• ベストアンサー

英文 口コミ評価の内容

翻訳お願い致します。 ある腕時計の評価で最低ランクをつけられていました。 for the look it was my first choice after one day all the bugs came out like the BT keep disconnect with the phone now i have a martian i m satisfy


  • ベストアンサー
  • d-y
  • ベストアンサー率46% (1528/3312)




とても勉強になりました。 martianは、商品名だったのですね。



  • この英文の意味を訳してください

    I also look after everything local I either Scouts a direct and delegate the games they got to, to be nice to feel one of the lads make it because when I was fourteen there was nothing like this. この意味を教えてください

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    「Can you email me your phone number? I would like to keep it on my file. Talk to you soon,」 翻訳にかけたのですが↓このようになりニュアンスが解らないので 解り易く訳してもらえますか? 「あなたは、あなたの電話番号について私に電子メールを送ることができますか?私のファイルでそれを保ちたいです。 すぐにあなたへの話、」

  • 英文の置き換えをしました、チェックお願いします!

    It was not untill Monday that I phoned the office. ↓ It was only when it came to Monday that I phoned the office. Only after Monday did I phone the office. only, only when, until のイメージがいまいちつかめず、自信がなかったのでご質問しました。 特に、only after, It's until の例文は良く見るのですが、 only when の表現を使用した例文は少なく感じました、使用頻度が少ないのでしょうか? not untilだと ~までしなかった=~して始めて、~してやっと。だなとすぐに分かるのですが、 only when に関しては ~して始めて+~の時だけという意味もあり、 なぜ~して始めてという意味になるのかも分かりません。 ご存知の方、解説していただけないでしょうか? またこの上記3文で何かニュアンスに違いなどありましたら、教えて頂きたいです。 宜しくお願いいたします。

  • 英文として誤っているものを1つずつ…

    英文として誤っているものを1つずつ… (1) ア You need not have to see him. イ We don't have to leave now. ウ He has only to study hard. エ We all have to go there. (2) ア What you say might be true. イ It was very cold. I might be in the Arctic. ウ He said he might be home late. エ Might I borrow your tape recorder. (3) ア I dare say you are right. イ I daren't to look down. ウ How dare you speak to me like that? エ I never dared to ask him. (4) ア I think we had best stop now. イ I'd sooner go on. ウ We don't have better go on any farther. エ You'd better keep quiet about this. 本当に急いでます。 出来れば解説もあると嬉しいです! よろしくお願いします!

  • (長文)英文の翻訳をお願いします

    glad you received, and sorry for not sending, i tried to be fast and when i did, i got sloppy and forgot that one. question one fight you asked about one time i said i didnt have after you order and then had to replace was (商品名)? because i have a copy now i just received.....i will give you free on a future order one day if you remind me. i know i have already gave you replacement for it, but out of courtesy i will give for free next time. i will also send you update if you would like.

  • 最初の英文とほぼ同じ内容になるように(  )に最も適切な1語を入れたい

    最初の英文とほぼ同じ内容になるように(  )に最も適切な1語を入れたいのですが、はっきりとわからないので教えてください。 (1)・We put off the meeting until Saturday afternoon. ・The meeting was ( ) ( ) until Saturday afternoon. (2)・They will have made the final decision by this time next week. ・The final decision ( ) ( ) ( )made by this time next week. (3)・It is said that Hephurn stayed at this hotel. ・Hephurn is said ( ) ( )stayed at this hotel. (4)・Someone sent my father this package. ・This package was ( ) ( )my father. (5)・Nobody has ever spoken to me like that befor. ・I have ( )been spoken ( )like that before. (6)・This terrible noise of motorcycles cannot be put up with any longer. ・We cannot ( ) ( ) ( )this terrible noise of motorcycles any longer. (7)・We will have to find someone to look after our bady. ・Someone will have ( ) ( ) ( )to look after our bady. (8)・Who are they going to invite? ・( ) ( )going to be invited? お願いします><

  • この英文あってますか?

    This book is one of the favorite books of me. This book moved me deeply. It is because the family ties is being written very well. well, I love my family. I thought it is only one thing to be important. I regarded it as really important.  Therefore, I thought that the family was a treasure. This book was the book which reminded me of such a thing. From now on I want to keep this feeling in mind. 間違ってるところとか付け足したほうが良いところとか教えてください。お願いします

  • よろしければ以下の英文の意味合いを教えて下さい

    Please find your usual error-correction exercise attached. Following on from our conversation last lesson about mobile phone addiction, I discovered that China has introduced special walking lanes for people who want to walk and text!: https://www.theguardian.com/world/shortcuts/2014/sep/15/china-mobile-phone-lane-distracted-walking-pedestrians I looked but I couldn't find the news article that I read ages ago about the assistants paid to escort phone-addicts around their city on foot. - A shame as I wanted to show you! Homework This week, I'd like you to watch a video from here - https://www.ted.com/talks - and summarise it in 3 to 5 minutes. You'll be able to find subtitles and there are talks on all manner of subjects so I'm sure you'll find one that interests you - perhaps you'd like to look for music- or animal-related talks (it's totally your choice!). The most important aspect of your summary is that it's not completely memorised; it's better for it to sound natural and include mistakes than contain no mistakes but sound robot-like! I encourage you not to write a script but to write down a few key points in case you need to refer to them. The point of this homework is to encourage fluency, not accuracy. So please don't worry about it being perfect! Let me know if you have any questions.

  • この英文の意味教えてください

    先日私のサイトに英語でのコメントがありその意味が知りたいのですが WEB上の翻訳サイトで調べても日本語に変換されない単語がありいまいち意味がわかりません。 英文は↓ I've been looking at this blog for a long long time but never leave any comment. Sure!! I cannot undertand what you wrote about cuz I'm not Japanese but I really like the way you draw!! I hope one day I will be able to draw like what you can. Anyway, from now I'll come here and leave a comment for you everytimes you update! FRIGHTING!! と書いてありました。 意味がよくわからないのでどう返信すればいいか困っています。 回答よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の添削をお願いします

    日本語に合わせて、英文を作りましたので 添削をお願いしたいです。 1.彼は無駄とわかっていたが、投げ続けた He know it noting , but he was keeping throwing. 2.2003年、ぼくは追い出されるように東京から帰ってきた I came back home from tokyo like banishing when at 2003. 3.ぼくはパソコンのデータ入力に長けている I am proficient inputting date in the computer. 4.彼はそのクラブのレベルの高い選手を目の当たりにして夢をあきらめた He renounced his dream after he saw great of players this club. 5.ぼくは斉藤さんのボールに牛乳をいれ、ボールに溜めた I poured milk Saitou's bowl and deposits it on it.

  • Windows11上でソフトウェアのScan2が正常に動作しない問題について
  • 新しいPCでのインストール後にScan2が起動せず、画面が表示されない現象が発生
  • ネット環境や再インストールによる問題ではなく、設定の問題である可能性がある