過去問からの質問:that often come at high prices の指すものは?

  • センター試験の過去問からの質問です。
  • 質問内容は、「that often come at high prices のthatが何を指すか」というものです。
  • 関係詞の非制限用法について理解を深めるために、質問者はご指導を求めています。
  • ベストアンサー


Walking into an electronics store today, consumers are faced with an amazing variety of audio technology. Someone looking for a portable system can choose from hundreds of different earphones, headphones, and digital Players that come in a range of colors, shapes, and sizes. For audiophiles―music fans who see high fidelity as a priority―a different section of the store features a range of large speakers and heavy components, such as CD players and alnplifiers, that often come at high prices. Faced with all this technology and so many choices, music fans often spend a great deal of time researching and making decisions about the right equipment for their listening needs. 2014年第6問の長文、第4パラグラフです。 わからないのはthat often come at high prices のthatです。 これはいったい何を指しますか? 関係詞の非制限用法だとしたら変ですよね。 ご指導お願いします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数3
  • ありがとう数6


  • ベストアンサー

large speakers and heavy components という複数形を先行詞とする関係代名詞が that です。 複数形を受ける関係代名詞だから、that の後、come という形になっています。 large speakers and heavy components と言っておいて、such as ~「たとえば~のような」と例示しています。 such as ~を言うために、前にコンマをおいており、 その such as ~の部分の終わりを示す、いわばかっこを閉じる役目が後のコンマです。 だから、that で非制限用法、というのでなく、 , such as ~, で挿入となっているだけです。 前にコンマがあるのに呼応したコンマであり、that によるコンマではありません。 とにかく、large speakers and heavy components という複数名詞に、such as ~による挿入で例示、そして that ~による修飾。 ただ、厳密には、such as ~による例示は heavy components についてのみで、 that の先行詞は large speakers and heavy components 全体、 というか、 large speakers and heavy components, such as CD players and amplifiers, 全体というべきでしょうか。 とにかく、 , such as CD players and amplifiers, で挿入です。



いつも回答ありがとうございます。 挿入句の後コンマという確認ができてうれしかったです。 こういう時whichでもいいのかあ…という新たな疑問が浮かびましたが、いいですよね? どうもありがとうございました!

その他の回答 (2)


限定用法の関係代名詞であり、ものが先行詞である以上、which も使えます。 しかし、限定用法では that を使うことが多いです。(もちろん、非制限用法なら which のみ)



文法を理解して文意をとらえることができました。 ありがとうございました。

  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

> これはいったい何を指しますか?  具体的には a range of large speakers and heavy components, such as CD players and alnplifiers という部分のことです。  そういったものは that often come at high prices (高価であることが珍しくない) と述べています。



いつもありがとうございます。 不安が取り除かれました。 ありがとうございました!


  • 和訳お願いします

    The choice of a logistic-type function means that fi goes from 0 for players who never play to 1 for players who play a lot and so that ni progresses smoothly from 1 every 4 years for players who played few matches, to annual nodes for those who played frequently. fiとniは変数になります。 よろしくお願いします。

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  • 和訳お願いします

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  • 困っています!英語の和訳です!

    数式などが入り混ざっているので、どうしてもできませんでした; できる方お願いします! It should be noted that the "best line" is not exactly determined. A visual estimate can often be made of a range of possible lines. From this, uncertainties in M and B can be estimated. Method of Averages. The constants in a linear equation may be calculated from only two pairs of values for the variables. In general, more than two pairs of values are available, and different values for the constants will be obtained when different experimental points are used in the calculation. One method for determining the constants by using all the experimental data is the method of averages. This method is based on the assumption that the correct values of the constants M and B are those which make the sum of the residuals equal zero. The residuals (Vi) are the differences between the values of Y calculated from the empirical equation and the experimentally determined values (Yi). In the case we are discussing, the residuals are (Vi)= MXi + B - Yi This assumption gives only one condition on the constants, and sos it is further assumed that if there are r constants, the residuals may be divided int r groups and ΣVi = 0 for each group.The groups are chosen to contain nearly the same number of experimental values, but it should be noted that different methods of choosing the groups will lead to different values for the constants. If the number of residuals in a group is K, the summation of Equation.

  • 至急この英文の和訳をお願い致しますm(*_*)m

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  • 誰か訳せませんか?時間がなくて困っています。2

    誰か訳せませんか?時間がなくて困っています。2 ちなみに科学系です。 1. Introduction The frictional behaviour of skin with different materials plays a critical role in our sensory perception of things that we come into contact with. This sensory feedback is used to control the way in which we grip things or to provide information regarding the comfort and suitability for purpose of objects, data that contribute to both purchasing decisions and assessments of product ‘quality’. Skin?skin friction is also extremely important in our perception of cosmetic treatments such as anti-aging creams and moisturisers. Product ‘feel’ is typically assessed by a sensory panel and graded according to a range of attributes. Whilst this approach is informative the results are influenced by preconceptions and differencesin the physiological state of the examiners. There is also a tendency for the examiners to ‘think’ about the results which can blur the initial feel factor. Factors such as stress, temperature, menstrual cycle, skin treatments and physical work history can affect the condition of the skin. The information that can be obtained from sensory panels is always subjective and prone to variance through differences in physical factors that are often uncontrollable. Various strategies have been developed to overcome the subjective interpretation of sensation and physiological variance of the examiners, although the problems of repeatability and accuracy remain, especially for materials that are assessed over long periods of time.

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  • 大学推薦入試過去問の和訳解答について

    赤本に解答のない英文和訳問題について。 現在高校三年生の受験生の者です。国立大学に推薦入試で受験するのですが、若干専門的な学部からか赤本(推薦用)に解答例がありません……他にも勉強にと掲載されている他学部の問題にも取り組むのですが、解答例があったりなかったりとまちまちで非常に困っています。 夏休みですので学校に行く機会も少なく(以前先生にお願いしたのですが時期が悪くそんな暇はないと断られてしまいました。)また塾にも通っていない為聞く当てがありません。そこで皆さんのお力をお借りできればと思います。恐らく英文自体はそこまで複雑ではないのですが、自分の解答と照らし合わせる必要があるので和訳をお教え頂きたいです。 (1)Architect sought to design building and spaces that incorporated physical accessibility features such as wheel chair ramps,cube cuts,and automatic doors into their designs. They discovered that by considering and integrating a wide range of needs early in the design stage,they produced universally designed products that are often easier to use and benefit people with and without disabilities. (2)Universal design in education means providing information in a variety or formats because multisensory method of receiving and expressing information can make curricula more accessible for students with and without disabilities. Further, universal design means delivering instruction using a variety of teaching methods. Technology provides the capacity to easily change information from one format to another. (3)The problem is designed to guarantee a minimum level of income for jobless, but an increasing number of people are turning to the program despite being able to work. 以上の3問になります。スペルミスなどありましたらご了承ください。 宜しくお願いします。