• ベストアンサー


以下の英文はどのように訳したらいいのでしょうか。 A typical convertible arbitrage model might imply, say, that convertible bond is objectively under priced compared to the stock given the price of the convertible bond, the price of the stock, he convertible bond can be converted into, interest rates and other factors. 「the stock given the price of the convertible bond」という部分の文法構造がいまいちよくわかりません。 どなたか教えていただけないでしょうか。 よろしくお願いいたします。 (ちなみにこの文章は英語版ウィキペディアの「Quantitative analyst」という項目からの引用です。)

  • 英語
  • 回答数3
  • ありがとう数7


  • ベストアンサー
  • zak33697
  • ベストアンサー率27% (275/1016)

A typical convertible arbitrage model might imply, say, that convertible bond is objectively under priced compared to the stock [given "the price of the convertible bond", "the price of the stock, he convertible bond can be converted into", "interest rates" and "other factors"]. 文法構造: ...stock [given "A","B","C",and "D".] C= he convertible= the convertible ? 典型的な裁定取引とは、転換社債価格、転換対象株の株価、利率、 その他の諸要因等を想定し客観的に転換社債が株価より安い場合を モデルにしているようである。 I'm beat.でも分かっていただければうれしいです。。。



ご回答ありがとうございます。 文法構造がとても分かりやすかったです!

その他の回答 (2)

  • ForrestG
  • ベストアンサー率62% (139/223)

そのままですと、少なくとも私の読解力では意味が通らないので、以下のように原文に修正を加えました。 ●under priced → underpriced(2語を1語に) ●the price of the stock, he convertible bond can be converted into   →the price of the stock the convertible bond can be converted into    (中間にあったコンマ削除、コンマ直後の he を the に修正) すなわち、以下の原文を前提として訳します。構文的にはこれで間違いないと思うのですが、私も金融の知識はないので、不備があれば、他の方からのご指摘も歓迎します。 A typical convertible arbitrage model might imply, say, that convertible bond is objectively underpriced compared to the stock given the price of the convertible bond, the price of the stock the convertible bond can be converted into, interest rates and other factors. 「転換社債の価額、転換社債を転換できる株の価額、利率などの要素を考慮すれば、典型的な転換アービトラージモデルにおいては、言わば、転換社債は株に比べて客観的に安売りされているということが前提となっている可能性がある。」 given は、直後に事物を列挙した場合、「~を考慮すれば」という意味になる場合があります。この場合は正にそれです。given の直前にコンマを補うと分かりやすいかも知れません。以下は大修館「ジーニアス英和辞典」の given の例文より。今回は given 以下が倒置で後ろに行っている形ですね。  >Given her inexperience [Given (that) she's inexperienced], (then) she has done well.  >未経験であることを考え合せると,彼女はよくやったほうだ. 以上、ご参考になれば。



ご回答ありがとうございます。 ...the price of the stock, he convertible bond... ここの部分の"he"は確かに"the"でした。 転載ミスです。混乱させてしまい、申し訳ございませんでした。 "given"は前置詞だったんですね! こんな用法があるなんて知りませんでした…。

  • hiro7858
  • ベストアンサー率0% (0/1)

金融の知識がないので直訳です。 典型的な"convertible arbitrage model"によると、転換社債は、客観的に転換社債の値段が与えられた場合の株、転換社債が転換されうる場合の株価、金利、その他の要因と比較して値が付けられる。





  • 英文会計 負債について教えてください

    英文会計について教えてください。答えがないので、どれが正解かわかりません。できれば理由もお願いいたします。 ITEMS a THROUGH d are based on the following: Jammy Inc.'s $50 par value common stock has always traded above par. During 2002, Jammy had several transactions that affected the following balance sheet accounts: I. Bond discount II. Bond premium III. Bond payable IV. Common stock V. Additional paid-in capital VI. Retained earnings REQUIRED FOR ITEMS a THROUGH d determine whether the transaction increased(I),decreased(D), or had no effect(N)on each of the balance in the above accounts. a. Jammy issued bonds payable with nominal rate of interest that was less than the market rate of interest. b. Jammy issued convertible bonds, which are common stock equivalents, for an amount in excess of the bonds' face amount. c. Jammy issued bonds, with detachable stock warrants, for an amount equal to the face amount of the bonds. The stock warrants have a determinable value. d. Jammy declared and issued a 2% stock dividend.

  • 以下の和訳を教えてください。(一部文法構造も)

    以下の分は、市場リスクについての説明です。 和訳があっているか教えてください。 また、最後の一文の文法構造もお願いします。 Perhaps the most familiar but often least understood form of investment risk is "market risk". In a highly liquid market like the collective stock exchanges in the United States and across the developed world, the price of securities is set by the forces of supply and demand. If there is a hgh demand for a given issue of stock, or a given bond, the price will rise as each purchaser is willing to pay more for the security than the last one. The reverse of that occurs when the sellers want to rid themselves of an issue more thatn the buyers want to buy it. Each seller is willing to receive less than the last one and the market price, or valuation, declines. 最もよく知られているがほとんど理解されていない投資リスクは、”市場リスク”だ。米国や開発途上国における集合的な株式取引のように非常に不安定な市場では、証券価格は需要と供給によってきまる。所有する株式、債券の需要が高ければ、買い手は最新の価格よりも高く買おうとするため、価格は上昇する。買い手より売り手が上回ると、所有債券を手放そうとするため反対のことがおこる。売り手は値下がりした証券価格、市場価格、または価値よりも損失を少なくしようとする。 わからないのは、最後の一文です。Each sellerとは、価格が下がった場合の売り手のみをさしているのでしょうか。それともその前の文のsellerもさしているのでしょうか。また、最後の分のthe last oneは具体的にはなにをなしているのでしょうか。自分のもっている証券価格ととったのですが、間違えでしょうか。また、最後のdeclinesは、どういう意味でしょうか。動詞でしょうか。 お願いします。

  • Financial Times経済コラムの一節・liquidity is, once again~

    The Financial Times紙の経済コラムからです。筆者は Willem Buiter氏。12月2日付けの「It is time for the monetary authorities to jump into the liquidity trap」と題するもの。 「金融当局は『流動性の罠』に飛び込むべし」とタイトルにあるように、筆者はこのコラムで、現在の経済的苦境を打開するために名目金利をゼロにすることと量的緩和を実施することを金融当局に勧めています。 念のため質問箇所のひとつ前の段落から引用します。 This process of quantitative easing can, effectively, go on forever. It only stops when the central bank has monetised all private and public securities. Even if the risk-free nominal interest rates at all maturities are reduced to zero (the deep liquidity trap), the scope for quantitative easing is not exhausted, because the central bank has the option of acquiring risky private securities of any and all kinds, up to and including ordinary equity. Cutting nominal rates to zero and quantitative easing will not be inflationary as long as the virtually unbounded liquidity preference of the private sector persists. These measures will become inflationary as soon as normalcy returns and liquidity is, once again, just viewed as food for the faint-hearted. At that point, there has to be a swift reversal of the quantitative easing and an increase in short nominal interest rates, sufficient to reduce the real demand for base money to a level consistent with the remaining outstanding nominal stock at the prevailing price level. That will be a fun exercise. 1. 上記文章中の liquidity is, once again, just viewed as food for the faint-hearted (流動性が再び臆病者の糧とみなされるだけとなる)の意味をご説明ください。 2. 上記文章中の sufficient to reduce the real demand for base money to a level consistent with the remaining outstanding nominal stock at the prevailing price level. の訳をご教示ください。 なお、参考までに質問箇所以外の部分の訳を以下に示します。 この量的緩和のプロセスは実質上永遠に続き得る。それが止まるのは、中央銀行が私募、公募を問わずすべての証券を貨幣化したときである。たとえリスクのないすべての償還期間の名目金利がゼロに設定されたとしても(「深刻な流動性の罠」)、量的緩和の余地はなくなるわけではない。なぜなら、中央銀行はどんな種類の証券であろうと、普通株を含むいかなるリスクのある私募の証券でも、自分が購入するという選択肢が残っているからだ。 名目金利をゼロにすることと量的緩和は、民間部門がほぼ無制限の流動性を好む限り、インフレを招来しない。これらの方策がインフレを招くのは、事態が正常に復し、流動性が再び臆病者の糧とみなされるだけとなった途端である。その刹那、量的緩和はすみやかに方向転換され、短期名目金利は引き上げられねばならない。ベースマネーに対する実需が~と同じ水準になるまで。それはなかなか面白い作業となるだろう。

  • Financial timesの記事について質問します。

    Earlier this year, the price/earnings ratio of the MSCI emerging markets index overtook that of the world index, having been significantly lower for most of this decade. Since the US Federal Reserve started cutting rates in August, emerging markets have opened quite a gap.【According to Datastream, they trade at a multiple of about 17 1/2, compared with 16 for the world as a whole.】 This implies emerging markets are a more solid bet to grow than the developed world, and in turn that they can withstand a downturn in the US or Europe. 上の文章で【】内に「約17 1/2(小さい文字)の倍数で」という表現がありますが、これの意味が分かりません。17.5の2倍なら35ですが、別に意味がありそうです。検索しましたがよく分かりませんでした。お願いします。

  • 和訳してください

    どなたか( )の中の最も適切な語を選んで和訳していただけませんか? In the years leading up to the crisis, there were three major factors that contributed to the housing bubble in the US. The first factor was money flow into the US from fast-growing economies in Asia and oil-producing countries which were seeking a destination for investment. The second factor was easy credit conditions which were caused by an interest (rate/ratio/percentage) of 1% in the US in 2003, the lowest in 45 years. The third factor was a resultant high demand for housing from the low income bracket. Those factors led to the housing bubble between 1997 and 2006, raising the prices of (typical/ traditional/ attractive) American houses by 124%. However, the housing bubble burst in 2008, sending the stock market into tailspin

  • 以下の2文の、fromの使い方が分かりません

    fromについて質問させてください。 (1)from stock prices to bond yeilds to interest rates (株価から債権の利回り、金利に至るまで) という文章がありました。 一般的に、from Japan to Chinaのような形は知られていますが、このように、 from ~ to ~ toのような形をとる事は出来るのでしょうか? 辞書とか調べてみても、載っていませんでした。 (2)As you know from managing one of the metropolitan area's lardest firms, (都心エリア最大規模の事務所を運営される貴社におかれましては既にご存知の通り、) という文章がありました。 ここでのfromの使い方が分かりません。 as you knowは分かりますが、managingとなっているのでfromが前置詞なのだと思いますが、 knowは動詞です。 この構文がサッパリ分かりません。 申し訳ございませんが、以上2点ご教授願いたいと思っております。

  • 和訳の添削をお願いします。

    和訳の添削をお願いします。 経済学の内容のため、うまく訳せず困っています。 日本語として不自然な部分や間違った訳し方をしている箇所があれば訂正をお願いします。 文中の「PPP」は「購買力平価(purchasing power parity)」だと思って訳しているのですが、これも間違っていれば訂正をお願いします。この文章はInflation riskを説明しています。 本文) This risk occurs because the inflation rates in the domestic and foreign economies are uncertain. If PPP were to hold continuously, the real rate of return on the domestic bonds is given by the nominal interest rate less the expected domestic inflation rate. If the latter is uncertain then so will be the real return on the asset considered. Similarly, the expected real less the expected foreign bonds is given the nominal foreign interest rate less the expected foreign inflation rate , if the latter is also subject to uncertainty then so will be the real return on foreign bonds. If PPP holds continuously and the expected domestic price inflation rate rises, this reduces the expected real rate of return on domestic bonds but does not increase the expected real rate on foreign bonds because the currency will depreciate by the same amount as the expected inflation rate. The risk of holding a domestic bond can therefore be represented as a positive function of the variance in the domestic inflation rate while the risk of holding a foreign bond can be represented as a positive function of the variance of the foreign inflation rate. A greater variance of the expected domestic inflation rate raises the relative riskiness of domestic as compared to foreign bonds and vice-versa. 訳) 国内外の経済のインフレ率が不確かであるので、この危険は起こります。購買力平価が連続的に保つことになっているならば、国内のボンドに関する実際の利益率は名目金利によって期待される国内のインフレ率をより与えられません。後者が不確かかどうかは、考慮される資産の本当の収益です。同様に実際に期待されない外債よりも名目の外国の金利を与え、後者がそれから不確実性も受けて、それが外債の本当の収益であるならば期待される外国のインフレ率です。 購買力平価が連続的に保つ、そして、期待される国内の価格インフレ率が上がるならば、通貨が期待されるインフレ率と同じ量下がるので、これは国内の債権に関して期待される本当の利益率を減らすが、外債の上で期待される本当の率は上昇しません。外債を持つリスクが外国のインフレ率の相違のプラスの作用として表すことができる間、国内の債権を持つリスクはしたがって、国内のインフレ率の相違のプラスの作用として表されることができます。期待される国内のインフレ率のより大きな変化は、外債とその逆と比較して国内の相対的なリスクを上げます。

  • 和訳して欲しいです。 年齢差別についてです。

    However, there have been few attemps to compare quantitatively the relative importance of these three kinds of prejudice and discrimination. We have analyzed the race, sex and age inequalities shown by the U.S. census statistics using the method of the Equality Index. We compared inequalities in terms of income, education, occupation, and number of weeks worked. The Equality Index summarizes the amount of similarity between the percentage distributions of two groups, such as the aged and non aged, on a given dimensions, such as income or years of education. We found that age inequality was greater than race and sex inequality in the number of years of education completed and in the number of weeks worked; that is, there was more discrepancy between the aged and non aged in their education and weeks worked, than there was between the whites and nonwhites, and between males and females. However, in terms of occupation, age inequality was less than racial and sex inequality. Age inequality was also greater than racial inequality in terms of income. When comparisons were made combining two of the factors, the joint effects were generally additive. The combination of all three factors produced the lowest quality in both income and occupation. Changes since 1950 show nonwhites and the aged gaining substantially more equality in income, occupation, and education; while women were barely maintaining their generally inferior status. The extent to which these inequalities are directly due to racism, sexism, and ageism, as opposed to biological or cohort differences, is difficult to determine. However, it is clear that the relative amounts of race, sex, and age inequality vary depending ono which inequality is being mesured.

  • 和訳の添削をお願いします。

    和訳の添削をお願いします。 経済学の内容なので上手く訳せずに困っています。日本語として不自然な部分や間違った訳し方をしている箇所があれば訂正をお願いします。 前回の質問(http://okwave.jp/qa/q6221307.html)の後半部分になります。 For simplicity, let us assume that inflation and domestic and foreign interest rates are equal and exchange rates are initially at PPP. In this there is an expected appreciation of the foreign currency implying an increased expected return from holding foreign bonds. The expected real rate of return on domestic bond is, however, unaffected by such deviation from PPP causes a risk specific to foreign bonds given by the variance of the expected deviation from PPP. That is, fluctuations in the exchange rate that cause deviations from PPP constitute a risk specific to foreign investments which is called ‘exchange risk’. Exchange rate changes only cause exchange risk to the extent that they represent deviations from PPP. If exchange rate change rate ensure that PPP holds, then they do not constitute exchange risk. Theoretically, therefore, exchange rate fluctuations are an incorrect measure of exchange risk. It is fluctuations of the exchange rate around PPP that constitutes exchange risk. 単純化して、まず最初に購買力平価の為替相場で、インフレーションと国内と国外の金利が等しいと仮定します。これに、保有期間中の外債からさらに戻ることを予想されることを意味している外貨の期待される認識があります。しかし国内の債権に関する期待される実際の利益率は、購買力平価からの偏差が、予想される偏差の相違によって与えられる外債特有のリスクを引き起こすようなものに影響を受けません。つまり、購買力平価からの偏差を引き起こす対外投資に特有のリスクを構成する為替相場の変動が、『交換リスク』です。これらが購買力平価からの偏差を表すまで、為替相場変化は交換リスクを引き起こすだけです。為替相場変化率が購買力平価を確実に所有するならば、これらは交換リスクを構成しません。よって理論的には、為替変動リスクは交換リスクの誤った測定で、交換リスクを構成する、購買力平価のあたりの為替相場の変動です。

  • 大至急お願い致します!課題の意味が全く分かりません

    1. Context and Divorce Rates Each person belongs to at least three groups - a cohort, a culture, and a socioeconomic group - that tend to guide his or her life path by influencing the context in which development occurs. To highlight the impact of context on development, consider a Census Bureau study that tracked tens of thousands of families over two-year periods between 1983 and 1988. The study found that married couples below the federal poverty line separated or divorced nearly twice as often (one out of seven) as those above the poverty line (one out of thirteen). African American families were hardest hit by low socioeconomic status, as 1 out of 5 African American couples split up during the study, compared to 1 out of 8 white couples and 1 out of 9 Hispanic couples. "It appears that stresses arising from low income and poverty may have contributed substantially to breakups of parents," said the study's senior author, Donald Hernandez. The Census Bureau study also found that when a marriage breaks up, three times out of four a mother and her children who formerly were above the poverty line, fall below it. In 1970, 90% of households consisted of both biological parents and their children; by 1990, that number had dropped to 75%. Another good example of the impact of context on development concerns the consequences of divorce on the children's later marriages. A recent study reports that children of divorced parents are less likely to divorce than their counterparts one generation ago. Before 1975, children from divorced families were 2.5 times more likely to divorce than their counterparts from intact families; by 1996, this rate had dropped to 1.4. A final example of the impact of context on development is the strong association between marital status and nearly any measure of health, including mortality rates. And examination of age-adjusted death rates shows that adults who never married have the highest death rate, followed by those widowed, divorced, and married. Those never married have a 79% higher mortality rate than those widowed or divorced, and 2.2 times the mortality rate of those who are currently married. Adults who are widowed or divorced have age-adjusted death rates that are 86% and 78% higher, respectively, than for those who were married at the time of their death. In your report to me, address each of these issues: 1.All of these examples are correlations. Discuss each of these examples in terms of the risks associated with drawing causal conclusions from correlational data. 2.Explain the context effects that may account for the differences described in each example. That is, what factors from the environment might have contributed to the behavior being described? 3.In each case, the researchers were trying to find a single causation for a multiply-caused effect. Identify the evidence for that. 4.In the first and fourth examples, the researchers controlled for at least one other variable besides the one of interest. Identify the variable(s) in each of those examples. 2. Estimating the Effect of Test Error: The Base-rate Fallacy Begin by reading these two articles, which constitute a series about probabilistic reasoning: http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=why-our-brains-do-not-intuitively-grasp-probabilities http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=how-randomness-rules-our-world Now, apply your knowledge from these articles and from Chapter 10 of the text. Although a 70 percent rate of accuracy for the polygraph may sound pretty good, the text shows that it is not. For example, if 5 percent of 1000 employees are guilty of misconduct, and all are given the test, 285 innocent employees will be wrongly accused. Please avoid the base-rate fallacy while considering the following example: In your report to me: Explain your reasoning and tie your discussion to evidence from the text and the articles about probabilistic reasoning.