
  • バッテリーの寿命を延ばすためにはどうすればよいのでしょうか?
  • 今回の質問は、バッテリーの寿命についてです。
  • 特に、バッテリーを長く使うための方法について詳しく教えてください。
  • ベストアンサー


下記の英語の文章の★の箇所の後半部分が分かりません -------------- I don't do that much driving, you know, just to and from work, so the distance thing really doesn't matter. 私はそんなに運転しません。 せいぜい職場への行き帰り程度なので、距離はそんなに問題になりません。 ★And I also think I'll be able to get a lot of life out of the battery. ですから、バッテリーを長く使えると思います。 -------------- ★の箇所で「a lot of life=長く」という意味だと思うのですが、 out of the batteryというのがどのように訳せばいいのか?分かりません。 なぜoutなのか? outがない方が良いのではないのかな?と思うぐらいです。 ★のマークの訳の解説(特にoutの使い方)をお願いします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

"out of xxxx" で "xxxxから" という意味を引き出すことができます。 言い方を帰れば、"out of xxxx" は "from xxxx" と置き換えられる場合が多いのです。 例を挙げてみます。 I can make a lot of things out of (from) newspaper. 私は新聞紙から様々なものを作ることができます。 A person can make a lot of money out of (from) religion. 人は宗教から巨額の金を稼ぐことができます。 You can obtain data out of (from) the computer. あなたはコンピュータからデータを入手することができます。 これをご質問に当てはめると、 ★And I also think I'll be able to get a lot of life out of the battery. ◆And I also think I'll be able to get a lot of lfe from the battery. ですからバッテリーからも長期にわたる寿命を得ることができると思います。 → ですからバッテリー寿命も長いこと持続すると思います。



回答ありがとうございました。 凄く分かりやすかったです。


  • wait out my feelings

    My father died two years ago from complications due to alcoholism. It was a long time coming, and I lived on the other side of the country and did not want to deal with the daily aspects of his care. My mom took care of him as he died but only in the most cursory ways—feeding and housing him. In all other ways she seemed to hate him: freezing him out and ignoring him when he spoke. I firmly believe that my mom should have left him, and it makes me angry at her for staying with him and enabling his alcoholism. I am having a lot of trouble talking to my mom now. I feel angry every time we speak. I currently can’t afford counseling, so my only strategy is to avoid her and wait out my feelings, which since my dad’s death have wavered between clinginess, distance, annoyance, and anger. wait out my feelingsはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • out of mybox, out of ..訳

    アメリカの記事で Nine Things Never to Say to Your Boss というのがありまして、 その中に、”But I emailed you about that last week.” (前略) Bosses hate the "out of my outbox, out of my mind" attitude. (後略) という文がありました。 「上司は『送信トレイから出ていったものは、自分の心にないという態度』を嫌う」と なんとなく意味は分かるのですが、うまい日本語訳ができません。 この箇所ですが、上記より自然で日本語らしい訳文はできないでしょうか? できる方、ぜひ回答をお願いしまいます。 一応、その前後関係のためにその項目全文を貼ります。 5. “But I emailed you about that last week.” Alerting your boss to a problem via email doesn't absolve you of all responsibility for it. Bosses hate the "out of my outbox, out of my mind" attitude. Keep tabs on all critical issues you know about -- and keep checking in until you hear a firm "You don't need to worry about that anymore."

  • out of business の和訳

    out of business の和訳を調べてみると「倒産して」、「失業中で」、と出てきます。 僕は中学か高校の授業で「それは私の仕事ではない」、「それは私には関係のないことだ」と習った記憶があります。つまり苦しい現実を生きていく時に面倒なことを便利で割り切ることが出来る人生の格言の言葉だと思って使ってきました。 out of businessにはそうした和訳や意味はないのでしょうか? 似たような言葉に I have nothing to do with the matter 「それは私のあずかり知らぬことだ」がありますが僕はこれと間違えているのでしょうか? ちなみに I have nothing to do with the matter 「それは私のあずかり知らぬことだ」の正確な意味や使い方も知っている人がいましたら教えてください。

  • accommodating

    My boyfriend and I enjoy different things to the extent that the way we like to spend our weekends, holidays, and even evenings is very different. We have loved each other very much, have a lot in common, and get along in many ways, but whenever I think of a life of accommodating (especially to his love of overdrinking to the point of not being able to talk properly), I get irritated, feel out of love, and even look down on him. whenever I think of a life of accommodatingはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • flew her out

    My father began dating four years after my mother passed away from a terrible bout with cancer. He and I have always been close; in fact, I have always considered him to be one of my best friends. But since he started dating he has changed. I just traveled across the country for a family funeral and discovered that he has a new love in his life, and that he flew her out to see all of our extended family. My dying grandmother got to meet her, but I didn't even know her name! flew her outはどのような意味でしょうか?あと、got toはcouldに置き換えられるでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • tryとtry out

    "I graduated from college last year and was relieved to find a job. The down side is that it makes me miserable. I’m not learning anything, and I feel I spent so much money on college for nothing. I can’t decide whether to look for something else because on paper it’s a great job and I’m grateful I have it. I come from an impoverished rural area and I earn more than my parents. One of my best friends is moving to New York City this summer, and wants me to go with her. Moving to New York has been my lifelong dream, but I don’t know if I can risk it. I have no financial safety net and hardly any savings. I feel guilty for wanting to chuck something secure, but I also think life is short and that now is the time to try different things out. What should I do?" "He tried out a number of different part-time jobs. : 彼は数々のアルバイトを経験しました。" 上の2ケースのどちらもtry outの代わりにtryを使えるでしょうか?2つの違いは何でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • hold out on

    I have recently started to have some serious anger issues toward my older sister. She has had a major drug problem for years so I started to slowly cut her out of my and my husband and child’s lives. We tried it all, interventions, etc., but nothing worked. When my father passed away in 2012, it was his wish that we split everything 50/50. She started selling equipment and pocketed the money. Once I found out about it, we had a huge blowup. I started the process to open his estate and wanted to finish it as quickly as possible. She held out on things she wanted: his house, my grandparents’ home, an empty lot. hold out onはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • よろしくお願いします

    I have had zero impulse to go out, a thing I used to very much enjoy. I can’t tell if I’m self-isolating because of mild post-election depression/winter SAD or I just … like hanging out at home a lot more now. Someone will casually mention “Oh, let’s grab a drink on Friday,” and I’ll agree, but unless they do the logistics, it just doesn’t happen, because my desire is not there. It feels a lot like losing libido but for going out and socializing. ここでのlogisticsは「手配」くらいでしょうか?あと、It feels a lot like losing libido but for going out and socializing. のbutの使い方と意味をよろしくお願いします

  • よろしくお願いします

    My sister-in-law saved us. My husband lost his job just after our baby was born, and we got evicted from our apartment. His sister had converted her attached garage into a studio apartment to rent. It is actually nicer than our old place: It has newer appliances and a shower that doesn’t leak, and it’s within walking distance of stores, shops, and the bus. I am very, very grateful to her. I also can’t breathe in her house. She has three cats and several dogs, and no matter of vacuuming will get rid of the hair and dandruff. stores, shops, and the busはなぜbusにだけtheが付くのでしょうか?あと、no matter ofはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • [out]の意味は?

    NHKラジオ英会話講座より There's lot of content out there that I don't want them to see. そこには見て欲しくないコンテンツがたくさんあるから。 (質問)この[out]にはどのような意味が込められているのでしょうか?同様の[out]を使った例文があれば教えてください。ネイティブには自然な言葉も初心者にはとても使いこなせません。何かヒントをいただければ幸いです。  以上