Both the print and the online-only articles have been combined into one E-Reader friendly product, enabling access to the complete Journal issue.
10/09/2013: The December 2012 e-Reader issues are now available for download. We have two different versions available: one for the Kindle and one for all devices. APHA Members access the e-Reader product as a benefit and must follow a dual sign-on process. Watch the video tutorial here or here. All other must purchase access and must have a registered account with our website.
FREE: The full version of the July 2012 Journal issue is available for free for your E-Reader and E-Reader enabled mobile device.
Features include: Both the print and online-only articles, full advertisements, easy navigation from article to article, easy navigation within articles, a streamlined reading experience that puts fully linked tables, figures, and references at the end of the issue, as well as standard E-Reader features such as top-menu navigation, bookmarking and note-taking capabilities, and "double tap" access to all images and figures. Additionally, URLs and email links are fully functional on devices with Internet accessibility.
The American Journal of Public Health® (AJPH®) is dedicated to the publication of original work in research, research methods, and program evaluation in the field of public health. The mission of the journal is to advance public health research, policy, practice, and education. Celebrating over 100 years, AJPH is the official journal of the American Public Health Association. Additionally, AJPH was voted one of the 100 Most Influential Journals in Biology & Medicine over the last 100 Years by the Special Libraries Association.
Visit us on our Facebook or Twitter page for updates on current research, a look back at earlier research, articles in the news, and more! The Facebook and Twitter pages, updated daily, offer another great way to keep up to date with the Journal and the American Public Health Association.
AJPHTalks continues its extended coverage of AJPH material, highlighting important research and public health topics, providing notices of Journal updates, and noting key policy changes within the Journal. AJPHTalks is a free access blog and will be available to all. It features RSS subscription feeds and social media links via Google Plus, Facebook, and Twitter. Subscribe today and stay tuned for new updates!
ありがとうございます!(*^_^*) これで次の問題にいけます。(#^.^#) 長いのにありがとうございました!!