
  • 動物はさまざまな方法でコミュニケーションを行っており、その数は数冊にわたるほどです。
  • 他の動物のコミュニケーションスタイルは、私たち自身のものと同様に驚くべきものです。
  • 手を差し出して握手する笑顔の人は、言葉ではコミュニケーションしています。
  • ベストアンサー


Animals have developed various ways to communicate. They have( 1 )many different ways of communicating with each other that to list them would fill several books. However,even a few examples show that other animals,communication styles are as surprising and peculiar ( 2 )our own. A smiling human who holds out her hand to be shaken is communicating( 3 )words.( 1 )is the bee that whirs her body in dance. The bee gives other bees directions to the flowers she discovered. You may think that humans are always communicating the more complicated message( 4 )bees. However,in this case,it is the bee that is communicating the more complicated message. Many animals signal each other not by gestures( 5 )by using body chemicals. Ants frightened by an enemy give out chemical alarms that other ants can smell. Then every ant can hide or prepare( 6 )attack. アtoo イso ウthat エto オbut カas キwith クwithout ケfor コthan かっこの中に入る記号と和訳をお願いしたいです。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数3


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

(1)イ (2)カ (3)ク (4)コ (5)オ (6)ケ <和訳例> 動物は様々なコミュニケーション方法を発達させてきた。彼らにはお互いにコミュニケーションを取るあまりにも多くの違った方法があるので、それらを一覧表にするだけでも数冊の本が書けるだろう。しかしながら、ほんの2,3の例でさえ、他の動物たちのコミュニケーションスタイルが私たち自身の物と同様に驚くべきまた独特の物だと言うことを示している。 握手をするのに片手を差し出してニコニコしている人間は、言葉を使わずにコミュニケーションしている。身体をぐるぐる回してダンスをしているミツバチもそうである。そのミツバチは、発見した花の方向を他のミツバチたちに知らせているのである。人間は常にミツバチよりも複雑なメッセージを伝えていると思われるかもしれない。しかし、この場合、より複雑なメッセージを伝えているのはミツバチである。多くの動物が身振りではなく、体の化学物質を使ってお互いに合図をしてる。敵に脅威を感じた蟻は、他の蟻がかぐことのできる化学的な警告を出す。するとすべての蟻が隠れたり攻撃に備えることができるのである。 本文4行目other animals, communication styles は other animals' communication styles 7行目the bee that whirs her body は  the bee that whirls her body だと思います。


  • one of these と one of the

    Humans differ from other animals in many ways. One of these is that they are willing to engage in activities that are unpleasant in themselves but are means to the ends that they desire. 上の文を読んだときに One of these と言う箇所で私は ”Humansは人だからtheseでは受けないだろうけど、theseはanimalsかwaysのどちらを受けるのかな?” と思ったのですが、 参考書の解説を見ると、 もしhumans か animals を受けるならthemが使われます と書いてありました。 なぜそうなるのでしょうか?

  • 和訳をお願いします

    和訳をお願いします The bees pollinate in the around groves for about six weeks,and then are sent on to work other crops. But now the almond crop and money others could be in trouble with so many bees dying. “The colony is what we call a super-organism,”says Dr.Jeff Pettis of the Bee Research Laboratory at the U.S. Agricultural Research Service in Beltsville,Maryland. “When a lot of the bees die,the whole colony is at risk. ” Researchers like him at government and university labs all over the country are trying to figure out why so many bee colonies are dying.

  • 和訳を教えてください。

    和訳を教えてください。契約書の内容なのですが、 Each Party acknowledges and agrees that nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as constituting a contract, commitment or order by either Party for the purchase of any product or service from the other Party. Each Party further agrees that it shall not represent to anyone that it is an approved supplier of the other Party, unless it first receives that designation in writing from the other Party and such designation is not subsequently revoked or terminated. どなたかお願いします。

  • 和訳してください!!!!!!

    和訳お願いします!!  Modern life is convenient,but it has also created problems in many ways.One ploblem we often hear about is that children are becoming less healthy because they watch too much television.    It is common sense that children who are watching television are not doing other activities such as playing outside.This means that children may get to fat or not have much strength or energy.However,there are other serious effects on children besides physical effects.  Children who watch a lot of television can usually understand the same number of words as other children.However, when they speak, they often cannot explain themselves very fluently.Some scientists think that this is because babies need to get information by listening, using their left brain.But television is mainly visual and makes us use the right brain.this is perhaps the reason for poor language skills later.

  • 和訳をお願いします!

    1 Formerly, we used to be less careful about cleanliness, but recently, our cities have become so crowded that there must be rules for keeping order and cleaniness. 2 The people who painted these animals were artists of feeling. They worked with primitive tools and simple colors, but they left proof that great art doesn't grow only from a high degree of civilization. 3 England is a very old country. She has many old ways and customs that have developed over the years till they have become very complicated. Her language has come to have so many words that not half of them are used today. お願いします!

  • 和訳お願いします。

    和訳お願いします。 自分で訳してみても文にならず意味がわかりません。 よろしくお願いします。 The next morning it is snowing, but Rachael still has a lot to do. Tonight, she will camp with her dogs in the woods before finishing the race tomorrow. She must carefully pack her sled with all the supplies she will need. Rachaei's friends and family help her to check and re-check her sled and equipment. Later that morning, race organizers go over a map of the course. It is a map that Rachael cannot see. She will rely on her dogs to follow the way. She will also have Matt close by on his snowmobile if she needs help. Day six of the race is a leg that covers a total of 43 miles. Just before she starts, Rachael stops to pet and encourage each member of her dog team. She knows that each one of them has a difficult job to do,so they are her primary concern. Finally, the race starts for the day. The weather is not great, but this leg of the race is going better than yesterday for Rachael. However, there are many difficult turns in the course. Matt has to use his radio to warn Rachael about them several times during the day.

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    However, explains Pettis, bees are hard to study. Most die away from the hive, so researchers don't have dead bodies to examine. And when researchers return to a hive after two weeks, about half the bees they studied on their first visit will be dead, replaced by new ones in the natural life cycle of bees. Making detective work even harder, these busy insects fly up to two miles away from their hive in search of pollen and nectar from flowers. So when bees pick up diseases or get exposed to poisons in their environment, it is hard to know exactly where that happened. "It isn't like studying a large animal like a cow that doesn't move around much and is easy to find out in the cow field," says Pettis. Researchers do have some ideas about what could be affecting bee health. They could be sick from poisons widely used to kill insects, or they might not be getting enough good food to stay strong. Aloso, tiny insects called mites feed on bees. "Any or all of these things could be weakening the honey bees," explains Pettis, "and then a virus or bacteria could be doing the killing." Pettis is hoping for a solution, because bees are so important. "Here's a good example of what pollinators like bees give us," he says. "You can eat plain oatmeal every day and get by, and oats are pollinated by the wind. But if you want to add some blueberries or strawberries or nuts to your daily oatmeal, those are the things you have to thank pollinators for. Bees are worth protecting because their work adds so much to our diet."

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    " Thus it is that philosophy can supply no demonstrative refutation of idealism, even of the most extravagant form. Common sense, however, universally feels that analogy is here a safer guide to truth than the sceptical demand for impossible evidence; so that if the objective existence of other organisms and their activities is granted — without which postulate comparative psychology, like all the other sciences, would be an unsubstantial dream— common sense will always and without question conclude that the activities of organisms other than our own, when analogous to those activities of our own which we know to be accompanied by certain mental states, are in them accompanied by analogous mental states."

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    The other point which has to be noted with regard to this criterion is as follows. I again quote from " Animal Intelligence :"— " Of course to the sceptic this criterion may appear un satisfactory, since it depends, not on direct knowledge, but on inference. Here, however, it seems enough to point out, as already observed, that it is the best criterion available ; and, further, that scepticism of this kind is logically bound to deny evidence of mind, not only in the case of the lower animals, but also in that of the higher, and even in that of men other than the sceptic himself. For all objections which could apply to the use of this criterion of mind in the animal kingdom, would apply with equal force to the evidence of any mind other than that of the individual objector. This is obvious, because, as I have already observed, the only evi dence we can have of objective mind is that which is furnished by objective activities ; and, as the subjective mind can never become assimilated with the objective so as to learn by direct feeling the mental processes which there accompany the objective activities, it is clearly impossible to satisfy any one who may choose to doubt the validity of inference, that in any case, other than his own, mental processes ever do accompany objective activities.

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします。

    英文の和訳をお願いします。 1.By this time next year ,we will have been doing business with each other for 20 years. 2.Unless the civilization we now know is to end,satisfactory substitutes for conventional energy sources will have been discovered and put to use in time. 3.she said to me, "it's very kind of you to invite me to the party." =she told me that it was very kind of me to invite her to the party.