• 締切済み


以下の英文の1~10の中で謝りを含む箇所はありますか? (1) The history of animal species/(2) shows that/(3) the most successful/(4) in the struggle/(5) for survival/(6) has been/(7) those which/(8) were most adaptable/(9) to changes/(10) in their world.

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数0


  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9712/12079)

>以下の英文の1~10の中で謝りを含む箇所はありますか? >(1) The history of animal species/(2) shows that/(3) the most successful/(4) in the struggle/(5) for survival/(6) has been/(7) those which/(8) were most adaptable/(9) to changes/(10) in their world. ⇒だいぶ時間が経ちましたが、前回、誤答していたらしいことに気づきました。 つまり、(9) to changes が誤りの部分で、 →(9) to change が正しい形だと思います。

  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9712/12079)

2か所、間違いがあると思います。つまり、 (7) those which ⇒ (7) the one that (8) were most adaptable ⇒ (8) was most adaptable です。


  • 高校英語の問題

    以下の英文に誤りはありますか? (1)Blocks and simple things like dishes and empty boxes can be not just cheaper and more fun for young children to play, but more educational. (2)The history of animal species shows that the most successful in the struggle for survival has been those which were most adaptable to changes in their world.

  • 高校英語の問題です

    以下の英文の1~10の中で謝りを含んでいる箇所はありますか? 1.(1)Blocks and /(2)simple things like dishes and empty boxes /(3)can be /(4)not just /(5)cheaper and /(6)more fun /(7)for young children/(8) to play, /(9)but /(10)more educational. 2. (1)The history of animal species /(2)shows that/(3) the most successful/(4) in the struggle /(5)for survival /(6)has been/(7) those which /(8)were most adaptable /(9)to changes /(10)in their world.

  • 英文正誤の問題

    以下の英文で誤っている箇所はありますか?(誤りがある場合は1か所だけです。) 1.(1)My father used to/(2)sit sown at the kitchen table/(3)and say, /(4)“ It’s wonderful to/(5)have/(6)you/(7)make breakfast/(8) for me. /(9)I really/(10) appreciate you”. 2.(1) The history of animal species/(2) shows that/(3) the most successful/(4) in the struggle/(5) for survival/(6) has been/(7) those which/(8) were most adaptable/(9) to changes/(10) in their world. 1は(10)、2は(誤りなし)だと思いますが、それぞれ合っていますか?

  • 英文の構造について

    以下の英文の1~10の中で謝りを含んでいる箇所はありますか? 誤りは1箇所だけですが、全くない場合もあります。 (1)(1) Blocks and /(2) simple things like dishes and empty boxes/(3) can be/(4) not just/(5) cheaper and /(6) more fun/(7) for youngchildren/(8) to play,/(9)but /(10) more educational. (2)(1)The history of animal species/(2) shows that/(3) the most successful/(4) in the struggle/(5) for survival/(6) has been/(7) those which/(8) were most adaptable/(9) to changes/(10) in their world.

  • 誤文訂正問題について

    以下の問題の[ ]部分が間違った箇所です。 答えは解答があるので分かりますが 解説がないので、どう正しくないのか理解できません。 お手数だと思いますが解説して頂けないでしょうか・・ よろしくお願いします。 One of the reason he was transferrd [are] that his specialty Every worker in those factories [were told]to partcipate in the union meeting except the ones retiring this year The day before yesterday my father made me [to wash]his car There must be [the faster] and cheaper ways to clean the air The bookon computer programimiing has been widely read ever sinceit [had] written in the early 1980s Neither mothernor daughter [know]much about each other Employees from my company are often sent [to abroad] on business The company [it is] located near the airport on business This is the same car [which] Steve drove on he movie

  • 英語 和訳

    こんにちは。 以下の英文の和訳をお願いします。 (I)Prefer a loss to a dishonest gain: the one brings pain at the moment the other for all time. (II)It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.

  • 英語の問題が分からないので教えてください。

    Richard and Karen Carpenter were a brother and sister duo. They started out in the mid-sixties when they formed a band. Karen was the drummer and Richard played the keyboards. They were quickly noticed by a recording company after winning a talent contest. The group later became famous all over the world mostly because of Karen's beautiful voice. Their songs were easy to listen to and appealed to fans in many countries including Japan.Many of them went to the top of the pop charts in the 70's. Sadly,Karen suffered from a disorder called anorexia nervosa, a sickness which makes sufferers not want to eat enough to keep healthy. She died in 1983. "I Need to be in love"is about someone who feels she is unloved. 1.a)They were successful because they were brother and sister. b)It was their skill in playing instruments that was special. c)The fame of the duo rested on Karen's lovely voice. 2.a)They found fame in a few short years. b)They only became famous after many years. c)Most fans liked to listen to other groups. 3.a)They did badky in a song contest and were noticed. b)A recording company put them in a talent contest. c)Their success in a contest led to a recording career. 4.a)Their songs were popular but did not become hits. b)Many of their records were huge successes before 1965. c)They had lots of hits in the 1970's. 5.a)Karen died in a hospital for old people. b)The disease Karen had made her eat too mach. c)Karen had an eating disorder which led to her death.

  • 英語の問題お願いします!

    英語の問題お願いします! 空所に適当な語句をいれてください! 1.Harry as well as you () responsible for that accident. (1)are (2)do (3)does (4)is 2.Both my brother and my sister () studying abroad. (1)are (2)have (3)is (4) was 3.Some of the most remarkable scientists in history () not considered especially intelligent in their school days. (1)is (2)are (3)was (4)were 誤った箇所を指摘し正しい形になおしてください! 4.Most of the class members (1)[is] working (2)[people] and (3)[very] few of them ever (4)[miss]a class. 5.There (1)[has] been many (2)[cases] of (3)[the] flu in this area (4)[in recent] years. 以上の5問です! 見づらいかもしれませんがお願いします!

  • 経済英語を訳していただけないでしょうか?

    As my investigation of organizational in these four companies progressed, several important facts became clear. First, a meaningful analysis of the creation of the new administrative from called for accurate knowledge about the firm's previous organization and in fact about its entire administrative history. Second, changes in organizational strusture were intimately related to the ways in which the enterprise had expanded. An evaluation of administrative changes, therefore, demanded a detailed understanding of the company's methods of growth. Third, these patterns of growth, in turn, reflected changes in the over-all American economy, particularly those affecting the market or demand for the enterprise's products. Finally, the reorganizations were influenced by the state of the administrative art in the United States at the time they were being carried out. The first two of these points required further investigation into the history of the four companies selected. The third and fourth called for a broader awareness of the history of the American business economy.

  • 英語の問題で困っています。

    Q次の英文のうち、誤っている箇所を1つ選びなさい。また、なぜまちがっているのか教えていただけたら幸いです。 1.Turning to the right, you will see a very old building was built in 1785. (1)Turning to (2)the right (3)will see a very old (4)was built in 1785. 2.Most of the people attended the recent seminar on effective teaching were high school teachers. (1)Most of the people (2)attended (3)on effective teaching   (4)were high school teachers. 3.There are many things those we would throw away, if we were not afraid that others might pick them up. (1)those we would throw   (2)away, if we   (3)were not afraid that others   (4)might pick them up. 4.The days have long gone how we fed our families from our own gardens. (1)The days   (2)have long gone   (3)how we fed our families   (4)from our own gardens