• ベストアンサー


下記の日本語をYahoo翻訳で訳してみました。 問題はないでしょうか? また、こういうソフトを使う際の、基となる日本語文の書き方のコツがあれば、あわせてご指導いただけないでしょうか。。 「日本のフルーツショップは、未だにアナログな所が多くて、Eメールの環境が整っていません。 つきましては、一部、Eメールがありません。 Aグループは、横浜店に送信すれば各店舗に配信してくれます。」 There are many places that are analog, and, in the Japanese fruit shop, environment of an E-mail is not yet regulated well. Therefore, there is not an E-mail partly. An A group serves it to each store if I transmit a message in Yokohama shop.

  • iiwa
  • お礼率17% (29/162)
  • 英語
  • 回答数3
  • ありがとう数0


  • ベストアンサー
  • enna2005
  • ベストアンサー率40% (333/819)

少し短くなりますが内容は同じです。 Many fruit shops in Japan do not have a computerized system yet,so some of them can't communicate by e-mail. A group serves e-mail to each shop if transmitted to Yokohama branch.

その他の回答 (2)

  • ohboy729
  • ベストアンサー率41% (244/589)

>「日本のフルーツショップは、未だにアナログな所が多くて、Eメールの環境が整っていません。つきましては、一部、Eメールがありません。Aグループは、横浜店に送信すれば各店舗に配信してくれます。」 この日本語の意味は僕にはこういう意味に見えるのですが・・。 「日本のフルーツショップはまだコンピュータ化されてないところが多いので Eメールが使えないところもあります。しかしAグループでは横浜店にメール注文を出すとそれに応じた支店に注文が伝えられます。」この意味で書きます。ちょっと堅苦しいかもしれません。 Many fruit shops in Japan have not yet been in really proper setting for e-mail communication . Yokohana office (A group) will take your e-mail orders and onforward them to a relevant branch office . * ソフトは使った事があまりないのよく分からないのですが、日本語自体が第三者にも分かりやすいものであればもっとうまくいくのではないでしょうか。

  • rikashan
  • ベストアンサー率33% (2/6)

こういう翻訳ソフトは直訳が多いというのが率直な感想です。 「日本のフルーツショップは」始めに書いてあるので、英文でも「In Japanese fruit shop there~」とするのが自然だと思います。


  • 英文の訳

    英文でわからなかった文がありました。訳を教えてください。 In the United States, for example, many cities do not have a 13th street; man buildings do not have a 13th floor. It is surprising, though, that the number 13 is considered unlucky in the United States. The country was originally divided into 13 states. On the dollar bill there is a picture of an incomplete pyramid with 13 steps. The bald eagle carries an Olive branch in one of its claws with 13 leaves and 13 berries on it. In the other claw it is holding 13 arrows, and above its head there are 13 stars. 宜しくお願い致します。

  • 訳が分かりません。

    The material is not in an inhalable phase. お願いします。 ちなみに、この英訳も日本人が書いたので、あってるかどうか不明です。

  • There に続く be動詞につきまして

    There is か There are か、どちらにするのが正しいのでしょうか。 There [is / are] an apple, an orange, and a banana. There [is / are] apples, an orange, and a banana. There [is / are] an apple, oranges and bananas. どの部分に be動詞を合わせればいいのかわからないのですが、 教えていただけないでしょうか。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 正しい訳が分かりません(>_<)

    Although it is the right of children to receive common education rather than an obligation →子供たちが普通の教育を受け取ることを正しいとしたけれども  (この意味も合っているか全く自信ないのですが…)の後の  <rather than>の意味をどうとらえたら良いか分かりません。   Though these are not compulsory,there is huge social pressure which forces children to continue their education at these higher educational institutions in the current situation in Japan, where higher education is highly regarded. →雰囲気は分かるのですが、正しい訳が分かりません。  とりあえず読み取れるところをつなげてみるとこうなりました…。  【それら(高校や大学のことです)は義務ではないけれども、それは子供たちに莫大な社会的なプレッシャーを与えた、   高校や大学へ行くことを強制するような状況が日本にはある。】  

  • 英文と日本語訳があります。翻訳は正しいですか?

    Americans who are in important positions would not make a big fuss about where they sit in a car for another reason. Americans strongly believe in equality as an ideal. Someone who is of high statues is expected to minimize his own importance. The people around him are also expected not to make too much of a fuss over him. An important person who is nice to the "little guy" is respected. 日本語訳 重要な地位にあるアメリカ人は、別の理由もあって車内でどこに座るかについて大げさに騒ぐようなことはしないでしょう。アメリカ人は、理想としての平等を強く信じています。高い地位にいる人は、自身の重要度を抑えた振る舞いをすることが期待されるのです。彼の周りの人たちもまた、彼のことで大騒ぎしないことが望まれます。「平凡な人」に印象の良い重要人物が尊敬されるのです。

  • 長文の訳お願いします!

    結構長い英文なのですが、英語が得意な方翻訳お願いします。それか各小節の概要でも教えて頂けるとありがたいです。 The ancient city of Peshawar is located in Pakistan, close to the site of the earliest Buddhist sculptures. Sheep are abundant in that area. Medieval wooden homes line the dark streets, and here and there smoke rises from small restaurants nestled among the homes. All the restaurants serve sheep meat, or mutton. The meat is served grilled on skewers or as small steaks. The most delicious fragrance of all comes from kabobs. Kabob, also called kebab, means "grilled meat" in Arabic. The most common meat comes from sheep. The cheapest and best kabobs are found in small restaurants where the meat is grilled over charcoal. Chunks of meat are placccl on skewers and grilled over a charcoal fire. That's it. If the cook is skillful, the meat is moist, and melts in your mouth. Large restaurants will season the meat and cook it with onions, however, the authentic kabob is not even seasoned with salt. The quality of the meat determines the flavor, so small authentic restaurants are the best place for kabob. The word shish kabob comes from the Turkish language, and is understood just about everywhere. Sheeps meat is considered a great delicacy just about everywhere in the Middle East and Central Asia. The entire animal is eaten, including its innards stand alongside stalls selling mutton. There are corners where dozens of sheep's heads will be displayed for sale. The brains are considered the tastiest part of the animal, and area eaten boiled with a squirt of fresh lemon. In various regions throughout the Middle East and Central Asia, there is an annual rite in which sheep are sacrificed, and the meat is distributed to relatives and neighbors. It is said that in Pakistan, the finest hospitality is shown to company by killing a sheep in the morning and serving its brain in the evening. There is probably no meat as universally populer mutton. It cuts across religions and cultures. For example, Japanese research institute found that the traditionally picky Parisians consumed more sheep and duck than any other types of meat. A guest at a Parisian family dinner is likely to find a mouth-watering plate of roast leg of lanb on the bone in the center of the table. There are Japanese who claim to be put off by the smell of roast lamb, but that is probably because they have never smelled really fresh roast lamb. There are sometimes surprises in sheep cusine. There are many restaurants in Sofia, Bulgaria, specializing in sheep cusine, but if you cannnot read the Bulgarian menu and simply order "the specialty of the house," you are likely to end up with roast sheep's head. This is considered a Bulgarian delicacy, and the tastiest part of the sheep. The British English expression, "mutton dressed as lamb," goes back a long way. Mutton is meat from mature sheep, while lamb is meat from a young sheep. The phrase indicates an older woman who tries to make herself look young. The old English phrase "eat one's mutton with..." means "to dine with..." Sheep are not just for meat. In the Middle East, Europe, and elsewhere, sheep are free-range domestic animals who are loved for their cute cuddliness.

  • 英語訳お願いします;

    分からない文があるので、訳してもらえないでしょうか>< ・ Also it is not form a pure family of black letter forms - a misture of textura and fraktur, so in this sense it is a bastard child of them. ・ There is a tension there , which can be played with. です。よろしくお願いします!!><

  • 二つの文の違いを教えてください。

    1.There [ ] some water in the glass. is or are を入れる問題なのですが、in the glassと、glassは1つなので、is をいれればよいのでしょうか? 2. Is there an egg in the basket? Are there any eggs in the basket? 上の文は、1つ卵があるかないか 下の文は、卵があるかないか を問題にしているという解釈でよいでしょうか? 明確に違いがわかっていないので、補足してもらえるとうれしいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英訳をお願いします

    よろしくお願いいたします。 Language is an instrument of power (those who know a language are empowered in a way that those who do not are not). 特に括弧の中のin a way that をどう訳すのか悩んでいます。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 訳お願いしますm(._.)m

    和訳お願いします! (1)Biomass is a form of energy source, which can be made from any kind of vegetation-trees, grass, leaves, or ocean plants. (2)Of course, burning biomass emits carbon dioxide into the air. (3)However, when we use biomass fuel, we are burning carbon dioxide that was once in the air, but was taken in by the plants. (4)So the total amount of carbon dixide in air is not increased. (5)On the other hand, fossil fuels such as coal and oil are formed from decayed animals and plants that lived millions of years ago. (6)When we burn them, there is an increase in the amount of carbon dixide in the air, which causes the greenhouse effect.