(1)Do animals have a sense of self?If weheld uo a mirror to cat or dog, would it recognize itself?
(2)An animal resercher decided to takethis question literally, and test whether chimpanzees could recognize themselves reflected in a mirror.To start with, the chimps treated their reflection inthe same way as they would another chimp : they stared at it, cautiously approached it and looked behind the mirror.[1][そのあとで、彼らは鏡を使って口の中や、これまで見たことのなかった体の部分を見た。]To test whether chimps really did realize that they were lokking at themselves, the researcher put them to sleep for a short priod and painted a red mark on their face.When the chimps wake up and saw themselves in the mirror, they touched the red mark on their face much more than they normally would ; some chimps touched the mark and then looked at their fingers.
[2][this experiments suggests that chimps do recognize themselves in the mirror,] and further experiments show that orangutans, bonobos and human children who are over the age of two do also.Monkeys, by contrast, do not seem to pass the test, for they do not touch the red mark on their face when they see themselves in the mirror.
(3)Of course, if chimps do recognize themselves in the mirror, they must able to think : That's me!And this experiments suggests they are also thinking : What's that strange mark on my face? But it does not show that they have any more awareness of themselves than that. Chimps may not be aware of thier own thoughts or feelings.
(4)Humans are self-aware in the further sense that [3][we can reflect on what we are thinking.] That was a clever idea of mine, I smile to myself, as I drive down a street to make a short-cut to the shops.No, it was stupid, I reflect, as I realized that I'm going to get stuck in the one-way street after all. I can think about my own beliefs and make a judgement about them as being clever or stupid, reasonable or unreasonable, true or false.
(5)I am also aware that I am a creature that exists through time.I say to myself that tomorrow I won't take the wrong 'short-cut' and [4][make the same mistake as I made yesterday.]Self-awareness in humans involves more than just the ability to recognize oneself in the mirror. It includes the ability to reflect on and assess your own thoughts, and the recognition that you existed in the past and will exist in the future. Even if chimps are self-aware in the sense that they pass the mirror recognition test, we cannot tellfrom the test whether they have [5][the extra abilities that humans have.] And at the moment, we have no other evidence that they do.
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