• 締切済み

英文意訳お願いします<(_ _)>急いでいます!

Some people are horrified by the language shortcuts we are talking in this digital age of cellphones, email, blogs, chat rooms, and social websites. Take Professor Jack Moore for example. He wrote, “In the world of text messages, ignorance of grammar and punctuation obviously doesn’t affect a person’s ability to communicate messages such as ‘c u 18r’ (see you later).” Journalist Bill Wales supported Professor Moore’s opinion when he wrote in his weekly column, “When the shortened form of ‘electronic mail’ began appearing in print, the question was whether it should be e-mail or E-mail; the lowercase form has clearly prevailed, although using the uppercase would be an acceptable style decision. My faith in human intelligence still hasn’t recovered from the development that followed: The popular spelling among the general public has become ‘e-mail’ which is an insult to our intelligence.” So, are you also as horrified as Mr. Moore and Mr. Wales about the language shortcuts we are talking in this day and age? With all their shouting and complaining, the people who want to stop this trend are failing to see the truly significant language phenomenon talking place right before their eyes. What we are witnessing may be that, for the first time in the history of language, a communication form has made the writer more important than the reader. Punctuation, as Moore, Wales, and the others point out, was created with the sole purpose of helping the reader clearly and quickly get the writer’s point. The same goes for grammar in general. The same goes for the rules of usage. They help the reader or listener understand. (), the information-age shortcuts now shaping the language are designed primarily for the writer’s convenience ――――― at the reader’s expense. Because it takes a lot of time to scroll through letters on my cell-phone to spell ‘see,’ I just write ‘c.’

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
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  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

   この携帯、メール、ブログ、チャットルーム、社交サイトのデジタル時代に、我々が使っている言葉の近道に、呆れている人がいる。    ジャック•モア教授も、その一人である。「テキスト•メッセージの世界で、文法とか句読点の打ち方を知らなくても、どうやら 『’c u 18r’ (see you later)また後で会いましょう』のようなメッセージを伝えるには支障がないことは明らかだ」と彼は言う。     ジャーナリストのビル•ウェイルズも、「電子メールの」短縮形が印刷物に現れるようになって e-mail か、それとも E-mail か、という問題が生じ、大文字で書く方がスタイルの点で正しいけれども、どうやら小文字で書く方が優勢らしい」と、週間コラムで書いているのは、モア教授の意見に賛同している。    人間の知性を信じる私にも、一般に広がっている綴りが e-mail (と小文字だ)とは、我々の知性を侮辱するものだ、と言った経緯から立ち直ってはいない。     であるから、あなたもモア氏やウェイルズ氏と同じように現在の我々が論じているショートカット(近道)に、唖然としているのだろうか?      大声や不平にもかかわらず、このような動きを停めたいと願う人々は、我々の目の前で起こっている実に重要な言語現象を見落としている。     我々が今目撃しているのは、言語始まって以来初めて、コミュニケーションの形態が書き手の方を読み手よりも重要にしたということである。     モア、ウェイルズなどが指摘するように、書き手の意図を読み手が迅速に汲み取るのを助けるためだけに句読点は創られた。文法一般も同じことだ(=読み手のためにある)。使い方の規則も同じである。     彼ら(=句読点+文法+語用論)は、読み手とか聞き手の助けである。今言葉の形が出来上がりつつある情報時代の近道は、読み手を犠牲にして、本質的に書き手の便宜から出ている。    私の携帯で see と綴るためにはあちこちスクロールして時間がかかるから、 単に c と書くのである。

  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

意訳します。    メールで、読み手のためでなく、書き手の都合で書くようになった。携帯で see とあちこちスクロールして書くより、c と打てばいい訳だから、、、


  • 英文意訳をおねがいします・・・急いでいます!

    A problem? Well, no, as long as people understand this. Use these shortcuts whenever you like, as long as you’re aware of the fact that you’re making a demand on the reader. When sending an e-mail to your boss though, you probably want to avoid writing “UR2CUTE2BTRU.” Technology presents some other language problems as well ――――― especially to the old-timers among us ―――― when it comes to etiquette. For example, in a chat room, THIS IS YELLING. So, next time you press the caps lock button on the keyboard, just stop and think how the reader of your message might feel about being yelled at. Also, you might want to take note that sentences without any punctuation such as, “I saw your mail yesterday it was good but I disagreed with some of it I checked the site it wasn’t there,” might not be too well-received by the reader. In other words, just because punctuation sometimes seems nonexistent on the Internet doesn’t mean that it’s out-of-date and you should never use it.

  • 英文の意訳をお願いしたいです

    翻訳機をつかうとなんだか変な風になってしまうのですが・・・ 環境問題の話です Using classic archaeology techniques, researchers found that human bones from the last decades before the civilization’s collapse showed signs of severe malnutrition. Sever thinks that the root cause of the downfall of the Maya was a chronic food and water shortage, due to some combination of natural drought and deforestation by humans. Today, the rain forest is again falling under the axe. About half of the original forest has been destroyed in the last 40 years, cut down by farmers practicing “slash and burn” agriculture. By 2020, only 2% to 16% of the original rain forest will remain if current rates of destruction continue. It seems that modern people are repeating some of the Maya’s mistakes. But Sever thinks disaster can be averted (). Sever and co-worker Dan Irwin have been looking at satellite photos and, in them, Sever spotted signs of ancient drainage and irrigation canals in swamp-like areas (which they call bajos<バホスと読むらしいです>, the Spanish word for “lowlands”) near the Mayan ruins. Sever suspects that these ancient canals were part of a system devised by the Maya to manage water in the bajos so that they could farm this land. Could today’s farmers take a lesson from the Maya and sow their seeds in the bajos, which make up 40% of the landscape? It’s an interesting idea. Sever and his colleagues are now considering planting test crops of corn in areas in the bajos with suitable soil, with irrigation and drainage canals inspired by the Maya. A message from 900 A.D.: it’s never too late to learn from your ancestors. よろしくお願いします!<(_ _)>

  • 英文訳です。

    英文が上手く訳せません; どこで区切ればよいのか分かりません。どなたか訳していただけないでしょうか?部分的にでも構いません。 On the whole they are aids to writing intelligibly, for they are in the main no more than the distillation of successful experiments made by writers of English through the centuries in how best to handle words so as to make a writer's meaning plain. Some it is true, are arbitrary.One or two actually in crease the difficulty of clear expression, but these too should nevertheless be respected, because lapses from what for the time being is regarded as correct irritate the educated reader, and distract his attention, and so make him the less likely to be affected precisely as you wish.

  • 英文和訳がわかりません。お願いします。

    (1) Abandon the notion of subject-matter as something fixed and ready-made in itself, outside the child's experience; (2) the various studies, arithmetic, geography, language, botany, etc, are themselves experience- they are that of the race. (3) In the Meiji period, the reformist leader's decision to institute universal primary education and a meritoctatic system gave Japan an educated and trainable workforce and a talented elite at a time when the nation needed to make maximum use of its human resources in its effort to catch up.

  • 訳が分かりません

    訳がわからないので、教えて頂けましたら助かります。 The main reason for this use of informal language in workplace e-mail is that a lot of young people have always communicated with others on the Internet一especially using e-mail一in a relaxed and friendly manner. For many, online communication outside of work involves talking with others in chat rooms, posting on message boards, and sending e-mail to friends一all for fun. 宜しくお願いいたします。

  • 英文の意訳をお願いします!ちょっと急いでいます

    With that kind of money at stake, it is hardly surprising that industrial-scale technology has caught on. Fishing hooks are on “long-lines” sometimes more than 50 miles in length. Factory ships that can hold 1000 tons of fish store and process the catches. Fishing on such a massive scale can exhaust a fishing ground, but when that happens, the factory ships just move on. The bottom of what is known as the continental slope, between 600 and 6000 feet deep, is home to several species that swim in schools and grow as long as two to three feet. Their presence opened up the continental slope to industrial deep-sea fishing that pays off very well. The usual method, known as bottom trawling, is to drag a huge net, with 15 tons of weight, across the ocean floor, catching everything in its path. What are the environmental costs? No one really knows ------ and that is part of the problem. According to a recent issue of Natural History, catch limits for deep-sea fishes were set “essentially by guessing, relying on knowledge of shallow-water species. They took no account of the far slower birth rate in a typical population of deep-sea fishes.” Two deep-sea species have already been reduced: the orange roughy and the Chilean sea bass. ----------------------------------------------------------- たぶん漁業の話なのですが、最初の方の釣り鉤は~の文と、途中の法律、警察の仕事、厳しい刑罰~あたりの文はなんとなく意味がつかめたのですがそれ以外はさっぱりです・・・ 大まかな流れだけでもいいので教えてくださると嬉しいです

  • 以下の英文はどのように訳すでしょうか???

    The close relationship of religion to cultivation was strongly developed by Freeman, Dove, and especially Jensen but was almost ignored by those who wrote of Christianized people. Only one of the studies details changes into the 1990s. Politicized sources, written in a period of confrontation between opponents and supporters of the forest farmers, include Hong and Colfer and Dudley. Brookfield, Potter, and Byron offered a somewhat biased summary. Titles listed here cover only a part of the literature. There are several other publications by the same authors and others. Figure6.1 shows the areas discussed. Common elements among the places and people compared Although the people described belong to different language groups and had been on their present land at the time of study from as few as 2 to more than 300 years, cultural similarities greatly exceed the differences. Padoch’s monograph was specifically comparative between her own three sites and Freeman’s, all four in the Iban language area. Most of the more recent reports have made extensive reference to earlier work have tended to enlarge the treatment of aspects that previous writers neglected. With caution, sources that are stronger than others on certain aspects can therefore be used to identify possible gaps in the latter. There are many elements in common:  Sarawak and adjacent parts of Kalimantan are close to the equator, and despite large differences in mean rainfall all areas have weak and unreliable dry seasons; drought does occur, but untimely rain is a more common problem.  Population densities varied within a range below 20/km2. Rousseau calculated the density of the Kayan on the Balui river at about 0.5/km2, comparing this with a figure of 3.5/km2 for the Baleh Iban, which he derived from freeman’s description of his research area. In a region where large areas remain unpopulated, Chin calculated 8.8/km2 for Kenyah on the upper Baram. Dove calculated 11.5/km2 for the Kantu’.

  • この英文の和訳をお願いします。

         We evaluated <P(e, 0)> for 12 cases of e between 0 and 6: e=0.0, 0.01, 0.1, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 1.0, 1.2, 1.5, 2.0, 4.0, and 6.0. As for r_p, we considered three cases: r_p=0.005, 0.001, and 0.0002. These are representative values of radii of protoplanets at the Earth, Jupiter, and Neptune orbits regions, respectively. The numbers of collision orbits found by our orbital calculation are shown in Table 3 for representative values of e. From Table 3 we can expect the statistical errors in the evaluated collisional rate to be within 5% for the cases of e≦1.5 and within 8% for e=4 and 6; they are smaller than that of the previous studies by Nishida (1983) and by Wetherill and Cox (1985).    The calculated collisional rate is summarized in terms of the enhancement factor defined by Eq. (27) and shown in Fig.11, as a function of e and r_p. From Fig.11 one can see that the collisional rate is always enhanced by the effect of solar gravity, compared with that of the two-body approximation <P(e,0)>_2B. In particular, in regions where e≦1, R(e,0) is almost independent of e, having a value as large as 3. At e≦1, R(e,0) has a notable peak beyond which the enhancement factor decreases gradually with increasing e. For large values of e, i.e., e≧4, <P(e,0)> tends rapidly to <P(e,0)>_2B. As seen in the next section, we will find a similar dependence on e even in the three-dimensional case (i≠0) as long as we are concerned with cases where i≦2. お手数ですが、よろしくお願いします。

  • 自信がないので英文の訳をお願いします。

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  • 以下の英文を訳してほしいのですが、よろしくお願いいたします。

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