When a person drinks alcohol, this is what happens:
First, the mouth and throat experience a little irritation.
Next, some of the alcohol stops in the stomach, but most
of it moves on to the small intestine. From there, it goes
into the blood. However, as it hits the bloodstream, it
affects a pcrson’s speech, movement, vision, and balance.
This happens to any person in any culture. How people
in different cultures handle alcohol is a different story,
however. Social conditions, cultural factors, and physical
differences all play a role in how alcohol affects a society’s
In France, people drink great quantities of wine from
a young age. Liver disease is high compared with other
countries, but interestingly, the number of heart attacks
is low. This puzzles scientists because the French diet is
high_in cheese, cream, and other foods that are thought to
be dangerous for the heart. Therefore some experts think
that red wine may have a positive effect on the blood and
circulation. Red wine is the preferred drink of France.
In Italy, as in France, drinking wine is popular from
a young age. For men, it is embarrassing if you cannot
seem to control yourself while drinking. As police seldom
check drivers for drinking, it is no surprise that there
are a lot of traffic deaths in Italy each year connected
to alcohol. Just as in France, however, heavy drinking
has been declining in recent years. Education in both
countries has helped to reduce the number of heavy
In Finland, road checks are extremely strict.
Therefore, 17% of all traffic deaths are related to alcohol,
which is low. Yet heavy drinking is popular, and during
the winter, it is not uncommon to find a happy man
frozen to death in a park or dead on the ground after
hitting his head following a fall while walking home on
an icy street. Finland is a very cold country during the
winter, and days are very short, as the sun comes up late
and sets early. The long period of darkness in the winter,
too, means that people drink more.
In Asian countries such as Japan and Korea, it is
sometimes important to drink with company workers
if you are asked. Many decisions are made over drinks
outside of the company. As a customer walks to a pub or
bar, he can easily buy a drink along the way, from one of
the many vending machines selling alcohol right on the
street. The easy availability of alcohol would seem to be
a big problem. However, as many Asians lack an enzyme
that breaks down acetaldehyde, their faces become
red when they drink. This serves as a sort of warning
system. For this reason, alcoholism is comparatively low
in Japan.
Raising a glass of wine, beer, or liquor is one of
humankind’s oldest rituals. lt can deepen friendships
and make celebrations happier. However, it also has the
power to ruin lives, families, and kill thousands upon
thousands in traffic accidents each year. It is a riddle
that every culture seems to try solving in its own way.
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