• ベストアンサー


問、1~5は日本分とほぼ同じ意味になるように、6は意味の通じる正しい文になるように、(   )内の語句を並べかえなさい。 1、友人を選ぶ時は注意しないといけない。(一語不要)  We(be/careful/choose/choosing/friends/in/must/our). 2、彼女はコンピューターの扱いにてこずった。 She(computer/difficulty/had/in/operating/the). 3、警官は私の言うことを信じてくれなかったが、言い争うのは無駄だと思った。 The policeman did not believe my story, and I thought it was (with/good/arguing/no/him). 4、東京にいつ激しい地震があるか誰にも分からない。 There is (knowing/will/no/a/happen/when/serve/earthquake). 5、ジョンは夕食後に新聞を読むことにしている。 John (reading/point/a/makes/of) newspapers after dinner. 6、Until she became eighteen years old, her parents (didn`t/her/out/of/late/staying/approve). よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • x_jouet_x
  • ベストアンサー率68% (162/236)

回答#1の方が回答していますが、改めて…。 1. We must be careful in choosing our friends. [解説]be careful in ~ing=「~するのに注意する」 2. She had difficulty in operating the computer. [解説]have difficulty in ~ing=「~するのに苦労する」 3. The policeman did not believe my story, and I thought it was no good arguing with him. [解説]it is(there is) no good ~ing=「~しても無駄だ」 4. There is no knowing when a severe earthquake will happen. [解説]there is no ~ing=「~することはできない」 ※)serveじゃなくて、severeですよね? 5. John makes a point of reading newspapers after dinner. [解説]make a point of ~ing=「きまって~する」 6.Until she became eighteen years old, her parents didn't approve of her staying out late. [解説]approve of ~=「~を許可する」 この場合はher staying out lateだから、「彼女が遅くまで外出すること」と意味になります。 [追記] 分からない問題に解答を付けるのは全然構わないんですが、できれば問題は正確に書いて下さいね。

その他の回答 (1)

  • msiz
  • ベストアンサー率33% (1/3)

こんな感じでしょうか。 1. We (must be careful in choosing our friends). 2. She (had diffculty in operating the computer). 3. The policeman did not believe my story, and I thought it was (no good arguing with him). 4. There is (no knowing when a(anの間違い?) earthquake will serve). 5. John (makes a point of reading) newspapers after dinner. 6. Until she became eighteen years old, her parents (didn't approve her of staing out late). 3,4はちょっと自信ないです。


  • 動名詞(構文)を使った書き換えが全くわかりません

    下の文を動名詞(構文)を使って書き換えたらどうなるか教えてください She insisted that her husband should cook lunch yesterday The man denied that he had failed in business As soon as I finish my homework, I will go to see the movie It is impossible to tell when he wil get better It is of no use to tell him so I am proud that my son won the speech contest I am sure that your daughter will be nurse She was proud that she was healthy I could`t but cry alound for help I was surprised that the mountain was covered with a lot of snow The train didon`t arrive at the station on time on account of the earthquake He complains that his room is too small My parents object bthat I go abroad

  • 動名詞(構文)を使った書き換えが全くわかりません

    動名詞(構文)を使った書き換えが全くわかりません 下の文を動名詞(構文)を使って書き換えたらどうなるか教えてください She insisted that her husband should cook lunch yesterday The man denied that he had failed in business As soon as I finish my homework, I will go to see the movie It is impossible to tell when he wil get better It is of no use to tell him so I am proud that my son won the speech contest I am sure that your daughter will be nurse She was proud that she was healthy I could`t but cry alound for help I was surprised that the mountain was covered with a lot of snow The train didon`t arrive at the station on time on account of the earthquake He complains that his room is too small My parents object bthat I go abroad

  • みなさんならどのように訳されますか?

    はじめまして。60年代の古いSF小説の翻訳についてですが、以下の原文 There was never a girl born who ever grew older than eighteen in her heart…no matter what the merciless hours have done to her. 1969年の、井上一夫氏の訳では 「容赦ない時間がどんなことをしても、心は十八歳より年を取らない娘なんてこの世に生まれなかった」 とあります。 He can make you feel the quiet, endless tragedy that there was never a girl born who ever grew older than eighteen in her heart…no matter what the merciless hours have done to her. 「容赦ない時間がどんなことをしても、心は十八歳より年を取らない娘なんてこの世に生まれなかったという、静かな無限の悲劇を、観る者に感じさせることができるんだ。」 「容赦ない時間がどんなことをしても」・・・という箇所と、 「(という)無限の悲劇」という流れがどうしても不自然に感じてしまいます。 わたしの感覚ではNo matter what ... の後には「にもかかわらず」と言った表現が続くように思えるのですが。 みなさんが He can make you feel the quiet, endless tragedy that there was never a girl born who ever grew older than eighteen in her heart…no matter what the merciless hours have done to her. を訳すとすれば、どのように訳されますか?

  • 和訳お願いします。

    “The English instructor said that my last paper shows an unusual amount of originality. She did, truly. Those were her words. It doesn't seem possible, does it, considering the eighteen years of training that I've had? The aim of the John Grier Home (as you doubtless know and heartily approve of) is to turn the ninety-seven orphans into ninety-seven twins.”

  • 名詞・代名詞の問題です。

    名詞・代名詞の問題が3種あります。分かるところは分かりますが、問題によって、どっちだろうとか、全部入りそうだとか思うものがあります(記号問題とか)。記号問題だけ、訳をつけていただけると助かります。見極めるコツなどがあったら教えてください。スペル間違いがあったらすみません。 記号選択問題 1 I lost my umbrella,so I have to buy().   アone イit ウthe one エthem 2 The ears of a cat are shorter than()of a rabbit.   アone イother ウthat エthose 3 Ann gave me()last week.   アthis her book イher this book ウthis books of her エthis book of her 4 It´s one thing to have a fine library and it´s quite()to make wise use of it.   アother イthe other ウanother エsecond thing 5 You can pay in cash or with a credit card.()will do.   アEither イSome ウNone エEvery 6 George is a good man and is known()to everyone.   アas so イso as ウas such エsuch as 7 I have two sisters;one is doctor and()a teacher.   アan other イthe other ウanother エother 8 A husband and his wife should always respect()opinions.   アeach others´ イeach ウothers´ エeach others´ 9 My wife is the only daughter in a large family so I have many().   アbrother-in-low イbrothers-in-low ウbrother-in-lows エbrothers-in-lows 10 “How much gasoline is left in the tank?”“(),I´m afraid.”   アNot some イNot one ウNothing エNone 11 He makes careless mistakes and()so often.   アsuch イthis ウthat エwhich 語句補充問題 1 3/5は5分の3と読みます。   3/5 reads three-(). 2 妻は私の誕生日にこれら2本のネクタイを買ってくれたが、私は2本とも気に入っているわけではない。   My wife bought me these two ties for my birthday,but I don´t like()of them. 3 彼女は花をたくさん持っている。 そのうちのいくつかは赤で、あとはみんな黄色だ。   She has a lot of flowers.Some are red()()yellow. 並び替え問題 1 コンピュータは、情報のほとんどをハードドライブに保存する。   Computers(on,store,most,their,information,of)the hard drive. 2 私は2人の人に道を尋ねたが、どちらも助けとならなかった。   I asked two persons for directions,but(of,could,them,me,neither,help). 3 日本の教育制度はアメリカとは全く異なる。   The educational system of Japan is(from,quite,that,the United States,different,of). 4 姉は毎日あれやこれやで忙しい。   My sister is(or,busy,thing,another,with,one). 以上です。

  • 英語 名詞・代名詞・冠詞

    自分の答えが合っているかと 間違っていた問題は訳や説明をいただけると嬉しいです。 ・救出された犠牲者もいればそうでない犠牲者もいた。 Some victims were rescued, but (another, others)were not.→others ・人は平時でも戦時でも病人や負傷者を世話すべきものである。 People should take care of (a, the)sick and (a, the)wounded in time of peace or war.→the, the ・知っていることと実際に行動することは全く違う。 Knowing and actually doing are quite different things. =Knowing is one thing and actually doing is quite ().→thing ・She makes it a rule to go to see her friend in hospital(). 1 by the day 2 every in the morning 3 every other day 4 twice of a day→2 ・The computer is not () for the ordinary person in the street to understand. 1 too a difficult thing 2 so a difficult thing 3 such a thing difficult 4 too difficult a thing→4 わからなかった問題です。 訳もお願いしたいです。 ・間違った部分を選んで直す 1 Those who wish (1to attend) the meeting (2is) requested to pay $50 (3to) cover expenses (4for) the evening party. 2 They (1were quite surprised) that (2most od students) were (3above average) (4on the final exam). ・並び替え 1 Ann is such(to make/a gentle woman/her guests comfortable/that ahe always/takes great care). 2 The classes in university are(challenging/experienced/I/in/more/than/those)high school.

  • 英語の問題。すべてOKに見える。

    英語の問題。すべてOKに見える。 かなり、むずかしめの問題なんですが、、まったく解けないので教えてください。 次の各英文は、1ヶ所を訂正することで、正しい英文になる。1語を訂正する場合は正しい語を、 1語付け加える場合は付け加える語を答えどこかに入れるかを書きなさい。 1.Do you know where to get to the station? 考え:get {at] the station? ですか? 2.The left had to be taken care of their parents.考え:be は不要? 3.I have a lot of homeworks to finish by tomorrow. わかりません。 4.This is the house which he has been staying. 考え:staying の後にat? 5.The Japnaese flag shows the risen sun.shows の後に in? 6.Tom has two brothers. He is the bigger of all. わかりません。 of all っておかしいような・・ 7.Ten years have past since I first went fishing in the nearby river. first いらない? 8. The boy had nothing to play. nothing を no thing に変える? 9.Jane lives alone and makes breakfast for her every morning. わかりません。 10.Nancy had happy days while her stay in France.んー わかんないです。

  • 英語 名詞の問題です!

    英語 名詞の問題です! 12問ありますがもしよかったら教えてください! 1.[ ]の日本語を参考に、( )に適当な語をいれなさい。という問題です! 1.I need a new ( ) ( ) paper.[一枚の紙] 2.There are still two ( ) ( ) milk in the rdfrigerator.[二本の牛乳] 3.He paid 3000 yen for thirty( ) ( gas.[30リットルのガソリン] 4.Would you like ( ) ( ) ( ) coffee?[一杯のコーヒー] 5.She usually puts two ( ) ( )suger into her tea.[スプーン二杯の砂糖] 6.The information he gave me was ( ) no ( ).[重要でない] 2.( )から適当な語句を選びなさい。という問題です! 1.Bananas are my favorite (fruit/fruits) 2.There(is/are)a lot of(furniture/furnitures)in this room. 3.How(many/much)money did your bike cost? 4.I have a lot of (work/works) to do this week. 5.You should ask him for some (advice/advices)about getting a computer. 6.Too ( many informations are / much information is) sometimes bad. 以上の12問です! おねがいします!!

  • itかthere

    次のカッコにitかthereを入れてください。 1.( )was careless of her to leave her bag in the train. 2.( )is no telling when he will come. それから、訳としてはこんな感じでよろしいでしょうか? 1.彼女の鞄を電車に忘れたのは彼女の不注意だった。 2.彼が来たとき、何も言うな。 ご意見お待ちしています。

  • どのような意味でしょうか

    Our daughter is 25 years old and lives at home. She rarely speaks to her father or me, and stays in her room whenever she is home. She'll eat dinner without dialogue, staying glued to her phone, watching videos or texting her friends in front of me. We've offered $1,500/month toward an apartment to give her SOME incentive. https://www.arcamax.com/healthandspirit/lifeadvice/askamy/s-2128431?fs offered $1,500/month toward an apartmentはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします