
  • 友達と一緒にバスケットボールをしたり、兄弟や姉妹の話をしたりしました。
  • ペットショップでペットを見たり、うなぎを食べたりするのが好きです。
  • AAAの曲が好きで、BBBの曲も気に入っています。幅広い音楽の楽しみ方をしています。
  • ベストアンサー


訳をみていただきたいのですが、分からない部分も教えてくださいお願いします。 (1) My friend Chris stayed at my house and the next day we played basketball with my brother and other friends Evan and Micah. Do you have any siblings I have a two brothers who are 17 and 7, and a sister who is 10. 私の友達Chrisはうちに泊まった。次の日私たちは私の弟と、友達のEvanとMicahとバスケットをした。あなたに兄弟はいますか?私には2人の兄弟がいます。弟は18歳、妹は7歳。 (2) I like going to pet stores to look around. We don't have any pet shops that sell dogs around here anymore. Are you planning on buying a dog? I don't know if many people have tried unagi around here unless they have been to a sushi bar. I know my aunt likes unagi. I went to a restaurant with her last year. I didn't think that I would like it but I did. I will usually try something once. 私はペットショップへ、ペットを見にいくのは好きです。・・・・(この辺は微妙なんですが)私たちのまわりに犬をうってるみせがない???  寿司バーがなければ・・・・??うなぎを食べることがあるか分からない・・・?? 私の叔母はうなぎが好きだ。私は去年叔母とレストランへ行った。私は食べるとは思わなかった????でも食べた。私はいつもなんでも一度は試す。 (3) I like AAA's songs. It's hard for me to decide which AAA's song I like best because I have been listening to him since I was in 3 grade, I like all of his songs. As for BBB I like, @@@,@@@,@@@@(曲名) .I haven't been listening to BBB as long as I have AAA. 私はAAAの曲が好きだ。AAAの曲で特に好きなものを選ぶのは私にとって難しい。なぜなら、私は3年生?のころから彼の曲を聴いている。私は彼の曲が全部好きだ。BBBは@@@,@@@,@@@が好きです。 (4) When I started listening to AAA there was that West Coast, East Coast thing going on and people on the West didn't really listen to East Coast rappers as much, I think BBB is a good rapper though. I think you are right about people liking East Coast better but I think that it's mostly people who aren't originally from Atlanta. My friends that listen to Rap like east and west.私がAAAを聞き始めたときはwest coastだった??わかりません。 It might take me a little while to reply to your messages. I don't have the internet , I have to use my uncles computer. ちょっとこれも分かりませんでした。私はパソコンを持っていない。おじさんのパソコンを使ってる。(これはどういう意味なんでしょうか・・・) これらの訳について教えてくださいお願いします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数0


  • ベストアンサー
  • Parismadam
  • ベストアンサー率65% (2756/4211)

意味のあっているところも結構ありますよ。間違っているところだけ訂正します。 1.・・・あたに兄弟姉妹はいますか?私には17歳と7歳の2人の兄弟と10歳の妹がいます。 2.・・・この辺に(私の住んでるあたり)に、犬を売ってる店がない。あなたは犬を買う予定はある?このあたりの人は寿司バーに行ったことがなければ、うなぎをしらない人が多いと思います。・・・私はうなぎを気に入るとは思わなかったけど、(食べたら)気に入った。・・・ 3.・・・BBBについて言えば、 4.私がAAAを聞き始めた時は、まだ西(海岸)、東(海岸)みたいな区別(地域差別でしょう)が横行していて、西の人間は東のラップ音楽なんてほとんど聞かなかったんだ。それでもBBBはいいラップ音楽だと思うよ。一般にみんな東の方が好きだっていう君の意見はあってると思うよ。でもアトランタ出身でない人が殆どなんだ。僕の友達でラップ音楽を聞いてる人たちは、東の人も西の出身の人もいるよ。 (何故アトランタが出てきたのか、AAA、BBBと関係あるのか、(僕)は東か西の人なのかテキストからでは判断できなかったので、文脈どおりに訳しています。) 5.君のメールに返事出すのにちょっと時間がかかるかもしれない。僕自分のインターネット持ってなくて、おじさんのを使っているから。 ご参考までに。


  • 訳の修正お願いします

    Eplからもらった文なのですが、訳がうまく出来ません。わかる箇所ありましたら訂正とただしい訳を教えてください。 (1)I see...so how good is your english??? I can speak a little Japanese, so I don't think communication would be a problem....but I know that it is very important to have. We were together for a long time, but it just never felt right...we would always have different opinons about things, and see would go to the club a lot...and dance and always try to meet new guys...she said she never cheat on me, but I really don't know??? わかった、(わあkりません)私はすこしだけ日本語はなせる、コミニュケーションとるのは問題ない。でもとても重要なことだ。 うちらは長い間一緒だった。(わかりません)いつも意見が異なった。クラブへいったり男と出会ったり (わあkりません) (2) But I'm much happier with her out of my life then in my life. So anyway, No I don't have any kids, and I have never been married before....I am single and looking for the right girl to spend the rest of my life with....who knows you may be her!!! You seem like a really nice girl and it seems like you have a great heart too. ・・・・・私はシングルで・・・さがしている。・・・あなたはほんとにナイスな女性にみえるし気持ちもすばらしい (3)I think next we will have to meet someday to really see if we have ssome things in common with each other. So how about you...do you have kids?? Would you consider dateing with me??? or am i to ugly??heheheheheh (あいたいようなことを言っているのはわかりますがうまく訳せません)

  • 訳の修正

    ペンパルからのメールなんですが、ちょっと意味が分りません。数人女の子が話かけてくるけど、私は話したくない。ということはなんとなく分ったのですが・・・すいませんが訳を教えて下さいおねがいしあmす。My first day out here wasn't bad at all. I saw a lot of people around here! A couple a girls tried to talk to me and I didn't want to talk them. I miss you so much, that I wanted you to be here with me! 私が戻ったら私と私の誕生日を祝えたらいいな。もしむりならいいよ。これしか分りません。I hope that when I get back, you would be able to celebrate my birthday with me! If you don't, I understand. I could write you on, and on, and on,but I am about to go to sleep.

  • 訳を手伝ってくれませんか??

    To be honest, I have Todd, but I don't have too many other friends that I can talk to openly. I think having a penpal alleviates some of the concern of things you say being passed to other people, and I think it also alleviates the fear of judgement. いつもお世話になっています。アメリカ人からのメールです。 I think having a penpal alleviates some of the concern of things you say being passed to other people, and I think it also alleviates the fear of judgement. この部分をうまく訳せません<(_ _)>誰か手伝っていただけないでしょうか??being passed なんてどう訳していいか全くわかりません。お願いします。

  • 訳の修正なんですが

    訳を見ていただきたいのですが、 外国人の男の人から届いたメッセージです。 I still have your email adress but you are to busy to even spend time with me! I really like you, but I would like to have a girlfriend! Hope ou can understand that! 君のアドレスはまだあるけど君は忙しくて僕と@@@@@@@. 僕はきみをスキだけれど僕は恋人が欲しい。わかってくれ。 という訳でいいのですか? @@@@の部分はちょっときちんとやくせないので教えていただきたいです。 そして、どのような感じで言っているのかも私には分らないのですが、強い言い方ですか?わかるよな!みたいな・・・ それともふつうでしょうか 教えて下さいお願いします

  • 訳を手伝ってくれませんか??(3)

    I was not sure at first what I wanted to study, but now I think I'm pretty confident that I want to obtain a degree in Business. This is a very broad degree, but you can work in almost any field and with that degree, you have the potential to climb very high up the corporate ladder. That's not my goal. but my goal is to make enough money that Todd and I can travel a lot, and I also want to help out with buying a house eventually, and having the security of a good income. Also, we have to plan for retirement, which will cost a lot. アメリカ人からのメールです。下の二つの文章をうまく訳せません。(2)のcorporate ladderをどう訳したらいいのでしょうか....誰かお願いします。 (1)but now I think I'm pretty confident that I   want to obtain a degree in Business. (2)you have the potential to climb very high up   the corporate ladder.

  • 訳を手伝ってくれませんか??(2)

    College: At the time I went to college, I was very young and did not know what I wanted to do. I also didn't know how to prioritize my school, work and my relationships. Relationships always came first, and I was a bit confused at the time as well. I skipped school a lot, just because I didn't feel like being there. I think I was a bit depressed - it may have been self-induced. But now, I have changed a lot. I now am very responsible at my job and in my home life. And since I have a stable relationship, I feel like I can really focus my time on what needs to be accomplished. I do want to go back to school. I actually planned on applying next week, but my boyfriend's job is not entirely secure at the moment - they are cutting positions - firing people whose jobs are not completely necessary, and so Todd is nervous and asked me if I minded waiting. I don't mind waiting, but I do still plan to go back, even if I had to wait a year. とても長い文章で申し訳ないです。アメリカ人からのメールでこの子は大学を休学中で、そのことについて書いてくれました。 (1)it may have been self-induced.の意味。 (2)And since I have a stable relationship, I feel  like I can really focus my time on what needs  to be accomplished.をきれいに訳せません。 (3)Todd is nervous and asked me if I minded     waiting. I don't mind waiting, but I do still  plan to go back, even if I had to wait a year. という文章でwatingとありますがトッドは何を待ってもらいたいのかわかりません。仕事のことでしょうか?? たくさん質問してしまいましたが、時間がある人助けてください!!

  • 訳を手伝ってくれませんか??

    I like the teachings of Buddha, though. I have used meditation practices in my Christian practice. I find that meditation makes be able to pray to God with a more focused and honest mind. I think all people of all beliefs should know about the ideas of other religions! Because, as for reincarnation, I can understand this belief. It makes sense. But, like I said, in my belief there is no need for reincarnation, because Jesus took care of my fate. アメリカの友達からのメールです。前のメールで私が彼女に転生輪廻を信じるの??と質問しました。 詳しく書くとbecause Jesus took care of my fate. の部分がわかりません<(_ _)>世話をするしか訳ができなく、他にどんな感じで訳したらいいのでしょうか??誰かお願いします!!

  • 恋系でしょうか・・・ 修正と訳見てください

    epalが詩らしきものを書いてきたのですが、私には難しくてすべて訳せません。自分でできるところはやりましたが間違えもたくさんあると思います。文章自体がながいので、わかる箇所だけでもいいので訳、修正お願いします。段落で分けました。 1) I like to write stories and poerty too.I wrote on for you last night.I wrote it in case I never meet you.You could keep it in memory. 私は物語や詩を書くのがすきだ。私は昨夜あなたに書いた。私があなたにあったことがない場合・・・・ 2) The Girl I Never Got A Chance To Know Have you ever met anyone that makes your heart skip a beat? To know this person would be more than a treat. I would have never imagined that someone I hardly know I would truly admire. Our little time on the internet,nearly set my heart on fire. What is it about you,that sets you apart from any other girl. Your ambition and intelligence lets me know you were born ready for the world. 彼女はしるチャンスが(わかりません) あなたはいままでハートをskipさせるような人とあったことがありますか?インターネットの短い時間は私のハートに火をつけた。(わかりません・・・・) (わかりませんでした) 3) When you write to me with your mesmerizing words,I lose all composure and get weak in the knees. My temperature begins to rise up to around 400 degrees. When you're not around my heart beat still. Within you'll remain it always will. Your beauty is unlike any other I have ever seen. The visions of you follow me even in my dreams. How could I ever forget that beautiful smile and those gorgeous seductive eyes? あなたが私に手紙書くとき。。。。私の体温は 4) If anything were to happen to you,I would surely die. There's an enigma to the attraction I hold in my heart for you. For I only want happiness and the best for you,perhaps one day you'll even be my boo! Secretly knowing the innocence in your heart makes me excited. Even though I try my best to conceal and hide it. You remain a mystery to me. So I hold back and choose not to truly speak. I would like to talk to you,because there are so many things I want to say. もしあなたに何か起きたら・・・・私はあなたと話がしたい。なぜならたくさんのことを言いたいから 5) Everything from how I adore you to how you take my breath away. Considering the situation im in,we may never get the chance to connect. I guess that's why I keep my distance and pay you the outmost respect. I'll keep it this way,because as time moves on,my attraction will only continue to grow.But i'll always keep you in memory as the girl I never got the chance to know....... by@@@@@ I hope you like it.Well write me back when you get time.I have to go bring my nephew and niece to school.Talk to you later! Feel free to ask me anything. 私はあなたがきにいってもらえたらいいです。時間があったらメールして。甥と姪を学校へ連れて行かなきゃだから。またね

  • 日本訳を教えてください(1)

    Everyday you make a little sweet sound that I really love to stay and hear for long as you walk and talk and sing a song I feel this way wherever you are going I will go if it's so hard to do, so many things I have to lose, I've decided that I live my life for you I'll be there with you, my love I'll always be a part of you your joys and your pains or your tears are mine you are all I realize as true, no more I'll be there with you, my love I'll always be a part of you And I want you to know that by rule and line you are all, all that I live my life for I think of you think of every word we talked and every thing that we did together every moment we spent with each other Quite a few people in my life so far I met have gone away from me now you're the only one I see and the world is spinning just for you and me 長すぎるので分けますm(_ _)m (2)へ…

  • [緊急]日本語訳お願いします!

    Does it mean that you're not shy? :) I really like buddhism! I think this is the religion I like the most, it's the most believable, thoughtful, and I agree with what that religion say. :) Our teacher said that Japanese celebrate Xmas in a different way to European People, I don't really know whether it's true or not...! This is a good thing to be interested in the world, and France is a nice place, you'll see, you might like it ! :D This morning, i had a japanese conversation lesson with a real japanese person, and she spoke to me all in Japanese and I didn't understand anything, except few easy things... and I realized that I was very bad for speaking and understanding Japanese! We only had a year of japanese lessons, so we're not very ready to speak japanese fluently, so I'm sorry, I'll do my best but my japanese level isn't great...! ^^ I'm very excited to come in 10 days now ! :DDD It's a huge adventure for me!!! I'll try to check my email every day for you to have a answer quickly ! :p See you soon !!! 急いでいます! 早めに返事いただけると助かります(;~;)