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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:半分は理解できたのですが。 以下、お願いします。)


  • 登山は自分や仲間の人生において切り離すことがでいないものである。結婚や親になるなど社会が望むことはしないが、この考え方が間違っていることが分かった。
  • 登山で自らの命を危険にさらすことになり、親に対して誤解を招くことになった。
  • 登山は自己中心的な追求であり、その一方で周囲の人々に心配をかけることになる。


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ありがとうございました。 制限があって前半を書くことができませんでした。 この場をお借りして前半部分を書かせていただきたいと思います。 疑問に思うのは、両親をだましたくなかったと言っていますが、両親にはどんな説明をしたのでしょうか? なんだか、わかるような?もやもやしています。 My parents could not appreciate what climbing meant to me. I had tied to explain it, and had been careful to emphasise the seriousness of it all. If something were to happen tome. I wanted them to understand that I had accepted this possibility. I could not bear the thought of leaving them hurt and confused, unable to comprehend the death of their youngest son. Above all I disliked the idea that they might think it a waste of a life and never understand the truth—that for me it was the most life enhancing thing I had ever experienced, that the very nature of the pursuit made me and all my climbing friends the characters we were. The mountains were inextricably woven into the fabric of our lives. In much the same way I had decided in my mid-tees that I did not want to do those things that society expected of me. I did not want to compromise anything and rejected the idea of marriage and parenthood for fear that these would rob me of the selfish desire to do what I wanted with my life: a life lived once, with no reincarnation, no afterlife, heaven or hell, finished at death. Grab the chances that come your way and run with them. That had become my credo, and there was no going back. It never occurred to me that these early certainties would themselves become eroded by time: that self doubts and too many questions would make a mockery of what I once was and had set out to be; that time would change me, would betray everything I once believed in. If I succeeded in avoiding regret, I failed to realize that I would look back and sneer at what I once had been.
