• ベストアンサー

Us against her.


  • trgovec
  • ベストアンサー率52% (2538/4879)

It was like a contest between us and her. It was like our contest against her. ここは何らかの文章の省略形というより、「我々対猫」を際立たせるために分離したように思えます。 動詞の主語でない場合、独立している場合は主格でもいいですが目的格を使う用法も口語では多く見られます。Me and my dog「僕と犬」など。これは名詞格とも考えられます。 「僕たち対猫」だけ独立させれば Us versus her も可能でしょう。文の中に組み込むのは難しいですね。



ご回答有難うございます。馴染みのないフレーズだったので、お尋ねしました。よく解りました。少しづつ理解が深まります。これも皆様のお陰です。今後ともよろしくお願いいたします。 まづは御礼まで。


  • 英訳お願いします💦怖くて死にそうです。

    The reason is that I am having difficulties getting over my ex girlfriend. We seperated many months ago but for some reason it's been very painfull for me the last few weeks. Again, i am sorry and I hope I will feel better about it soon and can forget her.

  • [英語] ()に当てはまるものを教えて下さい><

    1. I thought it was a bad idea for Sally to go hiking all alone, so I tried to talk her () it. (1) against (2) away from (3) out of (4) up against 2. The boy begged his parents () the toy for him. (1) bought (2) buy (3) should buy (4) to buy 3. The theater was filled to (). (1) capacity (2) completion (3) fullness (4) size 4. If you () to water the flowers every day, they may die. (1) neglect (2) object (3) reflect (4) reject 5. William got () nothing for designing the new library computer system. (1) beside for (2) even in (3) next to (4) of for

  • よろしくお願いします

    My mother-in-law really loves cats. She has about 10 of them and treats her particular favorite like you would a human child. I also really love cats and do not have a problem with her obsession! What I’m struggling with is my mother-in-law’s obsession with my cat. She asks about the cat every. single. day. When she visits, she literally follows him around, pursuing his affection (if you know cats, you can imagine how well this goes over). Her feelings get hurt when our cat hides when she visits (he actually doesn’t hide from anybody else but her). She pressures us to bring the cat on our visits, which is incredibly stressful and not enjoyable for him. She’s also made weird comments about how she looks out for our cat and makes sure he’s safe. I’m trying to grin and bear it and treat it like a quirk. It really does get to me, but I’m trying to be Zen. how well this goes overとZenはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 英語を教えてください。

    次の各文のスラッシュで区切ってあるのが主語ならS、動詞ならV、目的語ならO、それ以外ならMで答えなさい。 (1)My father / runs / in the park / every morning. (2)The telephone / in the living room / is ringing / again. (3)My sister / looked / very / happy / yesterday. (4)Mr. and Ms. White / invited / us / to dinner / last night. 次の各文の文型と同じ文型の文をア~オから選びなさい。 (5)Monday comes just after Sunday. (6)All the boys in our class like soccer very much. (7)I asked him some questions. (8)They made Ken captain of the team. (9)Your mother wil get well soon. ア,He painted all the walls green. イ,Some people were swimming in the pool. ウ,She took a picture of her host family. エ,Will you pass me the salt? オ,Tim's idea may sound strange. これを解いてみると、 (1)My father(S) runs(V) in the park(M) every morning.(M) (2)The telephone(S) in the living room(M) is ringing(V) again.(O) (3)My sister(S) looked(V) very(M) happy(O) yesterday.(M) (4)Mr. and Ms. White(S) invited(V) us(O) to dinner(O) last night.(M) (5)ウ (6)イ (7)エ (8)ア (9)オになったんですけど、間違っている問題がありましたら、教えてください。

  • 代名詞

    Karen ordered food from a caterer on 7th Avenue called Deli King. She said she's tried (1) food before and it's good. I told her not to order drinks thought. We can provide those (2) . (1) A their B it's C they'are D these (2) A yourself B us C herself D ourselves 答え (1) A (2) D 参考書による解説 (1) 空欄の後のfoodと前の文のDeli Kingがヒント (2) 主語のWeがヒント (1)はなぜ所有格のtheirになるのですか? (2)は主語がWeなのでAとCは違うことはわかるのですが、なぜBではないのですか? 詳しい解説お願いします。

  • againstの訳し方

    Japan vs England. Japan against England. 同じと聞きましたが、againstは、どういう意味で使われてるのですか? 対だとversusになってたので、対ではないし・・・ 日本に対抗して/対抗するのはイングランドです。のような感じですか?

  • against の使い方について

    その建物は消防法に違反している。なぜなら、防災設備が不備だから。 この車は、整備不良で、道交法に違反している。 この2つの文を、against を使って英訳できますか?

  • against

    againstという前置詞は結構苦手なのですが、keeps moving against the door というと、どういう行動を説明しているのでしょうか。開かないドアに向かって突進しつづけるということ?

  • アゲンスト


  • against

    We’ve decided against moving to London. 意味分かりません。どなたか教えてくださいますか? ※OKWAVEより補足:「NEC 121ware : メール」についての質問です