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repress とsuppress

repressとsuppressは両方「抑圧する」という意味ですが、両者の違いがピンときません。 英英辞書を見てみると、suppressの方が「強い感じ」(意志力みたいなもの)がするのですが、解釈を間違っていますか? いいアドバイスをよろしくお願いします。


  • taked4700
  • ベストアンサー率37% (777/2050)

重なる部分もあるのですが、 suppress は、基本的に、外的な、社会的な行為を止めさせる 時に使い、 repress は、個人的なことに使うのではないでしょうか。 Main Entry: sup&middot;press Pronunciation: s&-'pres Function: transitive verb 1 : to put down by authority or force 2 a : to keep secret b : to stop or prohibit the publication or revelation of 3 a : to exclude (illegally obtained evidence) from use at trial <suppress narcotics found in violation of the right against unreasonable search and seizure> b : to fail to disclose (material evidence favorable to a defendant) in violation of due process <accused the prosecution of suppressing evidence> —compare BRADY MATERIAL intransitive verb : to suppress evidence — Main Entry: re&middot;press Pronunciation: ri-'pres Function: transitive verb 1 : to exclude from consciousness <repress conflicts> 2 : to inactivate (a gene or formation of a gene product) by allosteric combination at a DNA binding site




  • Chicago243
  • ベストアンサー率38% (401/1043)

下記のsiteでは re&middot;press To hold back by an act of volition: couldn't repress a smirk. To put down by force, usually before total control has been lost; quell: repress a rebellion. Psychology. To exclude (painful or disturbing memories, for example) automatically or unconsciously from the conscious mind. Biology. To block (transcription of a gene) by combination of a protein to an operator gene. v. intr. To take repressive action. re&middot;press (r-prs) To hold back by an act of volition. To exclude something from the conscious mind. sup&middot;press To put an end to forcibly; subdue. To curtail or prohibit the activities of. To keep from being revealed, published, or circulated. To deliberately exclude (unacceptable desires or thoughts) from the mind. To inhibit the expression of (an impulse, for example); check: suppress a smile. To reduce the incidence or severity of (a hemorrhage or cough, for example); arrest. repressは (コントロールを失う前に反乱を)鎮圧する (感情を)抑える suppress 強制的に終わらせる (活動を)縮小,禁止する (事実などを)隠す (感情などを)抑える (症状を)抑える 強制的に終わらせる(suppress)と (コントロールを失う前に反乱を)鎮圧する(repress) を比べるとsuppressの方が強いと思います。 (感情などを)抑えるの方は少し 記述が両者で違いますね。



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