• 締切済み


英語→日本語 和訳のお手伝いお願いできないでしょうか?? (1) In this context,as William Kelly has shown, the mother-in-law, once the tyrannical despot who persecuted her son's wife as she entered the family,could become herself exploited,charged with the care and management of the children as well as farm tasks. (2) In other and more remote areas, where small-scale industrialization impinged less directly on rural life and emerging middle-class patterns of outside employment expectations were less common, the drudgery of rural life led to a large-scale exodus from the countryside. (3) Farmers who stuck it out found themselves hard-pressed to find wives. (4) One of the more remarkable consequences of this was a search abroad,especially in the Philippines, for young women willing to be recruited for marriage, life, and work in Japan. どのような話しについてかなどどんな些細なヒントでも助かります。 長文なのですが、お力添えをお願いいたします!!!m(__)m

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数3


  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

(1)嫁いびりをしていた姑が孫の世話や農事をやらされるようになる。 (2)田舎では都会に人工が流れ出す。 (3)田舎に残った農業従事車は妻探しに苦労する。 (4)結果として日本の農家では外、特にフィリッピンに嫁を求めるようになる。  要約すればこんなところです。





  • 和訳をお願いします

    以下の英文(量があるのでごめんなさい)を翻訳していただけるかたに お願いできますでしょうか。 2段落あって、後半の段落は内容が飛ぶかもしれません。 楽しみにしています。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 His Venus falls in your second house in Scorpio, there are ellements about this love that are unfathomable. That perhaps belong to other life times. This man will always hold a kind of fascination, a sweet obsession. The aspect is good, Venus in this sign and house usualy brings faithfulness, loyalty, and endurance of love. This man has a special magnetism and glamour about him. Which he is unconscious of. He can be alluring and enchanting. He likes women who are distant, dark and deep and who have been through their own private hell, or the emotional mill in the past and he seek intensity in the relationships. A hypnotic anima figure who is slightly frightening, very mysterious and will draw him down into her depths. Glamour, romance and sexual magnetism, and a hint of a dark side attract him. The mysterious stranger. It is as though love is a dangerous thing, a secret thing to him. This Venus is often very spiritual, it wants someone who can touch the soul. He seeks someone who can read his silent thoughts and responses, someone kind and understanding with a hint of supernatural mystery or power. He will have a good effect on your life spiritually as well as materially. The world will seem warmer and more welcoming, less poor, less full of hardships, when he is in your life, you cope with things better. He will aware of your good qualities and your strength of character, and he will always want to be supportive and will go out of his way to help you in life, when ever you need his help. Even if the relationship were to break down and end, or time move on, he would still go out of his way to help you ever you needed him. His Pluto in Virgo, in your twelfth house cusp, this means that there may be secrets in your relationship, or the whole relationship or aspects of it may be hidden from view of others, and mysterious.

  • 和訳をお願いいたします!!!

    We may find ourselves more susceptible to illness and injury and a bit stiff in the mornings. And maybe we're beginning to scale back on some of our dreams and ambitiouns, or rethinking them as carrer opportunities shift in an increasingly uncertain and rapidly changing world. Our children are growing up and beginning to leave home. For women, menopause represents an unmistakable marker of physical and emotional change. Those of us in our striking lige changes as we adjust our life goals stiff further, as we retire, adn, unfortunately, as our friends and relatives begin to pass away.

  • 和訳してください。

    He who would do some great thing in this short life must apply himself to work with such a concentration of his forces, as, to idle spectators, who live only to amuse themselves, looks like madness. お願いします。

  • 和訳 お願いします><

    Other people may make more dramatic changes in their lives-perhaps moving to start a new life in a different country, or a different town, and taking up an entirely new occupation. Making such dramatic changes sometiimes doesn't work very well, but often people report increased feelings of well-being and confidence, and more positive life experiences. As we have seen, we continue to grow and develop throughout our lives, and the mid-life crisis can be seen as away of taking control of that growth and channelling it into new directions. Insight Some researchers see the mid-life cresis as a myth, arguing that people can engage in life changes at any time in their lives. That is true, but if we look at people who have re-evaluated their lives and make dramatic changes as a result, there is a majority in their 40s and 50s. Retirement Another major transition, of course, is retirement. In earlier times, the period of retirement used to be a brief interlude before old age and death. But in modern living, it has become quite defferent. Changes in diet, lifestyle and general health mean that most people continue to live an active, productive life for a long period after they finish formal working-as long as 30 years, or if they have taken early retirement, even 40. This period is very nearly as long as many people's working life, so the idea of retirement as a'restful interlude' isn't really very practical. Instead, life span psychologists nowadays see retirement as a way of developing in new and different ways, that weren't possible under the constraints of working life.

  • 和訳お願いします

    Think of it this way. Each of us is, more or less, an egg. Each of us is a unique, irreplaceable soul enclosed in a fragile shell. This is true of me, and it is true of each of you. And each of us, to a greater or lesser degree, is "The System". The System is supposed to protect us, but sometimes it take on a life of its own, and then it begins to kill us and cause us to kill others-coldly, efficiently, systematically.

  • 英語 長文の和訳を教えてください。

    Perhaps more importantly, the seeds of japanese culture were spread in the united states by the almost two million americans who came to japan during the occupation. While they represented only about one percent of the population, they had a tremendous influence on the american image of japan. As each of them returned to the U.S., they brought tales of life in this strange, exotic country which spread to their friends, relatives and neighbors.

  • すいません、和訳をお願いします。

    すいません、和訳をお願いします。 In the 1960s,people who despaired of the rat race simply dropped out. Nowadays, social security benefits are less generous,and dropping out is no longer an option. Instead,moreand more people are giving up highly paid but stressful jobs and becoming self-employed or working part-time. In order to compensate for the lossof income, they adopt more economic lifestyles. This switch to "voluntary simplicity"often leaves them with more free time and,surprisingly,more money than before. 以上です。 自分で考えたりWebの翻訳で訳してみたりしたのですが分かりにくい 和訳になってしまうので、どなたかお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    Recent statistics hints that more and more people are opting to stay single. Nevertheless, most men and women still want to get or be married. A goodmarriage is still seen as the surest way to lead a happy, meaningful life-as the best way to ward off loneliness while still allowing each partner to grow as an individual. On the other hand, a bad marriage is not only an unhappy one, but it can also have a detrimental effect on the partner’s health. In fact, it is far less preferable health-wise than staying single. That’s the conclusion reached by a study published in the journal The Annals of Behavioral Medicine. Researchers asked 303 generally healthy people- 204 married and 99 single-detailed questions about the quality of their lives. After completing the questionnaire, the participants wore a portable blood pressure device for 24 hours as they went about their normal daily activities. Those subjects who had confessed to being trapped in an unhappy relationship had much higher levels of blood pressure, stress, depression, and overall dissatisfaction with life. As one of the authors of the study put it: “Just being married per se isn’t helpful from a health standpoint, because you can literally be worse off in an unhappy marriage. So choose wisely”. So how can an unhappy, unhealthy marriage become a good one? Another study, conducted at the University of Michigan, that tracked 192 couples for 17years indicates that a good quarrel may be the answer. Couples who suppressed their anger were found to have a mortality rate two times as high as couples who regularly expressed their dissatisfaction. Even more telling, the couples who regularly expressed their dissatisfaction. Even more telling, the study found that couples who kept their feelings to themselves were five times more likely to be dead 17 years later. The American playwright Thornton Wilder once said: “Fighting is the best part of marriage. Everything else is so-so”. As the Michigan study shows, Wilder may have been more correct than ironic.

  • ちょっと長いですが、和訳お願いします。3文ともに続いています。

    ちょっと長いですが、和訳お願いします。3文ともに続いています。 The state's interest inschools reached its ultimate expression in T'ai-tsu's proclamation for the establishment of village schools everywhere. The purpose of this, no doubt went beyond the simple recruiting of officials and implied a wish to extend the civilizing force of education to the whole rural population, an aim which revealed an impulse in T'ai-tsu, the man of the people, to affect all of the people more profoundly than government had tried to do before. In this he overreached himself, as the idea of the schools languished in the absence of state money to support them. they persisted in name in many place, but there is no evidence of a revolution in popular education.

  • 和訳をお願いします

    和訳をお願いします 1 Children develop greater dependence on others by having pets. 2 More freedom is one of the benefits of pets ownership. 3 Taking care of pets helps young people build character. 4 Those who have pets find it more difficult to make friends. 5 Animal shelters are to blame for abandoned cats and dogs. 6 Families with pets should move to rural areas. 7 Owning pets is an bligation that should be taken seriously. 8 No steps should be taken to limit the reproduction of cats and dogs. 9 In their own way,our pets taken care of us just as we take care of them. 10 Senior citizen who have pets tend to keep to the themselves. 11 Studies show that HAVI pets may have an unfavorable impact on health. 12 We have many chances to meet with others to discuss our pets health. The editors would like to thank everyone who submitted opinions for this week's column,and we regret That we didn't have space print all of your letters. 長くてすみません(>_<)