仮定法過去 大過去でこんがらかってます。
①Need to choose 1)or 2) as a correct clause;
If I hadn't got this job,
1)I wouldn't have been able to use what I learned into practice.
2)I wouldn't be able to use what I learned into practice.
The answer is 2).
良い例文 “If you hadn’t saved me then, I would have died.”から考えると、1)過去のある時点で、I got the job then.してて、I was able to use my career...だったから I would't have been~.と思っています。
答えの2)I wouldn't be able to use what I learned into practice.から考えると、「ひょっとしたら使えてない。」の意味は過去のある時点を示唆してないと思うので、ここに過去の出来事のニュアンスを入れるために I wouldn't have been able to~にすべきだと思うのですが、なぜ2)だけが正解だと言っているのでしょうか?
②Need to choose 1)or 2) as a correct clause;
"James is always lazy. He failed a test last week."
1)If you weren't so lazy, you would pass that test.
2)If you hadn't been so lazy, you would pass that test.
The answer is just 2).
これも同じような理由で、He failed a test last week.なら
, you would have passed that test. と両方の選択肢文を訂正すべきだと思っています。
この②のクイズが2)If you hadn't been so lazy,を選ぶのは何となく解ります(James is always lazy.⇒James was lazy that day as usual.からIf you hadn't been lazy, なんですよね。)
If 仮定法大過去 clauseにつなげる文の時制がわからくなりました。御願いします。
A good example sentence is "If I were a bird, I could fly to you." “If you hadn’t saved me then, I would have died.”
the action James made in the past is expressed "If you hadn't been so lazy,(you were lazy that day as usual.),then "you would have passed that test.
According to 1), now James is lazy. So his possibility to pass the test is quitelow. If he were
According to 2),James was lazy that morning as usual. So he failed a test then.
In this case,is the correct sentence that If you hadn't been so lazy, you would have passed that test, isn't it?
Why is only "you would pass that test" correct?
wind-sky-windさん ありがとうございました。