• ベストアンサー


こんにちは。今度大学の授業で自分の過去の経験について各自発表することになりました。原稿を考えたのですが、時制や表現などいいたいことがうまく表せずに困っています。添削お願いします。 内容:私は以前から日本語教師に興味を持っていて、大学生1年生になり、外国の方に日本語を教えるクラブ活動を始めた。始めは日本語を教えることは、日本人の自分にとっては簡単だと思っていたが、日本語を教えることの難しさを知った。始めは上手に教えられなかったが、今では知識もだんだんと深くなっていった。私はこの活動を通して、言葉は違くとも分かり合えること、何を伝えたいかが重要であることを学んだ。 I entered a college, my point of view has changed.Because I joined a club activities.This club influenced me. We teach Japanese to foreign people.I belonged this club simply because I am interested in Japanese teacher. So I joined this club. But I did not think deeply about the club. I made light of the Japanese language since I am a Japanese. However,what I thought was quite different from the fact.I thought that being Japanese doesn't qualify us to teach Japanese. I made light of teaching. At first, I've achieved only half of what I hoped to do. Because my knowledge is small. So I could not teach Japanese well. But now my knowledge is become deeper gradually. I learned a great deal from this club. First,I learned that teaching is difficult. Second, we can make friends evev if we are not same language. Most important thing is that"What we want to communicate." I want to study abroad someday. So I think that this experience is a precious possenssion. 私は今もクラブ活動を続けているのですが、文章中でそれがうまく表現できずに、もう活動はしていなくて過去のことという表現になっているような気がするのですが、うまく添削できません。。。 どうかよろしくお願いします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数3


  • ベストアンサー
  • T-Simoo
  • ベストアンサー率46% (37/80)

できるだけ原文に沿って ○I entered a college, my point of view has changed. 1.接続詞なしには、二つの文をコンマでつなぐことはできません。 2.「a college」大学の授業で発表するので、当然聞き手も「周知の」大学のはず。 ●Since I entered the college, my point of view has drastically changed. ○Because I joined a club activities. This club influenced me. 1.接続詞の使用は最小限に。 ●I participated in an extracurricular activity here, which has affected my life. ○We teach Japanese to foreign people. 1.「課外活動で」教えている、と明記します。 2.どういう外国人かを説明した方がいいかと。(大学の留学生なのか、近所に住む人たちなのか) ●In this activity, I have been teaching Japanese to the foreign students and the foreigners living in vicinity. ○I belonged this club simply because I am interested in Japanese teacher. ○So I joined this club. ●I'm interested in being a Japanese-language teacher, so I chose this activity. ○But I did not think deeply about the club. ○I made light of the Japanese language since I am a Japanese. 1.自分が日本人だから軽視していた、というのはあまり印象が良くないと思います。 ●But perhaps I slightly made light of teaching Japanese language somewhere in my mind. ○However, what I thought was quite different from the fact. ●The reality is quite different from what I expected. ○I thought that being Japanese doesn't qualify us to teach Japanese. ○I made light of teaching. 1.この二文は不要かも。代わりに ●I have gradually noticed its difficulty. ○At first, I've achieved only half of what I hoped to do. ●At first, I wasn't able to do even half of what I imagined. ○Because my knowledge is small. So I could not teach Japanese well. ●My knowledge was too insufficient to let the foreigners understand Japanese well. ○But now my knowledge is become deeper gradually. ○I learned a great deal from this club. ●But now I have learned a lot of things through this activity. ○First, I learned that teaching is difficult. ●First of all, I have learned that good teaching is very difficult. ○Second, we can make friends even if we are not same language. ●Second, we can make friends even if we don't speak the same language. ○Most important thing is that "What we want to communicate." ●And I have learned what we communicate is more important than how we communicate. ○I want to study abroad someday. ○So I think that this experience is a precious possession. 1.soと上の文章との関連性がない。 ●I want to study abroad someday, and I believe this experience will be helpful. 以上です。



回答ありがとうございます。 解説までつけて頂き大変参考になりました。

その他の回答 (1)

  • Willyt
  • ベストアンサー率25% (2858/11131)

これでいかがでしょうか? When I entered this university this spring, I decided to join a extracurricular activity of teaching Japanese to foreign people because I had been interested in it since I was a high school pupil. I made light of this activity because I am a native speaker of Japanese, but I found this thought is wrong and that it's a very difficult job for us. I have experienced many of difficulty about this activity, which taught me a very precious things. First, I learned that teaching language is not so simple as I have imagined. Second, I realized we can make friends who have different language through this activity. Most important thing is not teaching language itself but what we are intended to transmit through teaching Japanese to them. I hope to study abroad someday and I think this experience will be a precious property for me.



回答ありがとうございます。 大変参考になりました。


  • 私の英作文を添削してください

    急いで提出しなければならない書類なのですが、自分なりにやってみたのですがなにぶん英語力がないものでこんな感じに、、、。通じればいいというのではなくなるべくきれいな表現がいいといわれたので余計プレッシャーがかかってしまい困っていたところ、ここを思い出して添削をお願いすることにしました。 なにとぞよろしくお願いします。 「将来は日本語教師になりさまざまな国で日本語を教えたいです。 このプログラムは、日本語教師になりたい私にとって国際語である英語の能力をあげることができるうえ、子供たちに日本の文化や伝統を教えるという貴重な経験ができます。 子供たちにも私が勉強した日本の歴史や文化を教えることで、普段経験できない体験や知識を学んでもらうことができると思います。」 I would like to be a Japanese Language teacher and want to teach Japanese in various countries. This program can perform precious experience in which culture and tradition of Japan are taught to children and is possible to increase the ability of the English which is international language. I think that children can also have study experience and the knowledge which cannot be experienced usually because I teach a Japanese tradition and culture. いかがでしょうか、文法などでおかしなところ指摘していただきたいです。よろしくおねがいします。

  • 添削お願いします。

    I think my academic strength is perseverance and creativity. Because, I was in junior high school, I was a membar of valleyball club. It was hard club because it hardly a day off and over half member gave up. (厳しい部活で、休みもほとんどなく半分以上が辞めてしまいました) but I finished a club activity.  And, when I was in high school, I was a member of theatrical club. Then I made a drama, so I think I have perseverance and creativity. 長いのですが、よろしくお願いします。

  • 自由英作文の添削をお願いします。

    自由英作文の添削をお願いします。 少子高齢化が生じる原因と問題点、そしてあなたが考える解決策を書きなさい。 I think that what is causing an aging society with a low birthrate is that the average life expectancy has been rising, and fewer babies have been born. One of the problems of this is that Japanese economy will get to recession. This is because the working-age population in Japan is decreasing. To solve this problem, we should make more positive use of women and older people. If we create the environment in which they can work easily, I believe Japan will overcome this difficult problem. ※自分は大学受験生です。周りに添削してくれる人がいなくて困っています。どんな些細なことでもご指摘いただけたらありがたいです。 毎回ご丁寧な添削ありがとうございます。回答者の皆様にはご負担をおかけしてしまっていると思いますが、皆さんに添削していただくごとに合格へ一歩ならず、何歩も近づけていると感じます。これからも、ご迷惑かもしれませんが、よろしくお願いします。

  • 以下の英文について添削お願いします。和菓子

    A:What season do you associate this Japanese traditional confection with? B;I'd have to say summer.This yellow part of the Japanese traditional sweet reminds me of lemons because we eat them in summer . A:Actually, not. this represents wintter. B;That's interesting. Japanese people enjoy the four seasons through the their tradional sweets decorated with seasonable colors, right? 「和菓子のこの黄色い部分は夏を思い起させますね」と表現したいのですがよろしいでしょうか?またlemonは複数にしたのですがa と冠詞はつけないですよね? 宜しくお願いします。

  • 添削お願いします

    It is clear that doctor playset for boys. Because the title of this toy is Jr. Doctor. "Jr" is considered to be more masculine. Because we do not often see a girl who has a name attached Jr. 「それは男の子のための医者のプレイセットであることは明らかです。 このおもちゃのタイトルはJr. Doctorです。 "Jr"は男性的であると考えられています。 Jr.という敬称がつけられた女の子の名前を見ることはあまりないからです。」 *3文目は英語で言いやすいように少し日本語を変えています。 こちらの英文を添削して欲しいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英作の添削

    宿題なんですけど自分で判断がつかないものがあるので御願いします。解説(ドコがだめ)みたいのもあるとうれしいです。 東京には緑が多い There are more trees than we think in Tokyo. この国にはバスが走ってないところはほとんどない There are buses everywhere in this country. 病気になって初めて健康の価値がわかります It is not until we become sickness that we understand the precious of health. 彼の到着時間をご存知ですか Do you know what time he will arrive at? 地球温暖化は科学者の一致した意見です All scientists agree with the theory of grobal warming. 病人にしか病人の気持ちはわかりません Unless we have illness,we cannot understand the thought of these people. 睡眠の質が睡眠の量より大事です The quolity of sleeping is more important than that of quantity. 要は消費者の好みを探り出すことです In short,it is important to find out what consumers like. 日本を離れてみてはじめて日本のよさがわかった Until I left Japan,I could not understand that Japan is good. はじめてその本を読んだとき私は自分の人間観が変わったのにきづいた I realized that my view of human changes when I read the book for the first time.

  • 添削をお願いします!

    高校で資料を参考にして、エッセイを書く課題が出ました。 一度書いてみたので添削をお願いします! ※文章構成(first of all, secondly In conclusion と 最初のパラグラフと最後のパラグラフとの内容が被ること)に関しては学校からの指示なので、そのままでお願いします。 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ People had better be concerned about climatic change. One of the things that are in question most and most influential is global warming. These days, global warming has been serious. If we took preventive measures against global warming thoroughly, we would be in peril of our life. Also the Island whose altitude is low may sink in the sea because the ice in the arctic is malted by rising temperature and sea water. First of all, according to the report from Nasa in 2005, the amount of sea ice that floats in the chilly arctic is much less than what it used to be. This report says that it is probably because of warmer arctic temperature. This thing is so serious. But now global warming has been in progress in spite of the official date like this is going public. Secondly, the report says that the amount of sea ice that floats in the chilly arctic is much less than what it used to be. This report says that it is probably because of warmer arctic temperature. This change may surprise many people even who don’t take interest in global warming. We are not able to keep this the situation any more. In conclusion, we had better think of global warming and need to immediately start working out solutions for this problem. Otherwise, we will really be in peril of our life. ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ※念のために言いたいことを大まかに日本語で書いておきます※ ^------------------------------------- 人々はもっと気候変動について気にかけるべきである。もっとも影響があり問題となっているのが地球温暖化だ。近年、地球温暖化は深刻化してきている。もし私たちが徹底的に地球温暖化を防がなければ、生命の危機に瀕することになるかもしれない。また、海水や気温の上昇により北極の氷が溶け、水面が上昇して海抜が低い島々は海に沈んでしまうかもしれません。  第一に、NASAの2005年に調査によると、「資料抜粋:the amount of sea ice that floats in the chilly arctic is much less than what it used to be. This report says that it is probably because of warmer arctic temperature.」これのことはとても深刻です。しかし今でもこのような調査が公表されているにも関わらず地球温暖化は進行しています。 次に、この調査は「資料抜粋each year, during the month of September, the amount of sea ice floating in the Arctic Ocean is typically at its lowest amount for the entire year. That year, and all the way back to 2002, the amount of sea ice has been 20% less than the average amount seen normally between 1979 and 2005.」ということを示しています。この変化は、地球温暖化に興味がない多くの人々でさえも驚かせてしまうかもしれません。私たちはこの状況をこれ以上そのままにしておくことはできないのです。 要するに、私たちはもっと地球温暖化のことを考え、この問題について対策を練る必要があります。そうでなければ、本当に命の危険にさらされるかもしれないのです。

  • 英作文添削をお願いします。

    高校英語です。よろしくお願いします。 1、彼は煙草をやめてからとても太って、今では体重が75キロもあるそうだ。  It seems that he weighs seventy-five kios now because he has been fat since he stopped smoking. 2、海外で日本について研究している人は少なくないし、日本人以上に日本のことを知っている外国人は決して珍しくない。  Not a few people study about Japan in a foreign country and a foreigner who knows of Japan better than Japanese is not uncommon. 3、こんな退屈な本になけなしの金をはたかなければよかったと後悔した。  I regretted having spent what little money I had had on this book.

  • 英作文の添削お願いします。

    英作文の添削お願いします。 「人にものを教えるためには、教える内容の3倍以上は知っていなければならないと言われる。 というのも、どんな質問をされるかわからないからだ。 学校の先生が教科書に書いてあることしか知らなければ、 生徒の質問に答えることはできないだろう。」 It is said that you must know more than three times as many things as what you teach, in order to teach things to people. This is because you don't know what kind of questions students ask you. If teachers know only things written in text books, they can't answer the question of students. 「3倍以上は~」のあたりが特に自信がないのですが・・・。 よろしくお願いします!

  • 英検2級、英作文の添削

    最近英検2級の勉強を始めたのですが、英作文の書き方が全然わからず、添削できる知り合いが周りにいなくて悩んでいます。19年度第二回の問題を書いたのですが、添削していただきたいです。大学卒業してからかなりブランクがあるので、おそらくめちゃくちゃです。暴言にならない程度にお願いします。 PS:文章が若干脱線気味ですが、文法とかを見てほしいです。 <Question> Today, some young people do not start working for large companies. Do you think number of these people increase the future? Why Japanese young people don’t want to work for large companies? One of the reason, Japanese Companies often occur Suicide of Employees. This is because Young employees were blamed by their boss. They feel much stress and anxious about their fail. Another reason, Japanese Companies income don’t increase. But their working time is increasing every year. And they cannot have a rest. So, Some Japanese young worker think “We are too much spending time to work, but our income isn’t increase. It is no worth for work for large companies”. It is my opinion. This is because young people don't want to work large companies. What should we do protect increase young people like that? This is problem not only our income but also our mental and work environment. I think we must hear everyone’s opinion and realize it as possible as we can. What is important for work? I think it is not income, with Employees’ Satisfaction. So we can protect increase the people who don’t want to work large companies.