• 締切済み



  • Wendy
  • ベストアンサー率21% (25/114)

時々ききますね、こういう言い方。 Zz_zZさんのおっしゃるとおりです。 直訳すれば「そこにいないわけにはいかない」,つまり絶対にL.A.にいかなきゃならない、と言う意味です。 「~しないわけにはいかない」「~せずにはいられない」というとても強いニュアンスがあります。



私には馴染みの薄い表現だったため、戸惑いも大きかったんですが、こういう表現があるんだなーととても楽しくなりました。 おもしろい表現ですね。 回答ありがとうございました。


  • 会話問題が解けません

    一応自分でもやってみたのですが、答えに自信がないので解説をお願いします。 問題文「次の会話文を読んで、空所を補うのに最も適当なものを選びなさい。」 A:Front Desk. May I help you? B:Yes. This is room 702. There is something wrong with the sink in my bathroom. (1: ) A:Something is wrong with your sink, sir? (2: ) B:Certainly. The faucet is dripping. I can't sleep because of the noise. A:I'm sorry, sir. We won't be able to send someone to fix it until tomorrow morning. B:Tomorrow morning? (3: ) I can't sleep and I have a very important business meeting in the morning. A:The maintenance staff won't be here until morning. Perhaps we could move you to another room. B:Well, if you can't fix it tonight I guess that wil have to do. A:(4: ) Someone will be up to take your bags to the new room shortly. 1. I'm sorry, but I can't help you. 2. I should fix it soon. 3. Could you please be more specific? 4. That's not my problem. 5. Can't it be fixed before then? 6. I apologize for the inconvenience, sir. 7. I don't know what you are talking about. 8. Is someone fixing it? 9. Do you have someone available to fix it? 10.How did you break it? 私の答え 1番 5 2番 2 3番 9 4番 6 回答お待ちしております。

  • 入試問題で対話文です

    適した文を選んで1語追加して並べ替える問題です。 Mary:Hi,Bob.What are you doing? Bob:I was just looking at a program about classical music in Osaka this season. Mary:Really?I love going to concerts. Bob:(1)____? Mary:I sure am.Could you give me some advice? Bob:I'd be glad to. Mary:I can't pay much. (2)______. Bob:Not if it's a Japanese orchestra. Mary:Does Osaka have an orchestra? Bob:Yes,the Osaka Symphony Orchestra is playing next weekend. Mary:Great,I'll try to go. Bob:(3)_______.But i have to work next weekend. Mary:Tht's too bad,but thanks to your advice. Bob:You're welcome.(4)_______. Mary:I sure will. A (go,I,I, you,with,could) B (too,planning,there,I'm, go) C (is,know,me,concert,the,let) D (will,concert,sometime,you,a,soon) E (classical,was,am,afre,as,as,I,in,were,that) F (tickets,was,Japan,expensive,I,in,were,that) 私の答え (1)Are you as interested in classical music as I am? (2)Tickets wee expensive I was in Japan????????? (3)I wish I could go with you. (4)Let me know when the concert is. 打ち間違いがあるかもしれませんが、 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英作問題の添削をお願いいたします

    下記の英作問題を8題解いてみましたが、あまり自信がありません。添削の程、よろしくお願いいたします。 1.今日は雨の心など少しもありません  →There is no worry about rain today. 2.希望を失うな、またいい時も来る  →Don't give up your hope, the time come to be good for you. 4.彼女の態度にはどことなく冷たいところがあった  →There is something cold in her attitude for me. 5.もはや疑いの余地はありえない  →There can not be a doubt any more. 6.くよくよすることなんかないじゃないか  →Don't be shocked, will you? 7.今世紀の初頭から大戦争がもうすでに二回起こっています  →There have been two big wars since early this century. 8.二人の間には何か誤解があったらしい  →There seem to have been some misunderstandings. 9.「どうもすみません」「何もすまながることはない。もうこれ以上言わないでくれたまえ」  →“I'm sorry” “You need not be. I want you not to say any more.” お手数かけますが、よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 会話表現の問題です。

    分かっていそうな問題もありましたが、念のため、全問載せました。丸つけをしてみたいと思います。 各問題で、ポイントや、解答のカギとなるものがありましたら、一言でも結構ですのでつけていただけると、見直しに助かります。そして【B】の問題だけ、訳がほしいです。 特に知りたい問題は、【A】の5、6のような問題です。この見極めかたを知りたいです。どれか迷ってしまいます。 【A】 1 “I´ve caught a bad cold.”“That´s()bad.”   アvery イtoo ウa little エhardly 2 ()come and see me this evening?   アWhy don´t we イWhy don´t you ウLet´s エHow about 3 “Passport,please.”“()it is.”   アThere イYes ウHere エCertainly 4 “I like traveling alone.”“(),too.”   アSo イMe ウYes エMine 5 “Didn´t you go there?”“()”   アYes,I did. イYes,I didn´t. ウNo,I did. エNo,I didn´t. 6 “I met him yesterday.”“Oh,()?”   アare you イdon´t you ウdid you エdidn´t you 7 Please()yourself at home.   アmake イlet ウget エease 8 ()yourself to the cake,please.   アEat イGet ウHelp エTake 9 “May I take your order?”“()…I´d like the special lunch.”   アLet´s take it イLet´s not ウLet me see エLet you decide 10 I´ll()you very much when you are gone.   アremember イmiss ウsee エhit 11 There´s no need to be upset.Take it().   アsimple イcomfortable ウeasy エrelaxing 12 Who´s(),please?   アyou イtelephone ウname エcalling 13 The line is().   アtalking イfull ウbusy エcrowded 【B】 1 A:I wonder if the typhoon is coming.Will it stop raining soon?   B:()   アI´m afraid not. イI don´t think that. ウNo,I´m not. エYes,I have. 2 A:Takeshi,you have a phone call.   B:()   アGoing! イComing! ウGive me your number,please. エThank you,I will. 3 A:Excuse me.Do you have the time?   B:()   アNo,I´m free. イIt´s 3:45. ウTime is money. エSorry,I don´t have much time. 4 A:I´m nervous.I have a job interview tomorrow.   B:()   アGood job! イGood work! ウGood word! エGood luck! 5 A:Would you mind my opening the window?   B:(),not at all.   アCertainly イYes ウDo エNo 6 A:How come you are here?   B:()   アI come here on time. イI come here by train. ウI worked because the bus was    crowded. エBecause I am supposed to be here. 【C】 1 誰かに何かを言われたが、よく分からないので聞き返すとき。   アSame to you. イI beg your pardon? ウHow are things? エBless you! 2 友人のパーティーを楽しんだ後、おいとまするとき。   アThank you,I´ve had a great time. イThis party was very funny,thank you.    ウI´m sorry that I didn´t stay longer. エExcuse me for missing the party. 以上です。

  • 英語の会話問題を教えて下さい。

    英語の会話問題を教えて下さい。 空所を補うのに最も適当なものを選ぶ問題です。 O : Hello, John! (1 ). J : Hi, Oliver. You must be bored stiff living out there on your uncle's farm during the summer vacation. O : (2 ). I really enjoyed it. J : Really, but with nothing to do (3 ), with the same green fields around you every day. O : There are many things on a farm (4 ); for example, I even get up at five in the morning to help (5 ) the cows. J : Five in the morning! That's what I call (6 ). And there is nothing I would hate more than the smell of a cow, especially at that time of the day! O : (7 ) fresh milk just after it has been drawn, you would change your mind. J : I prefer living in town, besides I suppose you have to eat a lot of greens which I can't stand myself. O : At least living in the countryside is healthy. I can ride my bike along the country roads. It's good fun! J : Well, we will see if you say the same thing next time. O : (8 ). And call me anytime you like and don't forget that you are always welcome. J : (9 ). Anyway school starts soon, so you don't have long to play the farmer boy. O : See you at school then. Bye, John. 1 (1)Oliver telling (2)Oliver speaking (3)Calling Oliver (4)Oliver talking 2 (1)Yes, you're right (2)You said it (3)No, not at all (4)No, not boring 3 (1)all time (2)any delay (3)through all the day (4)all day long 4 (1)to keep you busy (2)keeping you busied (3)to keep busy all time (4)for keeping busied 5 (1)with milking (2)milking of (3)for milking (4)milking from 6 (1)no luck (2)lucky (3)bad luck (4)luckless 7 (1)Once you could taste (2)Shouldn't you taste (3)If you could taste (4)If you had tasted 8 (1)Let's wait (2)Wait and see (3)Wait to try (4)You will wait 9 (1)Don't trust in me (2)Don't count on me (3)Don't attempt me (4)Don't rely in me 一応考えたところ、1が(2),2が(3),3が(4),4が(1),5が(1),6が(3),7が(3),8が(2),9が(1) って感じになりました。 少し長いですが、お願いします。

  • 英語

    you can't be back here! とはどういう意味ですか? can't be ははずがないという意味なのは知っていますが、 A you have to wait, ok? ・・・ A you can't be back here! B I'm in a rush!!! という状況で使われるcan't beです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 現在完了の問題です。

    I went to Kyoto in1976,and I went there again in 1978. を現在完了の文にする問題ですが、I have been to Kyoto twice 《》1976. の《》が分かりません。1976年から2回という文にしたいのですが・・・ よろしくお願いします!

  • 紙媒体でしかありません の表現

    I have this in a paper version/form. So, I can't send it to you via email. でいいのでしょうか?

  • 英会話、教えてください!翻訳もお願いします!

    以下の文について!! 男「you really can come there with me? 」 女「lets see how we both feel 1 month. 」 男「yeah sure. i will not reach you next month. i will not call you too. because i have to check my mind is sure or not about you. you know what i mean? 」 女「to be honest, i really dont see this ever geting serious. i like you as a friend and it'd be fun to go to seoul. but i dont want to give you false hope.」 男「ok deal man.」 これって、男性はある程度女性に期待を持ってるけど 女性は実は真剣な関係ってことよりも 軽い遊びの関係になりたい。 て感じで合ってますか?

  • ( )内から適切な語を選ぶ問題です。宿題

    ( )内から適切な語を選ぶ問題です。 (1)There (used to/would) be a movie theater around here. (2)My father (used to/would) have a record Player. (3)My sister (is used to/used to) getting up early. (4)He (is used to/used to) be a professional soccer player. (5)He (cannot/may/ought) have studied abroad. His English is perfect. (6)You (ought to/shouldn't/cannot) have bought the tickets. I already had some. (7)You (need not/ought not/might not) have come so early. (8)Aさん.I'm sorry you couldn't come to the concert last night. Bさん.I heard it was great. I (might/must/should) have gone with you. ご回答宜しくお願いいたします。