Former WWF superstar sues Pizza Hut over car accident

  • Former WWF superstar, the Warlord (Terry Szopinski), is suing Pizza Hut for a 1996 car accident caused by a delivery person. Szopinski claims that the accident resulted in back and neck injuries that have prevented him from wrestling ever since. He is seeking $1,000,000 in damages.
  • Former WWF superstar, the Warlord (Terry Szopinski), is taking legal action against Pizza Hut after a car accident in 1996. Szopinski alleges that the accident, caused by a Pizza Hut delivery person, caused severe back and neck injuries that have rendered him unable to wrestle.
  • Pizza Hut is facing a lawsuit from former WWF superstar, the Warlord (Terry Szopinski), over a car accident that occurred in 1996. Szopinski claims that the accident, which involved a Pizza Hut delivery person, left him with permanent back and neck injuries that have impacted his ability to wrestle.
  • ベストアンサー


Former WWF superstar the Warlord (Terry Szopinski) is sueing Pizza Hut. The suit stems from a 1996 incident where Szopinski alleges his car was struck from behind by a Pizza Hut delivery person. Because of this accident Szopinski claims he can never wrestle against due to back and neck injuries which he suffered. Szopinski is seeking $1,000,000 in damages. よろしくお願いします・・・。m(__)m

  • hosino
  • お礼率53% (291/542)
  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数0


  • ベストアンサー
  • sesame
  • ベストアンサー率49% (1127/2292)

まだまだありますね(x_x) 元WWFの大スター、ウォーロード(テリー・ゾピンスキー)はピザハットを訴えている。 この訴訟は、ゾピンスキーが、自分の車にピザハットの配達人が後ろから追突したと主張する1996年の事故に起因する。 この事故により、ゾピンスキーは、背中と頸に受けた損傷のために二度とレスリングができなくなったと訴えている。 ゾピンスキーはこの障害に百万ドルを請求している。


  • 訳をお願いします。(1)

    Anyway, don't forget to watch Smackdown tonight as they've got a great show lined up for you, and enjoy the Update... First off, in a wacky bit to start off, we've got former WWF wrestler "The Warlord" stepping into court with ... the ever-so-notorious Pizza Hut Corporation. As odd as that may sound, it's very true as Warlord was apparently given several neck and back injuries after a Pizza Hut delivery-boy rammed his car from behind. Now, this may be old news for some of you considering the accident happened in June 1996, but it's only now that Warlord has decided to sue the company. Terry Szopinski [WL's real name] has also made it clear that because of this he cannot only never wrestle again, nonetheless pick up anything too heavy. Total damage costs over the three years rack up over one million, which is the exact number that Terry will be suing Pizza Hut for. よろしくお願いします・・・。m(__)m

  • 歌詞の訳をお願いします(>_<)

    Satanic surfersのHero of our timeという曲の歌詞です。 歌詞の訳をお願いしたいです。 よろしくお願いします。 he used to be kind of a happy guy but then one day he said good-bye to the person he used to be and grow wings to set himself free he flew away from all of us away from what he once was a charade of phony smiles he's now a case in the x-files and the chain around his neck is a reminder a symbol of liberty how free he once was in our society he spends the day leaving his white mark on the statues of great man 'cause he remembers how he used to hate them he flies by outside my window there are not many of his kind he flies by outside my window he's the hero of our time he had a dream about this world

  • 長文を二つに分けた後半部分です

    病気のことがかいてあるのですが、よくわかりません。 日本語に訳してください。宜しくお願いします。 When he needs medical attention and advice he will delay seeking it, because he always fears the worst, and is afraid of illness, even as it afflicts him, he fears it. Suffers complaints from living in damp houses, damp cellars, basements. When ill he looks ill, he becomes totally tired and worn out physically and mentally exhausted. He is cold and clammy and sweaty and collapsed. He retains his dignity in illness but wont do as he is told thinks he knows better than the Doctor. His illness are usualy short and predictable, because when he begins to come down with bad health, a day or two before he shows any symptoms, he is lax, careless fed up, cannot be bothered, and lets everything in his life slide. His health is worse in damp rainy whether. Suffers photophobia and head aches from strong sun light in the face. Appendix, asthma in one lung. Piles

  • 長文の翻訳

    どなたか翻訳お願いします。長いです。すみません。 He will be of medium height with a Large good frame and sturdy structure. Not tall but much hidden force of personality seems to exude from him. His head is large, and the back of his head is round slightly elongated or bullet shaped or like a coconut on its side. The cerebellum being prominent. He has firm sturdy shoulders, and his head and neck are sometimes held stiffly forwards at a slight angle from the body. His manner is polite, but firm. Not exactly pushy but he doesn't back down. Proud and confident in himself, and a serious, a gentle no nonsense manner. A man whose face and gaze looks ethereal, refined Like someone from better roots or stock than those around him.

  • 日本語訳を! 3-(6)

    お願いします。  Would Imhotep have saved the best for last? Would it have been at the end of the tour when he led King Djoser across the courtyard to the tomb? Finally they would have reached the base of the world's first pyramid and the world's first building constructed out of stone. Did Imhotep unroll a papyrus scroll and point to where he had planned the stacking of solid rectangles, each just a bit smaller than the one under it until a staircase rose 200 feet toward the sky? Would the construction noise have faded for King Djoser as he stood at the base of his eternal home? Even a god-king must feel awe at the sight of a structure larger than anything built before it―a structure built not from mud brick that crumbles and decays with time, but built from stone, a monument built to be everlasting.  The laborers ten stories above King Djoser and Imhotep would have looked like ants pushing stones and fitting them into that highest step. Perhaps it didn't happen on a day that King Djoser was there, but it did happen all too often―a loose stone would fall. Dropping from that height even a pebble could be deadly. Scuffed loose, it would seriously wound someone below if it struck him. Imhotep had set up a small hospital for his workers. Anyone injured on the job would be cared for. Imhotep was not only an architect; he was a doctor as well. He wrote detailed directions on how to recognize an injury and how to treat it. The oldest known medical document is believed by some to have been written about 3000 BCE by Imhotep. It is called the Edwin Smith Papyrus, named after the Egyptologist Edwin Smith who bought the papyrus in 1862. One of the many instructions in the papyrus is what to do if a stone falls on a worker's head:  Title:Instructions concerning a wound in his head penetrating to the bone of his skull.  Treatment:... bind it with fresh meat the first day and treat afterward with grease, honey and lint every day until he recovers.

  • 友人の手紙の意味を教えてください。

    今日は。 友人の手紙の一部が意味がよくわかりません。教えてください。 I went out to the car boot with Michel and Jack on Sunday morning. The car boot market is held in a really large set of fields and for some reason Jack just pulls from when he gets there until we have walked it all. When he walks in the street he is brilliant. Just packed busy places. He really pulled my right arm and I must strained a muscle in my shoulder. All my right neck, shoulder and shoulder blade. The pain is killing me. です。特に car boot は何のことでしょうか?「トランク」かな、とも思ったりしましたが、違うみたいですし、、。Michelはご主人の名前、Jack は飼っている犬の名前です。後半部分はややわかります。混雑した通りを腕を(犬が)先導してくれたけど、引っ張ったので筋肉痛になった、という事かな? よろしくお願いします。

  • 日本語訳を!

    お願いします (19) In a small side room, along with the jars that held King Tut's internal organs, Carter found two tiny coffins holding two tiny mummified fetuses. They were the mummies of the children Tut would never have―his wife's miscarriages. The professor cracked open the skull of ome. The embalmers had removed the brain and stuffed the hollow with linen. The professor found a wire that had been used to push the linen up into the skull, the only embalming tool ever found inside a body―and the professor threw it away. (20) If a mummy is discovered today, a team of scientists is sent to he scene. Botanists could have told Carter in what month King Tut died by studying the funeral wreath―cornflowers bloom in March in Egypt. Radiologists could have told Carter that King Tut did not die from tuberculosis as many had guessed, but may have been murdered by a blow to the back of he head. Or he may have fallen and hit the back of his head on the ground. King Tut's eye sockets were fractured in way that is caused by the brain snapping forward when the head hits the ground in a backwards fall (or is clubbed from behind). Neurologists could have told Carter that the vertebrae in King Tut's neck were fused. When Tut turned his head, he had to turn his whole torso, too. Fibreoptic tubes with miniature cameras could have been inserted under the linen to take pictures and samples without ever having to unwrap Tut. Today scientists use DNA to reconstruct family trees. Computers re-create faces. And if we can learn that much more in the time since Carter discovered King Tut, imagine how much we will be able to learn in the future. The dead do tell tales. It's up to us to listen.

  • Character Analysis

    お願いします。授業で提出するのですが文法苦手なので添削いただいてもよろしいでしょうか。(HOLESという小説を使っています) In Holes's central character is Stanley Yelnats. His name was spelled the same frontward and backward. So his ancestors kept naming their sons Stanley. Since he was gawky and fat, he had no friend.therefore, he would often play with stuffed-animals by his lonesome. however, he wanted make friend and go to camp. According to 3rd chapter, I understand that he was friend-hungry child. When he went to Green lake Camp, he was so shy. Despite he was innosent, Police alleged he was guilty and Stanley could not say "No". In camp, he took a rib from his other camper. However, through a certain experience, he changed personality. the incident was his an only close friend Zero escaped from the facility. for try to find his cohort, He left from institution. Judging from Stanley's action, He had changed a lot. He is not shy anymore and he tried to get to "the Promised land" at the risk of his life. In Holes Zero is one of the central character and he was reticent boy and He has no relatives. He was not open up to everybody first but his stiff heart was melted by Stanley's kindness. Through Zero was taught Alphabet by Stanley, He opened up to Stanley and became chat a lot. they bit the bullet their adversity together and developed friendship with him. 途中の「his stiff heart was melted by Stanley's kindness」 は「彼の硬い心がスタンレーの優しさによって溶け出した」といいたいのですが英語の表現がわからないので日本語を直訳してみました。意味は通じるでしょうか よろしくお願いします<(_ _)>

  • 提出課題(少々長いです)

    お願いします 小説のホールズを使った提出課題があります。以下が課題の説明文です 1. Basic Information (required) Introduce the title and author of the book. Briefly describe the plot and several of the main characters. Be careful to leave out the ending of the story. You don’t want to tell the reader the ending, especially if you are trying to persuade the person to read the book. 2. Highlights (optional) Describe the highlights or your favorite parts of the book and explain why you liked them. 以下が私の文です ※2のハイライトはまだ2つ目を選んでいるところなのでとりあえず一つだけです。 文中の()は自分の言いたいことです The title of the novel is "Holes" and the author is Louis Sachar. A boy, whose name is Stanley, he is a central character. This story starts from shoes fall down to Stanley's head. He alleges that he stole baseball player’s shoes but he is innocent. He is sent to Green lake Camp that place is correction facility, he go there as criminal person. Since he is very shy and gawky, in the camp, he is always teased from another camper. Through a certain incident, he had changes a lot. It was another main character Zero's existence. Zero is reticent, no relatives and black. He does not open up to everybody first but only Stanley melt his heart. Later, Zero break out from the institution. Stanley makes up his mind to run after him. they bite the bullet for their adversity and they are headed to "the promised land" I would like to describe two favorite parts of the narrative. In chapter 32 of "Holes", by Louis Sachar, Stanley makes up his minds that run after Zero to save him. This scene has another meaning. Not only Stanley would be often teased by bully since he was little child, but also in the camp, some bully pokes fun at him. He always blames Stanley's great-great-grandfather. Therefore, His breakout is symbolic of break with his past and break the traumatic cycle. This is the most pivotal scene of this book. At last he is emancipated from the Birdcage called Fate and he chooses freedom instead of being shackle.(彼はやっと運命と言う名の鳥かごから開放され束縛ではなく自由を選んだ) At the moment that he takes the wheel, he changes his destiny by himself.(ハンドルを握った瞬間、彼は自分で運命を変える) This is my most favorite scene in this story. ※出だしのThe title of the novel is "Holes" and the author is Louis Sachar. ですがもう少し歯切れのいい言い方ってないでしょうか ※小説などの感想を書くときの時制がいまいち分かっていないのですが 以前どこかで「現在で書いたら現在で通す」と聞いたような覚えがあるのですが正しいでしょうか? よろしくお願いします<(_ _)>

  • 日本語訳を!

    お願いします (4) The king of the Hyksos was like a pebble in the Egyptian king's sandal. He irritated him just by being there, but war didn't break out until the insult. The Hyksos king sent a message to the ruler of Egypt, King Seqenenre. The Hyksos king complained that King Seqenenre's hippos in the royal pools "were keeping him awake at night with their grunts." Do something, he demanded. Given that Avaris was hundreds of miles from Thebes, where the king and his hippos lived, this was nothing short of a slap in the face. King Seqenenre was furious. Although it is unknown what happened next, the damage to King Seqenenre's skull indicates it didn't turn out well for the Egyptian side. During that time kings commanded the armies and led the soldiers into battle. Archaeologists have identified King Seqenenre's head, and it's not pretty. He took a battle axe to the forehead and was stabbed in the neck after he fell to the ground. This attack was the beginning of a war that would last nearly 25 years, from about 1574 to 1550 BCE, and span the reign of three Egyptian kings. (5) The Egyptians were farmers, not warriors. They were peaceful people. They were not conquerors by nature. And nowhere was that more obvious than in their army. It was unorganized. The soldiers served part-time and their weapons were not much more than farm tools adapted for battle. The few full-time soldiers were trained as palace guards, border police, or trade-ship escorts―not warriors. For the occasional battle outside of Egypt, the king hired foreign mercenaries because Egyptians didn't want to die away from home. An improper burial meant wandering the desert for eternity―not a pleasant haunting.