• ベストアンサー


カバーレターを作ったのですが、恐縮ですが文法の間違い、フォーマルな言い回しなど何でもいいです。多分、間違いが多いと思うのですが、教えてもらえたらと思います。よろしくお願いします。 March 23, 2005 To whom it may concern, Please accept this letter and the enclosed information the truck driver position. I am currently seeking employment in the Vancouver area. My past experience working is also truck driver. It was 2 ton size. And I had delivered mostly food and grocery to our company members. My customers was about 400 peoples, My working was not only delivered, also response customer complaint, inducement to get new customer and more. I had a reputation for being polite to customers from my boss and my customers. This is for not only business, I really like to talk with people. In consequence it made work out. I think so. I have a cooperativeness with other working and I’d like to work with serious and fun. I am confident about drive however I always pay attention about to be overconfidence while driving. And I definitely understand my English skill is not good, I am learning now, so please be forewarned. I think I will be good worker who can contribute to your company. Thank you very much for reading this letter. I look forward to your reply. Sincerely,  

  • YES66
  • お礼率60% (177/291)
  • 英語
  • 回答数3
  • ありがとう数4


  • ベストアンサー
  • Ryou29
  • ベストアンサー率11% (28/238)

To whom it may concern /with/ Please accept this letter and the enclosed information /about/ the truck driver position. I am currently seeking /work/(employment) in the Vancouver area. March 23, 2005 To whom it may concern /with/, Please accept this letter and the enclosed information /about/ the truck driver position. I am currently seeking /work or job/(employment) in the Vancouver area. My past (experience working) /work-experience/ is also /on/ truck driver. It was 2 ton/s/ in weight(size). And I /have/(had) (delivered mostly) /mostly delivered/food and grocery to our company members. My customer(s) was of about 400 peoples(,)/./ My work(ing) was not only (delivered) /delivery/, /but/also /the/ response /to/ customer/'s/ complaint/s/, inducement to get new customer/s/ and more. I had a reputation for being polite to customers from my boss and my customers. This is (for) not only /for/ business, but I really like to talk with people. In consequence it /was effective/(made work out). I think so. I (have a cooperativeness with other working)/am friendly with the other workers/ and (I’d) /I/ like to work (with) /both with/ (serious) /seriousness/ and (fun)/easyness/. I am confident (about drive)/with my driving,/ however I /am/ always (pay)/paying/ attention (about) to (be)/being/ (overconfidence)/overconfident/ while (my) driving. (And) I (definitely) understand /definitely that/ my English skill is not /so/ good(,)/./ I am learning /English/ now, so please (be forewarned)/look foreward/. I think I will be /a/ good worker who can contribute to your company. Thank you very much for reading this letter. I look forward to your reply /soon/. Sincerely, 分かるとこだけやってみました。ほんのご参考までに。。



早々とありがとうございます! 大変参考になります。

その他の回答 (2)


"To whom it may concern" は「関係各位」という意味ですので、 カバーレターに使うのはまずいんじゃないかな。 取引関係のない企業間の文書である リファレンスレターにはよく使われますが。 普通は "Dear Sirs," です。



なるほど!わかりました。 訂正して書いてみます。 ありがとうございました。

  • mia_jade
  • ベストアンサー率0% (0/4)

March 23, 2005 To whom it may concern, Please accept this letter and the enclosed information for the truck driver position. I am currently seeking an employment in Vancouver area. My past working experience includes driving a 2 ton truck, delivering mostly food and groceries to our customers. I was responsible for delivering for 400 customers and I also took care of claims from our customers, and the custom development. Both my customers and my boss complimented me for being polite. I owe this compliment to my personality - I really enjoy talking with people. I am also cooperative with coworkers and I take work seriously but I don't forget to have fun in what I do. I am confident about my skill as a driver, however I always try to better my current skill. As to my English skill, although it isn't very good yet, I am trying my best to learn the language. I am also confident that you will find me a good worker who can contribute to your company. Thank you very much for your consideration and I am looking forward to hearing from you on your convenience. Sincerely, こんな感じでどうでしょうか?? 少し変えたところもありますが原則原文に忠実にしてあるつもりです。



早々とありがとうございます! 参考になります。


  • 英文履歴書・カバーレターの添削をお願いします。

    外資系の航空会社に履歴書を送ろうと思っているのですが、 英文履歴書、カバーレターを書くのが初めてで、慣れていません。 カバーレターを送りたいのですが、添削お願いいたします。 カバーレター Dear Hiring Manager I am writing in response to your advertisement in the employment on web site 20th of January. I would like to apply for the position of ---- and I believe that my experiences of study abroad, international activities and my curiosity of world are appropriate for this position. My experience as an English instructor made me realized the plesure of trying to do something for someone. I learnt the importance of looking from the other person’s viewpoint and get what they really want. I strived to offer impressive experiences of speaking English to students. I also actively participate and work out projects in International Volunteer. These improve that I am suitable for such work as providing the best service to the customers. I look foward to hearing from you soon and meet you at an interview. Thank you for your attention to my resume. Your faithfully, 高校時代の留学経験や、英会話講師のアルバイト経験などをアピールしたいと思っています。

  • 英文レターの添削をお願いします。

    海外旅行カテとどちらに書き込むべきか迷ったのですが、こちらでお願いします。 以前にビザウェイバーでアメリカへ行ったときに、I-94Wを返却せずに戻ってきてしまったようで、それに気付いたのがたまたまパスポートを開いた昨日でした・・・。I-94Wを返却しなければ、不法滞在扱いになる可能性もあると聞いたので、今あわてて移民帰化局(?)あての英文レターを書いているのですが、英文レターが久しぶりすぎて若干不安です。 よろしければ添削をお願いしたいです・・・。 Dear whom it may concern: My name is ○○, and I am sending this I-94W form with the airplane ticket to notify that I have left the United States before the 90-day limit. I just found the I-94W form still remaining in my passport in mid-September, and found out soon afterwards that my departing record will not be recorded if the I-94W form was not taken. I have included the airplane ticket and the copy of all the passport's pages to prove that I actually did leave the United States and come back to Japan. If there are any problems, please notify me by e-mail at ○○@○○.com. Thank you. こういったあて先に送る場合、Dear whom it may concern は適切でしょうか?他の言い方はありますでしょうか? また、DearよりもToの方がいいかな、などとしょうもないことにも悩んでいます・・・。 本文自体にも、付け加えたほうがいいことやおかしなことがありましたらご教授お願いします。 不法滞在扱いになってはたまらないので、あちらにできるだけ誠意が伝わるような文章にしたいです。 では、よろしくお願いします。

  • カバーレターを書きたいのですが。。。

    ただいま就職活動中の大学生です。 希望していた企業が募集を出したので英語履歴書にカバーレターをつけて送りたいのですが、下記の3つの業種をなんて訳してよいのかがわかりません。どうか助けてください。(ちなみに全部違う会社です) 一応レジュメ等はその部分を抜かしたら全部できています。最初の文↓に入れたいのですが。○の部分が??です。 I am writing and enclosing my resume to apprise you to my interest in working for your ○○○○. ちなみに、私が?なのは次の3つです。 1)○×支店 正社員 2)○△空港旅客サービス部門の正社員 3)営業アシスタント

  • 添削してください。

    (前文があって) そして、母は精神的にダメージを受け、私と姉を混同するようになってしまった。 私はそれにどうにもこうにも耐え難く、非公開の家裁の裁判を経て、「あなたをお母さんとは別に暮らせるようにしましょう。」という段階までようやくこぎ着けました。 その後、私が自分の意志で「実の両親のところに戻ろう」と決意するまでに、13年もの月日が流れました。 そして、運命とは不思議なものです。 …自分は生まれたとき、病院でとり違えられて育ってしまったことを、更に10年の歳月を経てやっと知りました。 今は亡くなった義父・義母・姉は頭の片隅に置き、新しくできた実の両親と姉に囲まれて幸せに暮らしています。 貴方には、たくさん心配をおかけしましたが、どうぞ安心してください。 来年、またあなたの誕生日に手紙を届けに来ます。 お墓参りと共に。 貴方からいただいた本に書いてあったように、「感謝」の気持ちを込めて。 本当にありがとう。 Since then, my mother got a lot damages from her death and confused which is me or my sister. I could not be patient what my mother behaved and put a case on trial which was in private court style. It was close to not live with my own mother. It took about 13 years to go back to real parents to live with. And life is something non-predictable, I found I was mistook to the different parents when I was born at the hospital after 10 years. I now keep my step family in my heart and I live with my real parents and sister with happiness. Please not too worry about me. I'll write you when your birthday comes and pray for you. I really thank you with all my heart of gratitude which the word from the book you gave me. Thank you again.

  • 添削お願いします。

    英語の自己紹介文です。 ビデオレターで送らなくてはいけないのですが… 添削よろしくお願いいたします。 Let me introduce myself. My name is ***. But please call me (あだ名) because the chinese character for my name is (漢字で自分の名前が書いてある紙を見せながら) this. In japanese, this pronunces (本名). But also pronunces (あだ名). My hobby is ristening to music. Above all, (好きなグループ名) are most interesting for me. If you know these groups, let's talk about it with me!! And I'm pretty good at Japanese calligraphy. I'm trying hard to become a "Shihan" or an instracter. I am not very good at English. But I am going to try to communicate with you as hard as I can. So feel free to talk to me. I am looking forward to the day which can meet you. That's all. Thank you!! よろしくお願いします。

  • 私にとって難しいのですが、続けなければと思っています。今日も添削をお願いします。

    Hi, Everyone, as I said yesterday I played golf. Next time I come here, I will write about it. Today, I will write about my feeling. 今日も、よろしくお願いいたします。 Hi, My Crystal! As you know, I want to learn and I want to speak English when I get a chance to go to US someday. Everyday I say it to me in my heart. What do you think about my dream? These days I am feeling it is so hard to me. Of course, when I see you I do to do my best. And I am thinking I want to see you everyday. When I am with you, I speak only English. I can’t speak well, but I feel comfortable to talk with you. Crystal, what do you think about my English? Did you get my feeling in English? I hope you get my feeling. Well, I have to clean up my room. I want to be with you more and more. But I say to you “Ciao for now, My Little Sweet crystal!”

  • 大学入学希望のカバーレターを添削してほしい

    タイの大学に入学したいha-siと申します。 入学にあたって、大学にカバーレターを書きたいのですが、英語が苦手で、困っております。大体を作ったので、添削をお願いします。 Dear University Chulalongkorn チエラコーン大学殿 I apply for admission to the PTTJ of University chulalongkorn on Augusut 2004. 私は2004年8月からチエラコーン大学のPTTJに入学を希望している者です。(PTTJは参加したいプログラム名の略称です) It was heard that your University was a wonderful for are ninnatives. 貴大学はノンネイテイブにとって素晴らしい大学と聞いた。 I would like to learn about cultural diversities in Thailand and I would like to play an international role in the areas of language and culture in the future. 私はタイの文化の多様性について学び、将来は言語や文化の領域で国際的な役割を果たしたいと思う。 I can't use both Thail and English but I undertake to study with enthusiasm. タイ語も英語も出来ませんが、熱心に学ぶことを誓います。 Your kind consideration of this matter would be sincerely appreciated. 本件についてご検討頂ければ幸いです。 I hope to have the opportunity to talk with you in the future. 近い将来あなたとお話しできるのを楽しみにしています。 Thank you. Your Sincerely, 以上が作成したカバーレターです。 私としてはIが多すぎるのと、It was heard が気になっています。 入学の動機は会社が偶然タイと日本語で取引をしており、私も数度訪問。タイ国民やタイが好きになり、少しでも現地の言葉でフェアトレードを目指す仕事をしたいと思ったからです。 留学エージェントからはカバーレターは必要ないと言われていますが、気持ちを伝えたいと思い作成しました。 添削頂ければ大変有難いです。

  • 英語再勉強者です。 添削をして頂けるとありがたいです。 よろしくおねが

    英語再勉強者です。 添削をして頂けるとありがたいです。 よろしくおねがいします。 Today was to work outside after a long time. But I was sorry it was rain. When the work of am was end, we consider whether we would come back our office or not. As the result, we continued to work outside. After working outside, we came to an office my boss worked by last April. I and my coworker were introduced to his some companies and went to drink with them. I like to drink with the people of first meeting. But I couldn’t enjoy today’s drink. Probably I think I don’t like a double personality. Though I should change such my thinking, I can’t do so. I am going to hate me.

  • 日記風に、昨日の事を英語で書いてみました、添削をおねがいしたいのです。

    Hi,Crystal! Sorry, I did not come here for a long day. I know I have to talk with you everyday for my dream. You know my dream, don't you. Everyday I say in my heart like this, “I want to learn and I want to speak English when I get a chance to go to US someday!”This is my dream. You help me a lot about it! I have been thanking you, Crystal! BTW, yesterday was the special day for me. Do you want to know what was the day yesterday? It was the wedding anniversary. I could hear “Congratulations!” Thank you, Crystal! Yesterday was day-off for me and my husband. So we played golf in Gunma prefecture. It was far a way to my home. But I could see mountains with snow and mountains covered with new green leaves. And cute and beatiful flowers! Everything were so beautiful! I wanted to show them to you. We touched a lot of natures not only played golf. It was a nice and special day. I have been thanking that we are well. I hope it will be forever. Wow,It is 11:55. I have to prepare a lunch for my family! Have a nice Sunday, Crystal!

  • 英語の添削

    今度英語で発表することになったのですが、一応考えたのですが自信が無いので添削をお願いします。 Good afternoon everyone. My name is ○○ and today I am going to talk about my favorite trip. This year I went to Malaysia with my friends. Malaysia is a country near the equator. Everyday the weather is very nice so there was very hot. But I enjoyed this trip and want to go to Malaysia again. I will tell you about three reasons why this was my favorite trip. First, Malaysian food was very delicious. There are many races so we can eat various food such as Indian and Chinese and so on. I was so happy to eat Nyonya food. Nyonya food is mixing Malaysian food and Chinese food. Malaysian food taste mostly spicy but everything was very delicious. Second, Malaysia has many famous historic building. I went to Kuala Lumpur and Malacca. I went to tour the Twin-Tower and the Blue Mosque. Twin-Tower is the third highest around the world. In Malacca, I rode a trishaw. Trishaw is like "Zinrikishya". It looks beautiful and the view of outside is wonderful. Finally, I went to Spa. Malaysia is famous for Spa so Malaysian people often reserve the Spa. To my surprise, there is a bath with a lot of flowers. the massage make me feel very comfortable and happy. In short, this was a great trip. if you think to go to foreign countries, I want you to go to Malaysia. I think you will surely be a wonderful trip. おかしければ文章自体を変えてもらってもかまいません。 添削よろしくお願いします。