• ベストアンサー


There is a huge range of different and delicious food found around the world. 細かなことに気になってます。 foundを文法的にご説明お願いします。

  • 英語
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  • ベストアンサー

~ food (which is) found around the world とすることもできますが、 過去分詞句 found around the world が food を修飾します。 「世界中で見つけられる」食べ物 世界中で見つけられる、幅広いさまざまなおいしい食べ物がある。 There is some water left in the glass. こういう表現にしてもそうですが、 「グラスに残っている水がいくらかある」というより、 「グラスにいくらか水が残っている」とした方が自然です。 今回も、 世界中で幅広い範囲のさまざまなおいしい食べ物が見つかっている、存在している。 のように、is found という受動態が述語のように訳した方が自然です。 文法的に、日本語としては、後置修飾、という形になりますが、 前から、あるよ、これこれのものが、見つけられる、と読んでいけばいいです。


  • 文法的な説明をお願いします。

    次の文章をどのように文法的に解析したらよいか分かりません。 Liberty and freedom not given man as a free gift but as a right and a responsibility to be earned if he deserves it , is worthy of it , is willing to wark for it by means of courage and sacrifice , and then to defend it always. どなたかお願いします。freedomに not given man as a free gift but as a right and a responsibility to be earned がかかるのかな?と思ったんですが、文法的な解析が出来ません。

  • 【至急】この文章の英文法は合ってますか?

    【至急】この文章の英文法は合ってますか? 文に変な違和感があっても大丈夫です。 文法で間違っているところがあればご指摘お願いします! I want to go Canada. There are two reasons. First,I am interested Canada’s food culture. Canada is famous for salmon and berry. I want to eat many delicious soul meals in Canada. Second,Canada has many world Heritage. I want to see a beautiful nature. For these reasons,I want to go Canada.

  • 英文のおかしいところを文法的に説明を!

    同一方の測定器を納入したAが発表した論文がある。 There is a research paper which was made announcedment by A ,who delivered the same model of the measuring instrument. 最初のwhich からannouncement までがおかしいのです、 There is a research paper announced by A, who ~ とした方がいいのですが、、。簡単に説明を!

  • 英訳教えてくださいませんか

    Finally, there is the question of what to advertise. People around the world have different customs as well as different likes and dislikes. This is true even in places such as Latin America where most people share a common language. So the best advertisement in the world means nothing if the product is not right for the market. ↑の文章で、common languageがどういう意味なのかを教えてください。 汚いって意味でしょうか。。

  • 次の英文を文法的に説明してもらえますか?

    次の英文を文法的に説明してもらえますか? Our school is within a ten-minute ride of my house. よろしくお願いします。

  • 文法が正しいか見てください。m(_ _)m

    ↓文章が2つあるのですが、両方確認して頂きたいです。 <The consumption tax>  Japanese consumption tax is 5%. Sweden is a country where a consumption tax is the 2nd highest country in the world, and 5 times of Japan. Iceland is a country where a consumption tax is the highest. It is 25.5%. There are three kinds of consumption taxes of Sweden. The highest tax rates of them are 25%. A publication and public traffic are 6% and food is the tax rates of 12%. But, Japan has not divided the consumption tax like Sweden.  The tax rates of Sweden are higher than Japan, so social welfare is substantial than Japan. <History of the tax>  Third, I’m going to talk about history of the tax. Japan was started the consumption tax in 1989. At first, it was 3%. Later, it changed 5% in 1997. Then, it is still 5%. But, it will go up in the future. Sweden was started the consumption tax in 1960. The consumption tax of Sweden changed 10 times in 30 years, and became 25% from 4.2%. Therefore, the consumption tax of Japan did not large change. But, the consumption tax of Sweden changed a lot.

  • 英語の文法的な構造が分かりません。

    内容は理解できるのですが、文法的な構造が分かりません。 最初のThe categories and typesを受ける動詞がどれなのか教えていただけると助かります。 The categories and types that we isolate from the world of phenomena we do not find there because they stare every observer in the face; on the contrary, the world is presented in a kaleidoscopic flux of impressions which has to be organized by our mindsーand this means largely by the linguistic systems in our minds.

  • 和訳と文法について

    (1)Today computer games are a huge industry, having global sales of $28 billion in 2004. havingはどうしてing形なんでしょうか。そして、haveは持つでいいのでしょうか? (2)The first computer games had two goals: to help develop artificial intelligence(AI), and to reveal how humans think. (3)The modern form of international chess has a rigid set og rules, which means that there are a limited number of possibilities at any given time. (4)By contrast, GO(碁)has fewer rules and consequently is much more flexible-far too flexible for any of today's computers to find a winning strategy. (5)These differences indicate that different kinds of games require us to think, plan and act in different ways-something easy for us, but difficult for computers. それぞれの訳をお願いします。一つだけでもいいです。(全部、きちんとした日本語には出来ませんが)特にわからないのは(4)と(5)です。

  • 文法

    2つわからない文章があります。 (1) His reading is of a wise range. どういう意味でしょうか?またofはどのような働きをしてるのでしょうか? 前置詞句の叙述用法でしょうか? (2) His uncle who lived in New York asked him to come and help him in his big store there. 最初のhisとhelpのOのhimは同一人物ですよね?? おかしくなりませんか??

  • 訳と文法の説明おねがいします

    When asked by pollsters to rate on a scale of 10 how dependent they were on their maids, most gave between 6 and 8. の訳がわかりません。文法的な説明もしていただけたら、うれしいです。よろしくお願いいたします。