- ベストアンサー
どれの単語が入りますか? vibrant assert enhance negligence prosperous cite urge scoff _______:to strongly suggest that someone do something _______:rich and successful _______:to laugh in a way that shows your contempt _______:to state firmly _______:to menrion something sa an example _______:failure to do something that you are supposed to do _______:to improve something's value, quality, or attractiveness _______:exciting and full of activity and energy
- みんなの回答 (1)
- 専門家の回答
urge_:to strongly suggest that someone do something prosperous_:rich and successful 2つだけ、お情けで回答しますが、英単語の力を真につけようとするならば、英英辞典(OR英和辞典)で個々の単語の意味を徹底的に調べて、その単語の友達になるぐらいの覚悟が必要ですよ。安易に英語をやっつけようという考えは捨ててください。あなたにピッタリのことわざを紹介します。NO PAIN, NO GAIN. 頑張ってください。 Matty