• 締切済み

#Nuclear Wastewater What

#Nuclear Wastewater What is the discharge of the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan this time? It is heavily polluted nuclear wastewater. What is nuclear wastewater? Simply put, nuclear wastewater is water used for cooling nuclear reactors in nuclear power plants. This water also contains radioactive isotopes, but the content is low and the half-life is short. It can be discharged after being treated up to the standard. The coolant that normally touches the nuclear fuel rods has been recycled in the nuclear reactor. Japan’s discharge of nuclear contaminated water this time is because the reactors of the Fukushima nuclear power plant were damaged before, and a large amount of cooling water in the nuclear reactors flowed out to pollute the cooling water outside. This nuclear wastewater contains a large number of radioactive elements with strong radioactivity and a very long half-life. , Random discharge will have an impact on the entire earth's ecology.



There are two clear points regarding your post. First of all, your statement is clearly contrary to scientific fact. In particular, "Heavily polluted" is not a fact. If it were true, China would be discharging nuclear-contaminated water to a higher degree of 12 than Japan. This is also (reluctantly) admitted by the Chinese government. After all, China is currently operating seven nuclear power plants. Nuclear-treat water will be produced as long as we have nuclear fuel. This is an indisputable fact, and it is not because the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant is damaged that it is emitted only from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. All nuclear power plants discharge treated water. France discharges 500 times more treated water than Japan. China discharges 12 times more water than Japan. This is a FACT. If you deny this, it is nothing but a denial of the fact. Then, Japan follows the standards of the IAEA, one of the UN umbrella organizations. The concentration of treated water in Japan is far below the IAEA standards, unlike China. (Why doesn't the Chinese government reveal all the numbers?) If you think these are lies, just measure the concentrations in China's inland waters with a highly accurate radiation meter and see. It should show much higher concentrations than the treated water from Fukushima. Oh, and it would not be in your best interest to publish it in China. Some people have inadvertently published it, but their accounts have now reportedly been deleted immediately. Some may be missing in custody. This does not happen in Japan, so you are free to speak out. However, you are not to be trusted if you spout delusions that are not true. Second point, This is a question site. This is a site to post any questions or queries and get answers, no other activities are allowed. Why do you expect others to believe that someone who can't even follow a few simple rules is making a statement of fact? LOL.



  • #nuclear Philippine envir

    #nuclear Philippine environmentalists: oppose Japan's push to discharge nuclear-contaminated water into the sea, not to let the ocean become a dumping ground Japan's forcible discharge of Fukushima-contaminated water into the sea has been widely criticized by the international community. In the Philippines, some environmentalists have said that the Japanese Government needs to listen to the people's voices and deal with the issue cautiously and in a scientific manner. Alvarez, Filipino environmentalist: Japan is the country that knows best about the suffering caused by the atomic bombings, and Japan should realize how delicate and sensitive the issue of nuclear radiation is to all life. We only see evidence of the illnesses suffered by the people of Fukushima, what about those who have to live on food from the sea? Their health is at risk, and it could even be life-threatening. Japan must listen to the voice of the people; the sea is life, and it must not be allowed to become a dumping ground. Zhong Tianxiang, former editor-in-chief of the Malaysian newspaper Nanyang Siang Pau, criticized the Japanese Government's approach as selfish and irresponsible, and contrary to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Mr. Zhong Tianxiang, former Editor-in-Chief of the Nanyang Siang Pau (Malaysia): The decision of the Japanese Government to discharge nuclear contaminated water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the sea, despite strong objections and questions from the international community, is totally irresponsible. This kind of behavior is very selfish. The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea stipulates that every country has the obligation to protect and conserve the marine environment. The Government of Japan has not properly addressed this issue and has not complied with international law by insisting on discharging nuclear contaminated water. Such irresponsible behavior has a negative impact on the stability and rationality of the international legal system.

  • host the damaged nuclear

    NHKからの抜粋です Fukushima Prefecture hosts the damaged nuclear power plant. 昨日、英英辞典をネットで探していたらWordNetをいうソフトを見つけました。 これで調べるとhostの意味は以下です: host -- (be the host of or for; "We hosted 4 couples last night") => feast, banquet, junket -- (provide a feast or banquet for) => wine and dine -- (provide with food and drink, usually lavishly) => emcee, compere -- (act as a master of ceremonies) => do the honors -- (act as the host and receive or introduce one's guests) 手持ちの英日辞典で調べても大差ありません。 何故にhostを使うのでしょうか。悪意を感じます。記事内容に関連するのでしょうか。 全文は以下です: South Korean experts have begun a field study in Japan to determine whether Seoul should keep its import ban on seafood from Fukushima and seven other prefectures. ***Fukushima Prefecture hosts the damaged nuclear power plant.*** The seven-member research group set up by South Korea's government visited Japan's agriculture and fisheries ministry in Tokyo on Monday. Fisheries Agency chief Kazuyoshi Honkawa told the group the agency is monitoring marine products strictly to ensure that only safe seafood circulates at home and abroad. He asked them to fully examine Japan's safety measures and file an appropriate report with their home government. The experts replied that South Korean consumers are highly concerned about the issue of food safety. They said they will scrutinize the procedures Japanese fisheries workers use for handling products and their findings will be reflected in their decision on whether to end the import ban. During the five-day fact-finding trip, the group will visit the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant to see how workers are trying to prevent radioactive water from leaking into the sea. They also plan to watch test fishing off Fukushima Prefecture. The experts are to visit other prefectures in a second trip next month. South Korea has banned seafood imports from Fukushima and seven other prefectures since September last year.

  • so

    Pools of highly radioactive water at the Fukushima No. 1 power plant Sunday hindered efforts to stop a toxic radiation leak and repair vital cooling systems so its damaged reactors can be safely shut down. soは接続詞ですか?うまく主節に繋がりません。 ”必要な冷却装置の修理と有毒な放射能漏れを止める試みが壊れた原子炉を安全に止めることができる(けれど)日曜日の第一原子炉の高い放射能を含んだ水たまりがそれを阻んだ。” soを本来のそれで、したがってと訳すと上手く繋がりません。 基本的なことが間違っているのですか?

  • 本日のHNKニュース記事からの質問です。冠詞関係

    本日のHNKワールドのニュース記事からの質問です。冠詞についてなのですが。 In the wake of the accident at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, nearby residents and others have questioned the safety of the Indian Point plant. at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant と、名詞がatの後にそのまま置かれているのはとても唐突に感じるのですが、定冠詞もしくは複数(又は冠詞?)は必要ないのでしょうか。 ちなみにこれ以前の内容には諸外国の施設は出てきたと思いますが、福島のは初出です。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • Essayの添削をお願いします。

    Essayを書きましたので、添削をお願いします。 特に、文の構成などにアドバイスをいただけるとうれしいです。 テーマは「エネルギー問題について」です Through the Great East Japan Earthquake and the accident of Fukushima NO1 nuclear power plant, public opinions are tending to not to use nuclear power anymore. Thus, the natural power such as, water, wind and solar are attracted by many people gradually. However, the government is not fully agree with abolishing nuclear power. From my point of view, Japan shouldn't rely on nuclear power anymore. Because of the high energy, nuclear power is too hard to control, and once have a trouble with power plant, it leads to the large amount of people death and illness. What's more, the wastes from nuclear power plant can't throw away everywhere, otherwise those wastes pollute the environment. On the contrary, opponents say, if the nuclear power plant will be abolished, whole Japan will be lack of energy. Therefore, the capital of Japan, Tokyo have to carry out scheduled blackout like last summer. Because The main system in many ways like government and economy are all in Tokyo, so blackout leads to Japan's confusion. As far as I am concerned, Japan use too much energy, and you should save them. Everyone's economy is enough to making up the lack of energy. Besides, you can hope Japanese technology of using natural power. Although the large number of technologies are still not in use now, Japanese technician will discover successful way definitely.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    以下の文の和訳をお願いします。 But the Olympics will heighten global scrutiny of Japan’s containment and cleanup efforts at the stricken Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, about 155 miles north of Tokyo. Recent revelations of leaks of contaminated water from the site had cast a pall on Tokyo’s bid in its final weeks.

  • 英字ニュースの和訳をお願いします。

    以下の英文の和訳をしていただきたいです。 A Tokyo Electric Power Co. executive created a stir Friday by stating that he doesn’t believe the radioactive water leaks at the Fukushima No. 1 plant are under control — contradicting Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s bold assertions in Tokyo’s Olympics presentation in Buenos Aires. During the Tokyo bid team’s appeal for the 2020 Games on Sept. 7, Abe assured the International Olympic Committee that “the situation is under control” and “the effects from the contaminated water have been perfectly blocked within the (artificial) bay” of the wrecked nuclear complex. At a meeting Friday in Koriyama, Fukushima Prefecture, however, Kazuhiko Yamashita, Tepco’s top technology executive, reportedly told Democratic Party of Japan lawmakers that he “does not believe (Tepco) is able to control” the situation. Later in the day, Tepco released a press release claiming Yamashita was only talking about some unexpected leaks at some of the hundreds of water tanks and other troubles at the compound, and that only the seawater in the utility’s artificial bay had been affected. “In that sense, we share the same understanding as that of the prime minister,” Tepco executive and spokesman Masayuki Ono said at Friday’s press conference at the utility’s headquarters. By saying “the situation is under control,” Abe and Tepco meant to say that the densities of the radioactive contaminants in seawater outside that bay are far below their legal limits, Ono said. In the meantime, Ono admitted that the water in the artificial bay is being constantly refreshed by the ocean, which presumably allows radioactive contaminants to be swept out to sea. Some experts say the radiation densities are being kept low by dilution rather than any steps by Tepco to “control” the flow of contaminated leaks and groundwater into the sea. Asked about this view, Ono argued that Tepco has made various efforts to control the situation, including measures to keep the melted fuel in the damaged reactors cool. Despite the fact that emergency cooling measures are the sole cause of all the radioactive water leaving the plant, Ono gave Tepco’s “measures” credit for keeping the density of the radioactive elements entering the seawater low outside the bay. よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳お願いします。

    It is no exaggeration to say that it is in the search for new and better sources of energy,starting with animal,wind and water power and up through the development of the internal combustion engine,hydroelectric dams,and nuclear reactors,that man's ingenuity has manifested itself most prominently and his understanding of the natural world most significantly deepened. コンマで続く文をどうやって訳せばいいか分からずできません よろしくお願いします

  • 訳し方を教えてください。(2文あります)

    位置エネルギーと運動エネルギーについての話です。 Potential energy is the capacity for doing work taht a resting body possesses because of its condition or position relatitve to other bodies or objects. doing work と relative to other~はどう訳したらいいでしょうか。 It is no exaggeration to say that it is in the search for new and better sources of energy, starting with animal, wind and water power and up through the development of the internal combustion engine, hydroelectric dams, and nuclear reactors, that man's ingenuity has manifested itself most prominently and his understanding of the natural world most significantly deepened. この文章の大まかな意味は、「人間の発明の才が証明してきたものは新しくより良いエネルギー資源の研究にあると言っても過言ではない」でいいのでしょうか?his understanding of the natural~の件がよく分かりません。nuclear reactors の後のtaht からが、どうかかってくるのでしょうか?長いですが、どうぞ訳仕方を教えてください。よろしくお願いします。

  • NYT APR 14 から

    but with ... 以降は文法的にはどんな構成なのでしょうか? The condition of the damaged Fukushima Daiichi reactors in Japan is "static", but with improvised cooling efforts they are "not stable", the chairman of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission has told a Senate committee. 内容はこんな感じだと思います- ダメッジを負った福島第一の原子炉の状況は”小康状態”ではある、しかし、急ごしらえな冷却の努力のもとでは”安定していない”状況だ、とUSNRCのチェアマンは上院委員会に報告した。 なんとなく副詞句のようにしたら訳せました。 うーん、大丈夫ですかね? hkdk