A: Five days later, he went off to the Moon.
B: Five days after, he went off to the Moon.
C: After five days, he went off to the Moon.
I went to see my finance advisor and I have sent off forms and see what happens. If I can get it, it will take his name off the mortgage and the house will be under my name only. Then I will change my will so (ここに息子の名前) as it in his name if I die. I will do anything to make sure his family do not get their hands on it.
I had to do this if possible because the interest charges on his debt will make it a right mess. It would of been great if he had got a job as soon as he walked out of his job but being out since last June it is out of control. I still cannot believe he did it.
I do not know what to do if this does not work.
You know he has not even thanked me for even trying.
When the forms came to fill in, it was like a book. You know what I mean. I looked in despair and started to plough through it while he shouted don't f......g (swearing) do it if you don't want too. I don't give a shit, I am past caring he said. I thought you ungrateful sod.
So if we lose the house he would then shit himself. He does not deserve me.
See what happens.
前半部分は多少はわかりますので特に知りたいのはI do not know what to do if this does not work.からです。その部分に関しては多少語句や文法の説明も含めて教えていただけたら助かります。記入すべきthe formsがきたら、とか、 he shouted don't f......g の部分とか、I am past caring....とか何箇所もわかりません。なにとぞよろしくお願いします。
I went to see my finance advisor and I have sent off forms and see what happens. If I can get it, it will take his name off the mortgage and the house will be under my name only. Then I will change my will so (ここに息子の名前) as it in his name if I die. I will do anything to make sure his family do not get their hands on it.
I had to do this if possible because the interest charges on his debt will make it a right mess. It would of been great if he had got a job as soon as he walked out of his job but being out since last June it is out of control. I still cannot believe he did it.
I do not know what to do if this does not work.
You know he has not even thanked me for even trying.
When the forms came to fill in, it was like a book. You know what I mean. I looked in despair and started to plough through it while he shouted don't f......g (swearing) do it if you don't want too. I don't give a shit, I am past caring he said. I thought you ungrateful sod.
So if we lose the house he would then shit himself. He does not deserve me.
See what happens.
前半部分は多少はわかりますので特に知りたいのはI do not know what to do if this does not work.からです。その部分に関しては多少語句や文法の説明も含めて教えていただけたら助かります。記入すべきthe formsがきたら、とか、 he shouted don't f......g の部分とか、I am past caring....とか何箇所もわかりません。なにとぞよろしくお願いします。
I went to see my finance advisor and I have sent off forms and see what happens. If I can get it, it will take his name off the mortgage and the house will be under my name only. Then I will change my will so (ここに息子の名前) as it in his name if I die. I will do anything to make sure his family do not get their hands on it.
I had to do this if possible because the interest charges on his debt will make it a right mess. It would of been great if he had got a job as soon as he walked out of his job but being out since last June it is out of control. I still cannot believe he did it.
I do not know what to do if this does not work.
You know he has not even thanked me for even trying.
When the forms came to fill in, it was like a book. You know what I mean. I looked in despair and started to plough through it while he shouted don't f......g (swearing) do it if you don't want too. I don't give a shit, I am past caring he said. I thought you ungrateful sod.
So if we lose the house he would then shit himself. He does not deserve me.
See what happens.
前半部分は多少はわかりますので特に知りたいのはI do not know what to do if this does not work.からです。その部分に関しては多少語句や文法の説明も含めて教えていただけたら助かります。記入すべきthe formsがきたら、とか、 he shouted don't f......g の部分とか、I am past caring....とか何箇所もわかりません。なにとぞよろしくお願いします。