外のサイトで手作りの石鹸を見つけました。欲しいので日本に発送してくれるか?成分はどんな成分か?サンプルはもらえるか?等と質問をして返事が来ました。 すみませんが意味を教えてくれませんか?お願いします。 I do sell samples- they ate listed in my store under the samples category. I do ship internationally but you would need to pay shipping. All my ingredients are listing in every listing. I used to carry detergent soaps but are phasing them out and only purchase detergent-free base now. Because of FDA regulations, I cannot legally say anything more that my soap washes. I cannot say that it moisturizes or helps dry skin. I also cannot say that it helps with any medical conditions such as eczema, etc. I can only simply state that it washes. FDA had tough rules on that. Although I would love to supply soap to you on a regular basis, at this time, I'm not able to make more than what I have as we're moving in 5 weeks and I got a new job working 58 hours a week so that keeps me too busy to find time to make soap right now. If you'd like to contact me in a few months and see if things have changed, that would be fine.

  • 英文の訳お願いします!

    John Chapman was one of the oddest characters ever seen on the American frontier. He was born in 1774 in Leominster, in central Massachusetts, and died in 1845 at Fort Wayne, Indiana. When he was still a boy he became very interested in apple trees. Apples were greatly prized everywhere, and especially on the frontier. Every settler had as large an different ways. Young Chapman thought of planting apple seeds over the frontier wilderness so young trees would be ready for the settlers when they arrived. With great leader bags filled with apple seeds which he secured at cider mills, he was soon a familiar figure in frontier regions that are now Ohio and Indiana. Early in his career he received the nickname Johnny Appleseed. He aroused attention wherever he appeared. He was usually barefoot and tattered. He sometimes slept in some settler's cabin, but always on the floor. Often he spent the night in the woods under a tree, or if the weather was stormy or cold, in a hollow log if he could find one. He tried never to injure any living thing, not even a mosquito or fly or rattlesnake. Once when he was traveling with an Indian friend, a rattlesnake bit him on the hand, and the Indian promptly killed the Snake. But Johnny chided him for treating so cruelly one of God's lovely creatures. The Indians regarded him as such a peculiar fellow that they molested him, even during wars with the settlers. Stories told by and about Johnny Appleseed are widespread. Books and plays have been written about him, and many poems and jingles have had him as their subject.

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい

    英語圏の取引先から下記のようなメールが来ました。相手とはフェイスブックのアカウントとホームページの件で話し合いをしていました。フェイスブックとホームページの作成の事だと思います。なんとなくはわかりましたがすみませんが詳しい方教えて下さい。お願いします。 First please like this facebook page and we will add you as an admin. http://facebook.com/00000japan From my understanding point you are free to add or update any contents (anything about 会社名) on your facebook and you are also free to translate our facebook pages and use it. Second here is your FTP access information. Url: 222222 Id: 111111 Pass: 0000 Third I understand that making a web site takes time and a lot of money, but nowadays there is a lot of free solution that you can use to build. Here I’ll list some of them but if you can find anything that’s better for you please use them. https://wordpress.com/ http://www.weebly.com/ http://www.squarespace.com/ At last you mentioned “Is it possible to share the website as well as stock?” Can you please explain more about this? Hope to hear it from you soon. Thank you

  • 以下の英文の添削をお願い致します。

    いつも回答頂いてるSPS700さんはパソコンの調子が悪いと言っていたのでご回答を頂けません。 Pay the Ghost あらすじ:ある男(ニコラス・ケイジ)の息子が不可解な失踪を遂げた。破綻する日常の中で、男は事件の謎の究明に取り憑かれていく。 130 同僚の教授:arrogant Yank who drank himself out of Heidelberg. ハイデンブルグ出の傲慢な酒飲みのアメリカ人 179 奥さん:to last him until Christmas クリスマスまで持ちこたえてよ 594 幽霊を見たマイケル マイケル:I mean, there were so many of them, I don't know. つまり そんなに沢山いたかは分からない 595 奥さん:Maybe it's time to bring someone into the house. 多分 家に誰かを連れて来る時間なのよ 598 霊媒師:On the phone I asked if you could locate an object? 場所を示す特徴を教えてくれれば? 600 奥さん:He used to take this everywhere with him. 彼はクマをどこでも連れて行ったわ 603 マイケル:So, how does this work? それで どんなききめが? 604 霊媒師:It's about tapping into the right frequency, that's all. 正常な周波数と接触する それだけです 606 霊媒師:I just need to let it find me. 私に見つけさせる必要があります 609 霊媒師:that he spent a significant amount of time in? 彼はかなりの時間を過ごしたの? 612 It's here. 霊媒師:ここにいる 614 霊媒師:It has all the children. 子供全員を隠してる 619 The thing that has my son. 私の息子を隠してるやつ これだけでもどなたか英語に詳しい方、ご回答を頂けませんでしょうか。 宜しくお願い致します。

  • 英語 和訳

    (1)An animal inhabits its space,whether in a zoo or in the wild,in the same way chess pieces move about a chessboard. (2)There is no more happenstance,no more freedom,involved in the whereabouts of a lizard or a bear or a deer than in the location of a knight on a chessboard. (1)、(2)の英文の和訳どなたかお願いします。