• 締切済み

can't, must, might(not), の使い方

.Paolo might come from Italy. .They can't go to school here. .It must eat cheese in this dish. .The instructions were not. It might not be clear. .Laura can't drive to work because she has not a cars. .It must an elephant because It has a trunk. 正しい語順の並べ方を教えて下さい。宜しくお願いします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数0



正しい語順の並べ方、というご質問がよくわかりませんが、 ・4番目の文章の意味は? ・5番目と6番目は Laura can't drive to work because she doesn't have a car. It must be an elephant because it has a trunk.



説明が不十分で申し訳ありません。実は、宿題で出された問題です。 質問は....Rewrite the sentences. Use might(not), must, or can't. 1. Maybe Paolo comes from Italy. Paolo.... 2. I'm sure they don't go to school her. They..... 3. I'm sure this dish has cheese in it. It..... 4. Maybe the instructions are not clear. The..... 5. I'm sure Laura doesn't drive to work. She doesn't have a car. Laura..... 6. I'm sure it isn't an elephant. It doesn't have a trunk. (例).I'm sure she speaks Chinese. It..... (答えとして)She must speak Chinese. (記載されています) .....後の文に自信がありません。よろしくお願いします。


  • might(not), must, or can't  の使い方

    質問は....Rewrite the sentences. Use might(not), must, or can't. (例)I'm sure she speaks Chinese. (答え)She must speak Chinese. 1. Maybe Paolo comes from Italy. →Paolo might come from Italy 2. I'm sure they don't go to school her.  →They can't go to school here. 3. I'm sure this dish has cheese in it.  →It must eat cheese in this dish. 4. Maybe the instructions are not clear. →The instructions were not. It might not be clear. 5. I'm sure Laura doesn't drive to work. She doesn't have a car. →Laura can't drive to work because she has not a cars. 6. I'm sure it isn't an elephant. It doesn't have a trunk. →It must an elephant because It has a trunk. might(not), must, or can't を使って文を作るのですが、→以下の文を考えたのですが、自信がありません。添削をお願いします。

  • can't, must, or might の使い方

    問題.....Complete the conversation. Use can't, must, or might. A: What kind of animal do you think this is? B: I'm not sure. It has paw,s so it (1).....be a kind of cat. A: It doesn't have any stripe, so it (2).....be a tiger. Do you think it (3).....be a leopard? B: Yes, it (4).....be a leopard because it has spots. But it looks smaller. A: Let's see. What does it say on the sign? It's a cheetah. B: Oh, really? Interesting! I've never seen a cheetah before. 答え: (1) might/ (2) can't/ (3) must/ (4) might 問題の答えに自信があるません。 答え合わせをして下さい。 よろしくお願いします。

  • mustとshouldの違いについて

    中学で mustは「~しなければならない」、shouldは「~すべきだ」の意味だと教わりました。 どちらも、日本語では似たような意味だし、英語と日本語のズレも考えたら mustとshouldの違いは 訳語の意味の違いに還元できる問題ではないと思います。それについては、この間、関連する質問の とある回答で “I think it's only Japanese who treat "you should go" and "you must go" in the same way. Actually, it is not. It can't be, because "should" doesn't have any power to order someone to do something for your favor.” という一節がありました。 そこで質問ですが、mustとshouldの根本的な意味の違いって何でしょうか?

  • 英語☆★must

    ・誤り指摘問題 I (1)(must have quit) school when (2)(I was fourteen), because (3)(I was) (4)(in poor health). (答)(1)→had to quit こういう問題があったのですがこれはつまり [義務]must(~しなければならない)に have を付けて過去にできない。 するならば[過去義務]had to(~しなければならなかった)。 付けると[過去推量]must have(~に違いなかった)という意味になる。 ということなんでしょうか? 間違っていたら指摘してください。 あと[義務+否定=禁止]must not(~してはいけない)に have をつけて[過去禁止]must not have(~してはいけなかった)はして良いのですか?

  • might likeの訳し方

    Certainly the fashion industry might like us to throw away all our clothes each year and buy a whole new wardrobe, but it has never been able to achieve this goal. might likeは望んでいるという訳し方でいいのでしょうか? 教えてください。

  • 訳を教えてください(特にso long、mightなど)

    次の2文に関してですが、正しい日本語訳を教えていただけませんか?(自分で訳した変な訳もつけておきます) 1. After being out of school so long, Ann had to work hard in order to catch up with the rest of the class. 「ずいぶん昔に学校を卒業したので、アンは残りの授業に追いつくのに、一生懸命勉強しなければならなかった。」 →(so long とは?) 2.Dirty players are not to be trusted since it is not possible to tell what they might do. 「不正なことをする人は、何をするかわからないので信用できない。」 →(dirty playersとは? mightは可能性のmight?) よろしくお願いします。

  • mightの用法

    よろしくお願いします。 ポールスターIIのLesson6の本文で、分からない部分があります。以下が本文の一部を抜粋したものです。  Several years ago, interviewing candidates for a job, I grew tired of asking, “What experience do you have?” So I decided on a one-question quiz to find out how clever the candidate might be. Here it is:  You are on a yacht over the deepest point in the sea, the Mariana Trench, where you drop an iron ball over the side. How long will it take for the iron ball to reach the bottom of the ocean?  Before reading on, please try to solve this yourself ― paying special attention to how you might solve it.  Did you make a completely wild guess because “there wasn’t enough information”? Did you get lost in the details while trying to come up with “exactly the right answer”? Or did you focus on the two most important problems ― how deep the Mariana Trench is and how fast an iron ball might fall through the water ― then make a guess? この最後の文で、might fallとありますが、ここのmightは、仮定法過去のmightだと解釈してよいでしょうか。 mightの部分は、実際は仮定法だが、if節は、言わなくても分かるので、省略されていると思うのです。 つまり、最後の部分は、(if you dropped an iron ball into the sea), how fast an iron ball might fall through the water - then make a guess?というふうに、( )の中のif節が省略されていると私は思います。もちろん、( )の中は、本文には書かれていません。そのような解釈で正しいでしょうか。 よろしくお願いします。

  • この文が訳せません(not becauseかwhether)

    「昔のことを夢見たからといって,心配する必要はない.」は You don't have to worry about your ancient history whteher you dreamed/dreamt of it or not. Q1:調べたところ,[not~because・・・]では,「主節の内容は起こったのだが,理由がbecause節ではない」のような意味になるか, 「because節の理由により,主節の内容が行えなかった」のどちらかの意味だと思います. この日本文は「主節の内容は行わないが,理由はbecause節ではない」ですよね. そこで「見ても見なくても」という意味に捉えて,whtherを使ったのですがあっていますか? Q2:dream「夢を見る」の過去・過去分詞形はdreamedですか?dreamtですか?

  • 日本語に訳してください

    It has come to expect a steady increase in the standard of living as a result of new developments in science because it does not understand it .

  • 英語ができる方、問題をお願いいたします。

    英文中の空所に入る適切な語または語句を選択肢から選びなさい。またその英文を訳しなさい。 1.( ) you live long and die happy!  (1)Should (2)Would (3)Can (4)May 2.Democracy ( ) without freedom of speech.  (1)cannot surviving (2)not can survive (3)cannot survive (4)can't be survive 3.According to the law, you ( ) be 18 years old or over to obtain a driver's license in Japan.  (1)can't (2)must (3)might (4)may not 4.My father ( ) quit school when he was fourteen because of his poor health.  (1)had to (2)must (3)ought to (4)should 5.Our son's soccer uniform is still in good shape. We ( ) buy a new one for him yet.  (1)have to (2)must (3)don't have to (4)should 6.My Japanese teacher says everybody ( ) sutdy at least one foregin language.  (1)ought (2)should (3)may be (4)have to 7.I'd rather ( ) by taxi.  (1)having gone (2)going (3)to go (4)go 8.Since I'm very tired, I ( ) join the party tonigt.  (1)had not rather (2)would not rather (3) would rather not (4) had better not to 9.You had better ( ) your homwork soon.  (1)to finish (2)finishing (3)be finished (4)finish 10.We ( ) tell anymore about this just yet.  (1)didn't have better (2)had better not (3)had not better (4)haven't better 11.When he was a newcomer, he ( ) read several different newspapers every morning.  (1)used to (2) was used to (3)got used to (4)is used to 12.I ( ) this movie before, but I'm not sure.  (1)must see (2)might see (3) should see (4)may have seen 13.Katherine lost her purse yesterday. She ( ) it on the bus.  (1)must drop (2)must be dropping (3)must have dropped (4)must have been dropping 14.He ( ) have introduced you to his sister yesterday because she died three years ago.  (1)cannot (2)must (3)ought to (4) shouldn't 15.We've just missed the train. We ( ) left our office a little ealier.  (1)should (2)should out (3)should have (4)should not have 16.George and I had a great time at the party last night. You ( ) come.  (1)had to (2)might have (3)must have (4)ought to have 17.Mary couldn't help ( ) when she heard the news about the championship.  (1)to smiling (2)smile (3)smiling (4)to smile 18."Your apartment is really compact." "You may ( ) think this is small, but it's actually larger than average."  (1)good (2)well (3)better (4)best 19.There's no bus for two hours, so we ( ) as well take a taxi.  (1)might (2)must (3)would (4)should 量が多いかもしれませんが、よろしくお願いします。 スペルミスなどありましたらお知らせください。