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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文の翻訳をお願いします)


  • 1:3の酢酸:MPG混合物は、総COD濃度が0.8および1.2g/lの場合、それぞれ83%および70%で12日間で分解されました。
  • これらの結果は、空港排水水のボオーグメンテーションが受け取り水面に有機融雪剤化合物が入るのを防ぐために成功裏に適用できることを示しています。


  • ベストアンサー

空港で使われる除氷剤は周辺の水を汚染しているわけですが、汚染物質が微生物添加法で分解できるという話。一般にCODが高いほど汚染された水なので汚染度が低いほうが微生物が活動しやすく、分解が速く進むという内容だと思われます。 COD 化学的酸素要求量 MPG モノポリマーグリコール bioaugmentation 微生物添加法 surface waterは地下水(ground water)に対して池とか川とか地表にある水一般のことです。 (1) アセテート: 1対3のMPG混合物は総合COD濃度0.8g/Lと1.2g/Lにおいて、12日間でそれぞれ83%, 70%分解された。 (2) これらの結果は、表流水に有機除氷剤化合物が流入することを防ぐために、空港から流出する水への微生物添加法がうまく適用できることを示している。



早速の回答ありがとうございます。 大変助かりました。



  • この英文を和訳して欲しいですお願いします。

    The two compounds are principal odor components of soil, and periods of high terrestrial runoff may introduce actinomycetes and/or their odorous metabolites into surface waters, causing episodic odor outbreaks in rivers, particularly in areas of intensive livestock operations.

  • 翻訳お願いします

    うまく訳せません どなたかお力をお貸しください substituting into Henry's law,we see that X for the ith gas in a mixture is (Xi=pi/Hi) in which Xi, Hi, and pi are, respectively, the equilibrium mole faction, absorption coefficient, and pertial pressure of the ith gas.

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    The First Army mobilised with the VII, VIII, XIII, XXI, XIV corps and the 6th Cavalry Division. The VII Corps, with the 14th and 41st divisions, a brigade of the 57th Reserve Division from Belfort and the 8th Cavalry Division, was detached from the First Army on 7 August, for independent operations in southern Alsace. An attack into Alsace would begin the redemption of the lost provinces and demonstrate to Russia that the French army was fighting the common enemy. Bonneau reported a large concentration of German troops in the area and recommended delay but Joffre overruled him and ordered the attack to commence. Joffre issued General Order No. 1 on 8 August, in which the operation by VII Corps was to pin down the German forces opposite, to attract reserves away from the main offensive further north.

  • 和訳し直して頂けませんか。翻訳機にかけたのですが、いまいち解らなくて。

    以下を参考に和訳しなおして頂けませんか。 宜しくお願いします。 It followed the order of air/oil partitions coefficients of the compounds and was related to the compound's hydrophobicity. 空気/油の注文が化合物の係数を仕切って、化合物の疎水性に関連したということになられます。 The release patterns of the compounds from water varied not only in terms of intensity, but also in time to reach the maximum intensity, and increase and decrease before and after. 水からの化合物の放出パターンは強度だけではなく、最大密度に達して、以前増減する時間にも後に異なりました。 Proportions, again, altered with mastication rate, which may result in a change of overall perception of the flavor mixture. 再び咀嚼で変更された割合(風味混合物の総合的な認知の変化をもたらすかもしれない)は、評価します。

  • 次の英文.を日本語訳していただけないでしょうか。

    The organic chemistry of membrane transport processes and carrier molecules has been developed only rather recently , considering that their physico-chemical features and biological importance have long been recognized. The design and synthesis of receptor molecules binding selectively organic and inorganic substrates has made available a range of compounds that , if made membrane soluble , may become carrier molecules and induce selective transport by rendering membranes permeable to the bound species. Thus , transport represents one of the basic functional features of supramolecular species together with recognition and catalysis. The chemistry of transport systems has three main goals : to design transport effectors , to devise transport processes , and to investigate their applications in chemistry and in biology. Selective membrane permeability may be induced either by carrier molecules or by transmembrane channels.

  • 翻訳をお願いしたいです!!

    研究室で論文発表をしなくてはいけないのですが本当に英語が苦手で… abstractだけでいいので訳してもらえないでしょうか? Among phenotypes of interest for an industrial cyanobacteria host are improved tolerance to temperature, salt, and solvent stress. Cellular responses to many stresses are controlled by the network of sensory receptors and downstream regulatory proteins. We applied transcription factor engineering to Synechocystis and tested mutant strains for tolerance to temperature and the biofuel 1-butanol. Histidine kinases (Hik), response regulators (Rre), and an RNA polymerase sigma factor (SigB) were overexpressed or deleted. Overexpression of SigB increased both temperature and butanol tolerance and lowered the intracellular concentration of reactive oxygen species. This report demonstrates that alteration of regulatory proteins in a cyanobacterium can be a useful tool to improve stress tolerance.

  • この英文は聖書でしょうか?

    (1)Now John was clothed camel's hair, and had a leather girdle around his waist, and ate locusts and wild honey. (2)By my baptism the waters will be sanctified, receiving from me fire and the Holy Spirit... (3)In this body the life of Christ is communicated to those who believe and who, through the sacraments, are united in a hidden and real way to Christ in his passion and glorification. キリスト教/イエス/イエズス/神学/マリア/

  • 脱窒素菌の硝化に関する英文訳

    論文和訳です、補足をお願いします。 Resting cell experiments. Bacteria were grown for 2 days (1 day for Alcaligenes faecalis) as described above in PO-YE medium and then were harvested by centrifugation at 0 to 4℃. 細菌は、PO-YE培地で2日(Alcaligenes faecalisは1日)増殖させ、0~4℃の遠心分離により回収した。 The cells were washed twice with cold mineral salts mixture (lacking C and N compounds) and finally resuspended in an appropriate volume of the same mixture. 細胞は、冷えた無機塩類混合物(炭素と窒素は少量)と最終的な浮遊物は同じ適切な多量の混合物で洗った。 The determination of PO of NH2OH oxidation activity at 21 to 23℃ was as previously described (8), except that the initial concentration of PO or NH2OH was 2 mM. PO、NH2OHの初期濃度が2mMであった以外、21℃~23℃までのNH2OH酸化活性のPO定量は(8:参考文献)の通り。 Analytical methods.------------------------------ Cell protein was determined by the method of Herbert et al. PO was measured by the bound hydroxylamine assay developed by Verstraete and Alexander. 細胞タンパク質はハーバードらの方法により決定した。 Free NH2OH was measured by the method of Magee and Burris after interfering nitrite had been destroyed by the addition of 0.5% sulfamic acid. POは、VerstraeteとAlexanderにより発達した臨界ヒドロキシルアミン検定により測定した。 Nitrite and nitrate were assayed by, respectively, the diazotization method of Van't Riet et al. and the chromotropic acid method of Rand et al. 亜硝酸塩と硝酸塩は、Van't Rietらのジアゾ化法とRandらのクロモトロプ酸法などで試験した。

  • 化学の本の和訳

    高校2年、夏休みの宿題です。 普通の英語の和訳もままならないのに 外国の化学の本を和訳するのは 私にはちょっと厳しいので 質問させていただきました。 打ち間違えがあったら すみません。 全文ではなくて2、3行とかでも結構です。 よろしくおねがいします。 The chemistry of Carbon : Organic Chemistry Hydrocarbons : From Simple to Complex A natural question chemistry students ask is "Why are there so many compounds of carbon?" The answer: Carbon contains for valence electrons and so can form four covalent bonds to other carbans or elements.(A common mistake organic chemistry students make when drawing structures is not ensuring that every carbon has four bonds attached to it.) The bonds that carbon forms are strong covalent bonds (Chapter 7 covers covalent bonds), and carbon has the ability to band to itself in long chains and rings. It can form double and triple bands to another carbon or to another element. No other element, with the possible exception of silicon, has this ability. (And the bonds slicon makes are not nearly as strong as carbon's.) These properties allow carbon to form the vast multitude of compounds needed to make an amoeba or a butterfly or a baby . The simplest organic compounds are called the hydrocarbons, compounds composed of carbon and hydrogen. Economically, the hydrocarbons are extremely important to us - primarily as fuels. Gasoline is a mixture of hydrocarbons. We use methane (natural gas) and propane and butane, all hybrocarbons may contain only single bonds (the alkanes) or double bonds (the alkenes) or triple bonds (the alkynes). And they may form rings containing single or double bonds (cycloalkanes, cycloalkenes, and aromatics). Even compounds containing only carbon and hydrogen have a great deal of diversity; imagine what can happen when a few more elements are mixed in .

  • 化学の本の和訳

    高校2年、夏休みの宿題です。 普通の英語の和訳もままならないのに 外国の化学の本を和訳するのは 私にはちょっと厳しいので 質問させていただきました。 打ち間違えがあったら すみません。 全文ではなくて2、3行とかでも結構です。 よろしくおねがいします。 The chemistry of Carbon : Organic Chemistry Hydrocarbons : From Simple to Complex A natural question chemistry students ask is "Why are there so many compounds of carbon?" The answer: Carbon contains for valence electrons and so can form four covalent bonds to other carbans or elements.(A common mistake organic chemistry students make when drawing structures is not ensuring that every carbon has four bonds attached to it.) The bonds that carbon forms are strong covalent bonds (Chapter 7 covers covalent bonds), and carbon has the ability to band to itself in long chains and rings. It can form double and triple bands to another carbon or to another element. No other element, with the possible exception of silicon, has this ability. (And the bonds slicon makes are not nearly as strong as carbon's.) These properties allow carbon to form the vast multitude of compounds needed to make an amoeba or a butterfly or a baby . The simplest organic compounds are called the hydrocarbons, compounds composed of carbon and hydrogen. Economically, the hydrocarbons are extremely important to us - primarily as fuels. Gasoline is a mixture of hydrocarbons. We use methane (natural gas) and propane and butane, all hybrocarbons may contain only single bonds (the alkanes) or double bonds (the alkenes) or triple bonds (the alkynes). And they may form rings containing single or double bonds (cycloalkanes, cycloalkenes, and aromatics). Even compounds containing only carbon and hydrogen have a great deal of diversity; imagine what can happen when a few more elements are mixed in .

  • TS3330でA4(普通紙)に既に印刷してあるものをB5(普通紙)に縮小コピーする方法が分からない。
  • 元データはパソコンにはなく、用紙の量が多いため1度パソコンにスキャンして縮小プリントアウトする方法は面倒。
  • キヤノン製品であるTS3330を使用して、A4サイズの印刷物をB5サイズに縮小コピーする方法を教えてください。