
  • 100年前に発明された石油を主原料とする合成ゴムは、長い間平凡な原料でした。
  • しかし、大きなタイヤメーカーは性能の利点を提供するだけでなく、環境にもやさしい新しい素材により明るい未来を見ています。
  • これらの緑の原料を精製するために、彼らは未検証の領域に踏み込む覚悟があります。
  • ベストアンサー


自分で訳したのですが、合っているのかわからないところがあります。 添削して下さいね。 Petroleum-based synthetic rubber,which was invented 100 years ago,has long been their bread-and-butter materials. (石油を主原料にした合成ゴムは、100年前に発明されたが、長い間平凡な原料であった。) But the big tire-makers see a brighter future in newer materials that not only offer performance advantages but are also easier on the environmment. (しかし、大きなタイヤメーカーは収益の長所を提供するだけでなく、環境にももっと やさしいもっと新しい原料で明るい未来を見ている。) And to refine these green materials,they are willing to wade into untested waters. (そしてこれらの緑の原料を精製するために、喜んで未検査の水を歩いて渡る。) おねがいします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数0


  • ベストアンサー
  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

> Petroleum-based synthetic rubber, which was invented 100 years ago, has long been their bread-and-butter materials. この場合の materials を 「原料」 と訳してしまうのはどんなもんかな、と思います。petroleum が synthetic rubber の 「原料」 である、というのなら分りますけれども。 私は bread-and-butter materials を、「日常目にするありふれたもの」 と解しました。 > But the big tire-makers see a brighter future in newer materials that not only offer performance advantages but are also easier on the environment. see a brighter future は、たしかに 「明るい未来を見る」 と訳せますが、ここでは newer materials (新素材) にかける期待を表しているように思えます。 また、performance advantages は、「収益の長所」 というより、「新しい素材を用いたタイヤの性能が向上すること」 を意味しているように思えます。 「しかし大手タイア・メーカーは新しい素材に期待を抱いている。それがより高い性能を示すというだけでなく、環境にもやさしいからだ」 みたいな感じではないかと思いました。 > And to refine these green materials, they are willing to wade into untested waters. green materials は 「環境にやさしい素材」 のことだそうです。 refine は 「精製する」 ですが、原油のままでは実用にならないのでそれを精製するわけで、従って 「手を加えて良質なものにする」 という意味が含まれているように思います。 また、「未検査の水を歩いて渡る」 という訳文からは、未踏のジャングルを踏み分けて進む探検隊のイメージなら湧きますが、この場合はどうかなと思いました。 untested water の water は、液体のイメージがまずあって、それは petroleum という語が出ていたので、それにもつながっているのかもしれません。また、海域などという意味もあり、私はこちらの意味の方が強いように感じました。海域 → 水域 → 領域 ということで、「いまだテストされていない領域」 であり、つまり 「まだこれまでに実用化されていない分野」 具体的には 「新しい素材」 のことを指した表現ではないかと思いました。 wade into untested water は、ジャングルに分け入るイメージだと上に書きましたが、そういう未踏の地というイメージと、いまだ日の目を見ていない新素材の開発ということを重ね合わせた表現のように思えます。 正確に訳すのは私の能力を超えてしまいますが、「そういった、環境にやさしい素材を開発するために、今日はまだ実用化されていない原料を探し求める努力がなされている」 みたいなところではないでしょうか。

その他の回答 (1)

  • mabomk
  • ベストアンサー率40% (1414/3521)

bread-and-butter materials  合成ゴムはタイヤ製造にとっては「必要不可欠な主原料」(原材料配合重量比で言えば75%位か)と訳してみませんか? untested water = untested technology 未だ実用化されていない技術に挑む、、、、感じでしょうか?


  • 和訳お願いします。

    Enhancement technologies give those who can use them an edge and have often been criticised for the injustice that this supposedly creates. But we have always enhanced ourselves and our environment in ways that are not immediately available to all: education and medicine are obvious examples, but synthetic sunshine is perhaps closest to synthetic biology. Before fires, candles, lamps and other forms of man-made light, most people went to sleep when it got dark. Candles enabled social life and work to continue into and through the night and conferred all sorts of advantages on those who couldn't or didn't. Contemporary and future biological enhancements may create problems of injustice both in that they provide a means for some to gain an advantage (those who read by candlelight gain a way that others do not), and because they may create unfair pressures as a result of the capabilities conferred by enhancement (like the pressure to stay up late and read or work because one can). The solution is establishing “fair” working hours and provision, at public expence if necessary, of sources of light-not banning candles. The solution is a combination of regulation and distributive justice, not a Luddite rejection of technology. よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    In their efforts to "buy green",customers tend to focus on packaging and chemicals, issues that do not factor in with clothing. Likewise, they purchase “natural” fibers like cotton, believing they are good for the environment. But that is not always the case: while " organic "cotton is exemplary in the way it avoids pesticides, cotton garments squander energy because they must be washed frequently at high temperatures, and generally require tumble-drying and ironing. Sixty percent of the carbon emissions generated by a simple cotton T-shirt comes from the 25 washes and machine dryings it will require, the Cambridge study found. A synthetic blouse, in contrast, takes more energy to make, since synthetic fabrics must be processed from materials like wood and oil. But upkeep is far more fuel-efficient, since synthetic fiber clean more easily and dry faster. Over a lifetime, a synthenic blouse uses less energy than a cotton T-shirt. One way to change the balance would be to develop technology to treat cotton so that it did not absorb odors so readily. "Reducing" washing temperature has a huge impact,” Allwood said.

  • 和訳していただけませんか?

    下の文を和訳していただけませんか? In addition to improving existing products, nanotechnology is expected to enable people create raw materials and food from atoms and molecules. Today, manufacturers make goods from raw materials like wood, metal, and cotton and we eat fruits, vegetables, and grains that are grown on farms. One goal of nanotechnology is to create wood from atoms instead of cutting trees and to make vegetables by combining atoms that will grow and reproduce themselves in portable nanofactories called molecular synthesizers. Food synthesizers would enable us to create delicious foods in machines at home instead of growing them on farms. Therefore, far fewer raw materials would be necessary for our existence.

  • 和訳が分かりません。

    , but none of these are exactly "plug and play," so factor in the time and/or the cost required to have it installed when you consider the cost. このfactor in the time ってどうやって訳すのでしょうか? 全文は下記です。 The Nest and the Ecobee are designed so you can install them yourself if you're willing to tackle the project, but none of these are exactly "plug and play," so factor in the time and/or the cost required to have it installed when you consider the cost.

  • 和訳をお願いします

    ご覧いただきありがとうございます。 カテ違いかもしれませんが記載の文章の内容を教えてください。 文章は Notes:(*)The manufacturer and the OEM applicant declares that these products are constructed using the same materials, components and processes as the tested [型番が入ります] ,Further details on certified models are reported on the attachment.Technical data,materials and components description are into the indicated test reports.Any changes of the design,materials,components of processing may require the repetition of some of the qualifification tests in order to retain type approval.The certificationis perfomed on tested model as complete certification and retest perfomed according to [認証機関名が入ります] “Retesting guideline”for similarity with [型番が入ります] with differences in modification in change in cell technology,superstrate and junction box/ electrical temination. This certificate is for type approval and based on voluntarily product test without Factory Inspection だいぶ長文で、スペル間違いもあるかもしれませんがどんな内容なのかおおまかな内容を知りたいので宜しくお願いします。 m(_ _)m

  • 英語についての質問

    Naturally occurring (geologic process) • Produced in nature – i.e., geologically • Not from a factory – manufactured materials exits but, by definition, are synthetic (e.g., “synthetic diamonds”) という文章があったのですが、つまりここで言われているのは、 ダイヤモンド自体はmineral(鉱物)だが、合成ダイヤモンドはmineralではない、ということでしょうか?

  • 和訳してほしいです。 年齢差別についてです。

    Our analysis of data from the Health Interview Survey since 1961 found that all measures of illness and disability showed decreasing disability for successive cohorts of people 65 and over relative to younger persons. Are these gains due primarily to reductions in ageism, to improved support and services for elders, or to cohort changes? They are probably due to a combination of these factors, but primarily to cohort changes. What are cohort changes? For our purposes, a cohort is a category of people born during a certain period. For example, the cohort of people born between 1920 and 1930 will be 60 to 70 years old in 1990. They are a more affluent, better educated, and healthier cohort than cohorts born before 1920. This is because the newer cohorts had more fortunate life experiences. They had more education as youth; did not suffer from loss of savings and unemployment during the Depression; and had better nutrition, sanitation, and health care throughout their lives. Thus, as the newer cohorts replace the older cohorts among those over 65. the average income, education, and health of elders improves. This is the primary explanation for the improvement in characteristics of elders.

  • 和訳お願いします。

    Synthetic biology is in fact the name now used for a cluster of new technologies in which, as John McCarthy, the computer scientist, says, biomolecular components (natural or synthetic) are newly combined or reorganised to create novel genetic and biochemical circuitry, pathways, and ultimately organisms. It is, in a sense, a hybrid discipline between science and engineering. Synthetic biology has caugh the imagination not least because it makes the beginnings of potentially manufacturing life forms from scratch and eventually of creating tailor-made creatures in our own image-or in principle in the image of anything we can engineer. This is heady stuff, and if it works may give us un precedented powers. If we can try to understand how to make better creatures than ourselves, longer-lived, more resistant to disease and injury, healthier and better adapted to a changing environment, we should surely do so. よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳お願いします

    和訳お願いします! Market value Market value can only be calculated for publicly-traded companies,but it is very easy to measure. Simply take today's share value,as listed on the stock market,and multiply it by the number of shares outstanding. The result is a measure of what the company's investors believe the company is worth. A problem with market value is that it reflects not just facts and analysis of the company's value,but also investors' emotions. When overall share prices are falling,investors tend to panic and sell their shares as well,forcing down a company's share price for reasons that have nothing to do with the company. Share prices are often artificially increased for similar reasons. So the advantages of market value are that it is easy to calculate and usually provides a good,objective measure of what the company's shareholders think it is worth. Disadvantages are that it may only be calculated for publicly-held companies,and that companies' shares may be undervalued or overvalued for emotional reasons. よろしく お願いします。

  • 和訳お願いします(>_<)

    The best way to prevent is to avoid mosquito bites. Mosquitoes are active at night,and people often get bitten while they are sleeping. They just need to hang a net around their bed,so it is very easy and inexpensive. Recently,a special kind of net was invented by a Japanese company. The fibers of the net contain a special insecticide that lasts for five years. There has been international suttort to deliver these nets to people in Africa.