
  • お客様(落札者様)がPaypalに代金を入金してから、3~4営業日後(土日祝を除く)に商品を発送いたします。
  • 日本で商品を発送してから5日~10日でお客様に届きます。
  • 税関(関税)についてはお客様のほうでお支払いくださいますようお願いいたします。
  • ベストアンサー


訳がありますが、よりフォーマルな表現で 添削していただけると幸いです。 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ お客様(落札者様)がPaypalに代金を入金してから、 3~4営業日後(土日祝を除く)に商品を発送いたします。 日本で商品を発送してから5日~10日でお客様に届きます。 税関(関税)についてはお客様のほうで お支払いくださいますようお願いいたします。 We send out an article to (except the soil day celebration) after three or four business days after a visitor paid money to Paypal for the price. We reach the visitor in from 5 to 10 after sending out an article in Japan. Please pay in the one of the visitor about the customs fixed for each country.

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • mabomk
  • ベストアンサー率40% (1414/3521)

We ship your order within 3 to 4 working (or, business) days (except local holidays) after PayPal confirms your payment. Normally you will receive the order within 5 to 10 days after shipment. Customs and other fees at the destination are on your account. 毎度どうも、かなりすっきりしております。




その他の回答 (1)

  • javalon
  • ベストアンサー率25% (8/31)

We will ship your product(s) in 3 to 4 business days after you complete payment via Paypal. お客様(落札者様)がPaypalに代金を入金してから、 3~4営業日後(土日祝を除く)に商品を発送いたします。 We estimate that your product(s) would be delivered in 5 to 10 days after dispatch. We will provide you with the tracking number for your convenience. 日本で商品を発送してから5日~10日でお客様に届きます。お客様の便宜のためにトラッキング番号をご連絡いたします。 Any duty taxes and any fees which may occur at the custom in you country will be on your account. 税関(関税)についてはお客様のほうで お支払いくださいますようお願いいたします





  • 英文の添削をお願いします

    ご注文後、3から4日後に発送します。 ご注文後のいかなりキャンセルはできません。 Please note that It takes 3 to 5 days after order. Once you place an order, you can't cancel the order. *3から4日以内に商品が到着するのではなく、 3から4日後に商品を発送するという意味です。

  • PayPalよりこのようなメールが…

    はじめまして、今日PayPalよりこのようなメールが届きました↓ Notification of Limited Account Access Dear **, As part of our security measures, we regularly screen activity in the PayPal system. We recently contacted you after noticing an issue on your account.We requested information from you for the following reason: We recently received a report of unauthorized credit card use associated with this account. As a precaution, we have limited access to your PayPal account in order to protect against future unauthorized transactions. Case ID Number: **-**-**-** In accordance with PayPal's User Agreement, your account access will remain limited until the issue has been resolved. Unfortunately, if access to your account remains limited for an extended period of time, it may result in further limitations or eventual account closure. We encourage you to follow our verification procedure as soon as possible to help avoid this. Click here to login and restore your account access Once you log in, you will be provided with steps to restore your account access. We appreciate your understanding as we work to ensure account safety. This is a final reminder to log in to PayPal as soon as possible. We thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Please understand that this is a security measure intended to help protect you and your account. We apologize for any inconvenience. Sincerely, PayPal Account Review Department PayPal Email ID ** (**の部分は英数字等) これは本当にPayPalからの連絡で、何のお知らせなのでしょうか?ご存知の方、どうぞよろしくお願いします!

  • 添削おねがいします。

    教えて下さい。 こんなに混んでいるから、スリに気を付けて下さい。それから、お互いの迷子にならない様に、気をつけましょう。 Be careful for pickpockets because it is too crowded here. We must be careful not to get lost, ok? 道なかで、財布からお金(高額な紙幣)を出しては危険です。 誰かが、あなたを見て、狙っているかもしれません。 最近 日本は物騒な事件が沢山起こっています。 十分に、気を付けて下さい。 It is dangerous to take out notes from your wallet in the middle of the street. Someone might be marking you. Crimes are increasing in Japan these days. Please watch out.

  • 添削お願いします。

    次の2文の文法をチェックしていただけませんか? In order to spell out every authors’ name, please fill out each author’s name. After “A”, we put “B” instead of “C”, because we should put the name of organization and place where HQ of the organization. the とか足りない気がするしそれ以外も なんだか違う気がするのですが。(とくに where 以下) よろしくお願いします!

  • paypalから来たメールについて

    今まで、海外のサイトなどから買い物をした事が無いのですが、以下のようなメールがpaypalから届きました。 件名:Please Restore Your Account Access As part of our security measures, we regularly screen activity in the PayPal system. We recently contacted you after noticing an issue on your account.We requested information from you for the following reason: Our system requires further account verification. Case ID Number: Please confirm your Paypal account,click the URL below: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_login-submit This is a second reminder to log in to PayPal as soon as possible. Once you log in, you will be provided with steps to restore your account access. PayPal Email ID 登録した覚えは無いのですが、どのように対応すべきでしょうか?

  • 【英語】添削お願いします 無人島

    テーマは無人島に着いたらどうするかです。 設定としては自分以外にも何人か漂流者がいるそうです。 If I were flushed out to an inhabitable island, I would firstly suggest the other survivors that we search for foods which enable us to live at least three days. If it were not for foods, we can do nothing. Also, if not, it would be a matter of time to die. Only with foods, we could have margin to think what to do next. Second, I would suggest that we examine whether it is safe around us. If it were proved to be dangerous, for example, there are violent animals, we would try to protect us. By contrast, if it were proved to be safe around us, we could wait for help with relieved. 文法、時制、構成などについてチェックお願いしますm(__)m

  • 英文添削お願いします

    海外のオークションサイトで誤配送を起こしてしまいまして、発送元に再発送の依頼と返品先の住所を教えてほしいので その旨を伝えたいのですが、以下の英文で相手に伝わるかどうか不安です。 英語に詳しい方がいらっしゃいましたらご指導お願いします。 It was the shipment of the following products which I made a bid for, but caused false delivery by my slip-up the other day. Because you return a product there, I asked it for re-shipment, would you tell the e-mail address for paypal for postage payment to suffer from the returned goods ex-chief priest place of the product and re-shipment? (先日落札しました以下の商品の発送ですが、私の手違いで誤配送を起こしていました。 商品をそちらへ返品しますので、再発送を依頼したのですが 商品の返品先住所と再発送にかかる送料支払いのためのpaypal用メールアドレスを教えて頂けないでしょうか)

  • 海外ネットショッピングで・・・

    翻訳サイトで調べて自分なりに理解しようとしましたが、今いちはっきりと分かりません。 ペイパルで支払うつもりですが、 その前に、6.00ドルの送料とと25.00ドルの手数料がかかるということでしょうか。 どなたか分かる方、よろしくお願いいたします。 International Customers: In order for us to accept Paypal payments, you are required to purchase Express Mail (EMS) S&H, due to Paypal's protection policy. We would need an itemized list by email, of the products you are ordering (Stock numbers, pricing, quantity) so we can figure out the EMS S&H costs. The standard website S&H fee &/or free shipping on $100.00 orders, does Not apply to International purchases. International S&H (for non-Paypal payment orders only) is $6.50 USD. To qualify for the $6.00 Flat Rate S&H, we accept Personal Checks, Money Orders, or Cashiers Checks. (In US Funds-Drawn on a US Bank) We accept US Cash, but we do not recommend sending it through the US Postal Service. **If paying by check, we have the right to hold your check for up to 14 days, or until cleared by our bank. We charge a $25.00 Fee on all returned Checks.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    Stone Temple Pilots guitarist Dean DeLeo discussed STP's new EP in an interview with ArtistDirect.com, “We just finished up the EP. I really do wish we were able to have the time to contribute an LP. For those kids out there, LP means “Long Play” [Laughs]. With everybody's schedules and Chester having a huge responsibility to Linkin Park, we finished tracking everything on this one night. It was one of those dreaded last days in the studio where we were putting the finishing touches on something at about four in the morning and Chester had to leave at about 4:30am-quarter-to-5am in order to pack for Asia that day with Linkin Park. He's still over there now. He's been them for two-and-a-half weeks. He gets home, and we have rehearsals on the 29th. Then, we're off on September 3 for a one-month run. Time was of the essence for this. We did manage to eek out four new songs, and we will include “Out of Time” on the EP. We'll have a little five-song EP here, hopefully showing up in October.”

  • 添削してください。

    以下の文章を英訳したのですが、自信がありません。 おかしいポイントやどう直すべきかなどを教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。 信じられないほど多忙な世界に生きている私たちにとって、心は、最も価値のあるかけがえの無い財産である。私たちは人生の一瞬一瞬を心を通じて経験すると同時に、心を頼りにベストを尽くそうとする。しかし、自分の心に対しては気遣う時間を設けていないため、当然にストレスが溜まり、自分にとって最も重要なことを見失ってしまう。それには瞑想という対処方法がある。瞑想とは、一歩下がって、思考をはっきり理解することであり、揺らめく思考や感情を分別することなく、リラックスしたまま集中した心で観察することである。必要なことは1日10分間 一歩身を引いて、今この瞬間を理解することだけであり、そうすることによって人々は、すばらしい集中力、平静さ、そして、明晰さを感じ取ることができるのである。 For us living in the incredibly busy world, our mind is most valuable and precious resource. We experience every single moment of our life through our mind at the same time we depend on our mind and try to do our best. However, we don't take any time out to look after it, of course stress is accumulated, and we miss out on the things that are most important to us.There is a solution of meditation in it. It's more about stepping back, seeing the thought clearly, witnessing it coming and going, emotions coming and going without judgment, but with a relaxed, focused mind. All you need to do is to take 10 minutes out a day to step back, to familiarize yourself with the present moment so that you get to experience a greater sense of focus, calm and clarity in your life.