The Wonderful Development of Sound Recording Technology

  • When someone spoke into the phonograph, the voice caused the air to vibrate, resulting in the reproduction of the original voice.
  • The invention of sound recording technology allowed for the storage and playback of thousands of songs on small electronic devices.
  • The process of sound recording involves vibrations in the air being converted into vibrations on a thin plate, which are then reproduced as sound waves.
  • ベストアンサー


When someone spoke into the phonograph,the voice caused the air to vibrate.This in turn made the thin plate in the recording unit vibrate.This resulted in vibration of the needle.The needle was placed on the cylinder,leaving a mark on the tin as the cylinder was turned.That mark showed the pattern of the sound waves.As for playback,the cylinder was turned again,and the needle in the playback unit was made to run along the mark.As a result,the needle vibrated.So did the thin plate in the unit,causing the air to vibrate.This reproduced the original voice.Today,people carry small electronic devices that can store thousands of songs ― a result of the wonderful development of sound recording technology started by a great inventor. 人が蓄音機に話しかけると声は空気の振動から引き起こした。変わってこれは録音装置の薄い板を振動させた。これが針の振動を引き起こした。針は円筒型のところについて円筒が回転すると鈴に痕跡をつけた。この痕跡が音波の形を示した。再生に関して円筒が再び回転して再生装置の針がそのマークにそって動かされた。その結果針が振動した。再生装置の薄い板も振動した。これが元の声を再生した。今日何千もの歌を保存する小さな電子の装置を人々は持ち歩いている。それは素晴らしい発明家によって始められた音の録音技術の素晴らしい発展の結果である。 自分で訳したのですが合っているか不安です。指摘お願いします

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • taka_tora
  • ベストアンサー率56% (59/105)

こんばんは 概ね合っていると思いますが、一部修正させていただきました。  「人が蓄音機に話しかけると声は空気の振動”を”引き起こした。”次に”これ(この空気の振動)は録音装置の薄い板を振動させた。”この結果、”針の振動が引き起こされた。 (声⇒空気の振動⇒薄い板の振動⇒針の振動 と震動が伝わっていく様子を示しています。後の再生はこの逆順に震動が伝わっていますね) 針は”シリンダー上に位置し、”円筒が回転すると”スズ”に跡をつけた。この跡が音波のパターンを示した。再生に関して”は、”シリンダーが再び回転して再生装置の針がその跡にそって動かされた。その結果、針が振動した。”そして”再生装置の薄い板も振動し”、これが空気の振動を引き起こした”。この結果、元の声が再生された。今日、何千もの歌を保存”できる”小型の電子機器類を人々は持ち歩いている。それは、”偉大なる”発明家によって始められた録音技術の素晴らしい発展の結果である。」


  • 英語の訳をお願いします。

    以下の英語の訳をお願いいたします。 →(やじるし)で書いてあるところは、自分で訳してみたものです。上手く訳せません… また、文法的な説明もしていただけると嬉しいです。 (1)This in turn made the thin plate in the recording unit vibrate. →?(わかりませんでした…) このmadeはどういった意味のものでしょうか。 This in turn とは? (2)This resulted in vibration of the needle. →これはその針の振動という結果になった。 (3)The needle was placed on the cylinder, leaving a mark on the tin as the cylinder was turned. →その針は円筒の上に配置され、(以下よくわかりません。) leaving以下はどういった文法で書かれているのでしょうか。 このasはどう訳せばいいですか? (4)That mark showed the pattern of the sound waves. →その印は音波のパターンを示した。 (5)As for playback,the cylinder was turned again, (6)and the needle in the playback unit was made to run along the mark. →再生に関する限りでは、円筒は再び化した(?) →そして再生装置の針は印に沿って作られた。 (5)のbe turnedあたりと、(6)のmadeの訳し方がわかりません…。 andと、その前のコンマはどういう意味合いがありますか? 以上よろしくお願いいたします。

  • どうやくせばいいでしょうか

    The needle was placed on the cylinder,leaving was a mark on the tin as the cylinder was turned.

  • 英語の訳をお願いします!!

    After the fall of the Roman Empire, there was great confusion again.Each region developed its own system of weights and measures. The foot,which was one of the earliest units, is believed to have had as many as 280variations in Europe as late as the eighteenh century.It was not until toward the end of the eighteenh century that a really scientific system of weights and measures was set up.A group of French scientists chose as their unit of length the ten-millionth part of an imaginary line running through Paris from the Equator to the North Pole. After careful measurements, they worked out the length of this unit, which was given the name 'meter' derived from the Greek metron, meaning 'a measure.' The use of the metric system by other nations increased, and today the metric system is quite generally accepted worldwide as the best system of weights and measures that the world has ever had.

  • どうしてもいい訳が見つかりません。

    下のレントゲンがXrayを発見する話の一部ですが文中のweightsとthe shape of a needleの訳を重りと針の形と入れるとつながらないような気がします。しかも、closed caseとか意味不明です。体の比喩なんですかね?解釈をお願いします。 In one, the shape of a needle could be seen though it was inside a closed case. Another pictured a set of weights inside a closed box. Most unusual of all was the photograph that showed the bones within a hand. 続けて和訳をお願いします。実は、この文は某大学の過去問題で設問がついているのですが、丁寧に訳さないと解けないらしく(けど、赤本には訳がない)困ってます。お願いします。 It was a few weeks before Rontgen announced his discovery of x-rays that Becquerel saw x-ray pictures for the first time. この文が本文にあるのかないのかが問題でして、本文に該当するであろう部分は Within weeks of Rontgen's announcement of x-rays, Antonie Henry Becquerel heard a report about them at the French Academy of Science, and saw the firdt x-rays pictures made in France.  お願いします。 アルバイトで解説しないといけないので困ってます。

  • 英語の訳

    ニューヨークタイムスの新聞記事の途中からですが、下記の訳を知りたいです。 長いですがどなたかよろしくお願いします。 ↑下記の文書が載っているHP But Japan’s “massive public education program” could in the end have saved the most lives, said Rich Eisner, a retired tsunami preparedness expert who was attending a conference on the topic at the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Gaithersburg, Md., on Friday. In one town, Ofunato, which was struck by a major tsunami in 1960, dozens of signs in Japanese and English mark escape routes, and emergency sirens are tested three times a day, Mr. Eisner said. Initial reports from Ofunato on Friday suggested that hundreds of homes had been swept away; the death toll was not yet known. But Matthew Francis of URS Corporation and a member of the civil engineering society’s tsunami subcommittee, said that education may have been the critical factor. “For a trained population, a matter of 5 or 10 minutes is all you may need to get to high ground,” Mr. Francis said. That would be in contrast to the much less experienced Southeast Asians, many of whom died in the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami because they lingered near the coast. Reports in the Japanese news media indicate that people originally listed as missing in remote areas have been turning up in schools and community centers, suggesting that tsunami education and evacuation drills were indeed effective. A version of this article appeared in print on March 12, 2011, on page A1 of the New York edition. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How Shifting Plates Caused the Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan Shifting plates and rising water The sudden movement of the Pacific tectonic plate under the North American plate caused a massive earthquake and a tsunami. Magnitude of shaking An 8.9-magnitude earthquake struck the coast of Japan on Friday at a depth of about 17 miles below the earth's surface. Dozens of aftershocks, some of magnitude 6.0 or greater, were felt after the quake. Source: U.S. Geological Survey Predicted tsunami wave heights The tsunami set off warnings for much of the Pacific basin including the west coast of the United States and South America. Officials say waves have not caused major damage in Hawaii and pose no flooding danger in California. Source: NOAA Center for Tsunami Research, Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory By JOE BURGESS, JONATHAN CORUM, AMANDA COX, MATTHEW ERICSON, XAQUÍN G.V., ALAN McLEAN, TOMOEH MURAKAMI-TSE, HAEYOUN PARK, GRAHAM ROBERTS, AMY SCHOENFELD, ARCHIE TSE, JOE WARD and JEREMY WHITE

  • 英文和訳

    It was found that the height of the column of liquid in the cylinder containing the more concentrated solution was twice the height of the other solution. よろしくお願いします!

  • どのような意味でしょうか

    I recently moved into a large apartment complex in the heart of downtown. I was thrilled to snag a unit. snag a unitはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 次の英文の訳をお願いします!!

      Ironically,these modern tools of communication can also be tools of alienation,making us feel so out of touch, so much more in need of real human contact. lf a computer message came addressed to “Dad”,I'd feel forgotten and neglected. lf my name appeared along with his,it would brighten my day and make me feel like l was part of their family unit after all. Yet always there was some distance to be crossed,not just over the telephone wires.

  • 英文の訳を教えてください。

    Genetic sequencing of samples from patients and from health care workers allowed epidemiologists to trace its spread. Moving closer to real-time tracking, researchers sequenced and analyzed strains from a 2011 outbreak of MRSA in a hospital in Cambridge, while the outbreak was still occurring. The tests helped doctors and researchers identify a clear infection cluster in the neonatal intensive care unit, differentiating the bacteria from strains present in other clinics and hospital areas. Yet as technologists might be soon able to stop these superbug outbreaks before they start. 一部でも構いませんので、 訳を教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の和訳をお願いします。

    The unique contribution of the twelfth century to the arts was stained glass, which, like cloisonne enamel, the technique of which it resembles, was begun at Con stantinople and developd in western Europe. It is important to realize that the glass was stained, dyed, in the making, that the colour per-meates the glass, and that only painting, at least in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, was with an opaque brown enamel used for drawing faces, drapery folds, and other detail. As glass could be made only in small pieces, these were ioined by strips of lead, a soft and heavy material that had to be supported by iron bars across the opening in which the win-dow was to be inserted. Obviously these bars could not be ignored in the design, which had either to be made big enough to be independent of them, or small enough to fit into one unit of the frame. At Canterbury the first method was adopted in the majestic figures of the clerestory windows, the second in the aisles, where the detail could easily be seen : Noah in his Ark, for example, which served as a type for the Baptism of Jesus in a neighbouring medallion. Against a dark blue sky Noah is releasing the dove from a window at the top of the Ark, a multi-coloured, three-storied structure with Ro-manesque columns and arches, against the stability of which the writhing ridges of blue, green, and white-capped waves are powerless.