• ベストアンサー


訳お願いします! 夢についての話です! Missing a Train, Bus, Boat, or Plane The expression “Don't miss the boat” means “Don't miss an opportunity for success.” A dream about missing a train, bus, boat, or plane may be expressing your fear of failing or falling behind.

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

電車、バス、ボートまたは飛行機に乗り遅れること 「ボートに乗り遅れるな」という表現は、「成功の機会を逃すな」と言うことを意味します。 電車、バス、ボートまたは飛行機に乗り遅れる夢は、失敗するか、遅れることへのあなたの不安を表わしているのかもしれません。




その他の回答 (1)


電車、バス、船、飛行機に乗り遅れること 「船に乗り遅れるな」という表現は 「成功のためのチャンスを逃すな」という意味である。 電車、バス、船、飛行機に乗り遅れる夢は 失敗や、遅れを取ることに対する あなたの恐れを表しているのかもしれない。 だと思います。 ご参考まで。





  • 英語の質問です。

    (1)If you are a (2 ), you are traveling in a train, plane, boat etc, but are not driving it or working on it . (1)guest (2)conductor (3)pilot (4)passenger (2)Butter and sugar are sold by (3 ) pound. (1)a (2)per (3)the (4)that (3)The manager works five days (1 ) week on average. (1)a (2)for (3)in (4)the (4)I want you to be (1 ) Edison. (1)an (2)that (3)this (4)the 採点お願いします。 訳もお願いします。 よろしくお願いします。

  • この英文の構造について教えてください

    「普段乗りなれない路線のバスとかタクシーに乗って知らない道を通ったら、」 When I'm on a bus I don't usually take,or a taxi goes a new way, という英文(一部)についてです。 I don't usually take は関係代名詞の省略でa busにかかっているとは思うのですが、その後のor以降のgoes a new wayというのは一体どういう構造になっているのでしょうか? orが等位接続詞でa busとa taxiを結んでいるのではないかと思いましたが どうしても goes a new way が何なのかがわかりません。 回答いただけると助かります 宜しくお願いします

  • 英文訳お願いします

    Some of the fastest-growing scams involve website. One method is for the scammer to create a false identity and make contact through an online dating agency or a chat room. The scammer claims to be seeking romance or a soul mate;they try to convince you that you are in loving relationship and the next step is for them to come and meet you. The only problem is they don't have enough money to travel to see you. They then ask you to send the money through a money transfer agent, such as Western Union, so that they are untrceable. Other reasons they give for needing your financial help include:they are stranded abroad, and need money for plane travel or visa costs;or they require urgent surgery or treatment for a serious illness, and you are the only person who can help. 内容を理解したいので… お願いします。

  • この英文から日本語への翻訳は正しいですか?

    Like a train or a bus? No there isnt one that goes all around Wisconsin. But theres gas station every exit. 電車とバス? ウィスコンシンの周りにはないです。しかしガソリンスタンドは沢山あります。 これは正解ですか?よろしくお願いします。

  • 訳お願いします!

    夢についての話だと思います。 訳お願いしますm(._.)m お願いします! Flying If you dream about flying and looking down on the people below, you may have an inferiority complex. Your dream may express your desire to be looked up to by others. Or, if you find yourself flying so high that you can't see anything below and feel no fear of falling, it may mean that you want to escape from your burdens. Climbing You may think that a dream about climbing mountains means you are trying to overcome difficulties. Whether or not this is true may depend on what kind of mountain you are climbing. If you are climbing a mountain with heavy snow and cold winds in winter, it may mean that you are in a bad situation. However, if you are climbing a mountain in warm weather in spring, it may mean that your life is going well. Being Chased If you dream about a person following you, it may mean that you have thoughts you wish to escape from. For example, you may be thinking you did something wrong. Or, if you are being chased by wild animals, it may mean you have strong characteristics in yourself that you want to escape from.

  • 訳をお願いいたします!

    確認をしたいのでよろしくお願いいたします! In the middle of the war on terrorism, the federal government needs a more secure system to protect the hoeland , one that doesn't depend on the chance rate of 60%. Unfortunately, most of the devices now available, like the polygraph, detect not the lie but anxiety about the lie. The polygraph measures physiological responses to stress, like increases in blood pressure and rate of breathing , and so on. So it can miss the most dangerous liars: the ones who don't care that they're lying, or have been been trained to lie. It can also miss the true believers willing to die for the cause.

  • boat was hauled out of th

    NHKからの抜粋です Xinhua says the boat was hauled out of the water on Saturday morning, and that all of the missing have been confirmed dead. 的確に対応する日本語記事は無かったです。 "the boat was hauled out of the water" だと、 "ボートが水の中から引っ張りだされた" の意味になると思います。実際には沈んだのだから、動詞haulはおいといて、"into water"になるのではないでしょうか。 また、waterにtheが付いていますが、これは「*その川*の水」という意味でしょうか。例えば飛行機が墜落して海に沈む場合は、sea waterでなく海の名前を使うのに、川に沈む場合はwaterなのは、慣用でしょうか。 全文です All missing confirmed dead in China boat accident China's Xinhua news agency says 22 people have been confirmed dead after a tugboat capsized on the Yangtze River in eastern China on Thursday. The boat was carrying 25 people. It overturned while undergoing tests in Jiangsu Province. Three people were rescued, but 22 others, including a Japanese national, went missing. Xinhua says the boat was hauled out of the water on Saturday morning, and that all of the missing have been confirmed dead. A Tokyo-based motor manufacturer says the missing Japanese is 65-year-old Masashi Kanazaki from Fukuoka Prefecture. The company says it sent him to China as its contract instructor to test the boat's engine and propulsion system that it supplied. The Japanese consulate general in Shanghai is working to confirm if the dead person is Kanazaki. Chinese media say the tests were being conducted without following the required procedures or without reporting to relevant authorities, and that the boat overturned because of mistakes made while making a turn. Local authorities are investigating the cause of the accident.

  • 和訳お願いします!!

    フロイトについての話なのですが・・・ We don't suspect that they are there until some unhappy or unusual experience causes us to remember, or to dream dreams. Then suddenly we see a face we had forgotten long ago. We feel the same jealous fear and bitter disappointments we felt when we were little children. 長くてすいません>< お願いします↓↓ あと、jealous fear and bitter disappointments は「嫉妬心から出た不安と苦い失望」らしいです。

  • 分詞構文??

    In a crowded train or bus,you notice a vacant seat and go toward it,not totally able to believe your luck. この文について質問なんですが、not totallyと きているのは分詞構文だからでしょうか? 省略されているのはbeingであっていますか??

  • 日本語訳をお願いします。

    It's so exited I'm glad to hear you again, your picture is wonderful and makes me want to go there,i really wanna to touch the snow by my own hand,that must be fantastic i think.(* ̄︶ ̄*) in here i can wear shorts haha!!or sometimes i don't wear clothes,is to warm for me,and actually i'm a little envy you because you can see the snow falling from the sky~^o^~ by the way,my major is media,i learned it for almost 2years but i feel like i get nothing.maybe my heart is not for school but if i don't learn more now i afraid i will regret in the future::>_<::make me crazyπ_π anyway,i can see your techniques for photography must be very well,haha!!maybe next time i will send you a picture of myself to you,but don't be so disappoint haha!!\^O^/