
  • ローマの風習により、新生児は死嬰化せずに生かされた。
  • 新生児はOctavianによって地面から持ち上げられ、養育されることが命じられた。
  • 貧しい階級ではとても頻繁に見られた死亡による育児によって、新生児は生かされることが決まった。
  • ベストアンサー


The newborn infant was taken to Octavian and as lord of the household where it had been born, he lifted it from the ground,as was the Roman custom. By means of this ritual gesture, he implicitly gave the order that the child was to be fed and,consequently,kept alive (rather than face the hideous,but legal,fate of death by exposure,frequent in the poor classes). 二つの文章は繋がったものです。 特に前の文章の最後のas~の部分と、二番目の文章のカッコの部分が よく分かりませんでした。 長くて申し訳ありませんが、宜しくお願い します。

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数3


  • ベストアンサー
  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)

補足 前の文章の、he lifted~のheは、誰を指すのでしょうか →Octavianを差すはずです。 (質問での説明に不足があった場合や回答に対して新たに疑問が生まれた場合は、「補足」を使って追加質問できます。そうするとスムーズにいきます。(今回たまたま質問を見ましたが、補足でないと見過ごすこともございます。) 以上、ご参考になればと思います。



有難う御座いました。 初心者なので勝手が分からなかったのですが、ご丁寧に有難う御座いました! また質問させて頂くこともあるかと思いますが、その時は宜しくお願い致します。

その他の回答 (1)

  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)

新生児はオクタヴィアンのところへ連れて行かれ、生まれた家の主として、ローマ人の習慣にのっとって、彼は子供を地面から引き上げた。 この儀式的なしぐさをすることによって、彼は暗に、その子に、食糧が与えられるように、そして結果として(ひどい、けれど法には反していない、貧困階級によくある体調悪化による死という運命というより)生き続けるようにという命令を発したのであった。 以上、いかがでしょうか?



早いご回答有難うございます。 前の文章の、he lifted~のheは、誰を指すのでしょうか?


  • 次の英文を訳して下さい。

    次の英文を訳して下さい。またなぜof whichなのか教えて下さい。 The newborn infant commuicates by cries. He develops a vocabulary of cryings and frettungs, the several meanings (of which) a discerning mother learns to distinguish.

  • 和訳お願いします。

    As their dinner goes on, my father tells of his plans for the future, and mother shows with expressive face how interested she is, and how impressed. My father becomes exultant, lifted up by the waltz that is being played, and his own future begins to intoxicate him. My father tells my mother that he is going to expand his business, for there is a great deal of money to be made. He wants to settle down. After all, he is twenty-nine, he has lived by himself since his thirteenth year, he is making more and more money, and he is envious of his friends when he visits them in the security of their homes, surrounded, it seems, by the calm domestic pleasures, and by delightful children, and then as the waltz reaches the moment when the dancers all swing madly,then, then with awful daring, then he asks my mother to marry him, although awlnvardly enough and puzzled as to how he had arrived at the question, and she, to make the whole business worse, begins to cry, and my father looks nervously about, not knowing at all what to do now, and my mother says, "It's all I've wanted from the first moment I saw you," sobbing, and he fin& all of this very difficult, scarcely to his taste, scarcely as he thought it would be, on his long walks over Brooklyn Bridge in the revery of a fine cigar, and it was then, at that point, that I stood up in the theatre and shouted: "Don't do it! It's not too late to change your minds, both of you. Nothing good will come of it, only remorse, hatred, scandal, and two children whose characters are monstrous." The whole audience turned to look at me, annoyed, the usher came hurrying down the aisle flashing his searchlight, and the old lad next to me tugged me down into my seat, saying: "Be quiet. You'll be put ou4 and you paid thirty-five cents'to come in." And so I shut my eyes becausex could not bear to see what was happening. I sat there quietly.

  • 英語の和訳です。お願いします!!

     I was doing some last-minute Christmas shopping in a toy store and decided to look at Barbie dolls for my nieces. A nicely dressed little girl was excitedly looking through the Barbie dolls as well, with a roll of money clamped tightly in her little hand. When she came upon a Barbie she liked, she would turn and ask her father if she had enough money to buy it. He usually said "yes," but she would keep looking and keep going through their ritual of "do I have enough?"  As she was looking, a little boy wandered in across the aisle and started sorting through the Pokemon toys. He was dressed neatly, but in clothes that were obviously rather worn, and wearing a jacket that was probably a couple of sizes too small. He too had money in his hand, but it looked to be no more than five dollars or so at the most. He was with his father as well, and kept picking up the Pokemon video toys. Each time he picked one up and looked at his father, his father shook his head,"no".

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    At 13:00 Chetwode put Chauvel in command of both mounted divisions, and by 14:00 Chauvel was ordering the whole of the Anzac Mounted Division to attack Gaza from the north, while the Imperial Mounted Division and Imperial Camel Brigade, supported by Nos 11 and 12 Light Armoured Motor Batteries and No. 7 Light Car Patrol, were to hold the outpost line and all observation posts. As the Anzac Mounted Division moved north, it was replaced in the mounted screen by the Imperial Mounted Division, which in turn was replaced by the Imperial Camel Brigade. It took time for the divisions to get into position, and to move Chauvel's headquarters to a knoll between Beit Durdis and Gaza, so he could oversee operations. It was not until during a meeting there at 15:15 that orders were issued for the Anzac Mounted Division's attack.

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    The early speculator was harassed by no such scruples, and asserted as facts what he knew in reality only as probabilities. But we are not on that account to doubt his perfect good faith, nor need we attribute to him wilful misrepresentation, or consciousness of asserting that which he knew not to be true. He had seized one great truth, in which, indeed, he anticipated the highest revelation of modern enquiry -- namely, the unity of the design of the world, and its subordination to one sole Maker and Lawgiver. With regard to details, observation failed him. He knew little of the earth's surface, or of its shape and place in the universe; the infinite varieties of organized existences which people it, the distinct floras and faunas of its different continents, were unknown to him. But he saw that all which lay within his observation bad been formed for the benefit and service of man, and the goodness of the Creator to his creatures was the thought predominant in his mind. Man's closer relations to his Maker is indicated by the representation that he was formed last of all creatures, and in the visible likeness of God. For ages, this simple view of creation satisfied the wants of man, and formed a sufficient basis of theological teaching, and if modern research now shows it to be physically untenable, our respect for the narrative which has played so important a part in the culture of our race need be in nowise diminished. No one contends that it can be used as a basis of astronomical or geological teaching, and those who profess to see in it an accordance with facts, only do this sub modo, and by processes which despoil it of its consistency and grandeur, both which may be preserved if we recognise in it, not an authentic utterance of Divine knowledge, but a human utterance, which it has pleased Providence to use Providence a special way for the education of mankind.

  • 和訳お願いします

    Yuri soon found the animal's body leaning against a store in a nearby town. (While he was away, his cousin had sold it to the store owner for two snowmobiles.) Dogs had eaten part of the tail and ear, but overall, it was still in "as close to perfect condition as you can imagine," says scientist Daniel Fisher. With help from the police, the body was taken by helicopter to a museum. The animal was a baby mammoth, and scientists called it Lyuba, after Yuri's wife.

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    Hugh Miller will be admitted by many as a competent witness to the untenability of the theory of Chalmers and Buckland on mere geological grounds. He had, indeed, a theory of his own to propose, which we shall presently consider; but we may take his word that it was not without the compulsion of what he considered irresistible evidence that he relinquished a view which would have saved him infinite time and labour, could he have adhered to it.

  • 和訳お願いします。

      Many things came to pass,and it was only Edison who could and had to ferret them out.It seemed that destiny hinted to him that he now had his system working on which he had labored some years,but it would have to pass through the infant period during which so many changes take place.   Edison was everywhere,for his occupations were multifarious;and all looked to him for advice when anything went wrong.The memorable day when the Pearl Street Central Station was started in regular operation happened to be September 4,1882.On that day John W.Lieb,the electrician of the station,was deputized by Edison to close the main switch,thereby permitting the current to flow into the underground conductors,and thus to start the regular operation of this novel enterprise.This act required that Lieb stand on his tiptoes,and finding that the catch of the switch didn't work properly,he had to hang on to its handle untill William D.MacQuesten,Lieb's assistant at the time,brought a bench and pushed the catch into the pawl that locked and held it.

  • 和訳をお願いします!

    和訳をお願いします! I think that he’s an incredible dreamer, incredibly naïve, he’s incredibly smart in what he wants to be smart at he’s one of those guys that knows ten thousand little things but doesn’t know much about one big thing and it was really fun, it was really fun to read and... Again there was something inspiring about it, there was something child like about it. There was something oddly brave about it and the thing that was very cool about the part to me was that he’s a simple guy and in his simplicity he doesn’t over think the world. And so he just lets the world happen to him and I think that that’s a blessing a lot of the time. ある俳優のインタビューです。 自分の役柄について聞かれ答えているのですが、どうしても意味が理解できないんです。。。 長文ですが宜しくお願いしますm(_ _)m

  • 和訳していただけませんか?

    下の文を和訳していただけませんか? However, he was inspired by Goethe’s example to interest himself in science. When he entered the University of Vienna in 1873, he decided to take a medical degree before embarking upon scientific research. Belonging, as he said of himself, to the class of sedentary humans “who can be found for the largest part of the day between two pieces of furniture, one formed vertically, the chair, and one extending horizontally, the table”, Freud took eight, instead of the usual five, years to graduate. This was not through laziness, but because he dabbled in so many subjects, making him eventually into one of Europe’s most cultivated men. For example, although it was not required of medical students, he elected to study with the German philosopher Franz Brentano (1838-1917), whose book Psychology from the Empirical Standpoint (1874) introduced Freud to the idea of “the unconscious”. (This idea, which Brentano actually dismissed, had been invoked by generations of earlier philosophers to explain how ideas and forgotten memories could sometimes rise to the surface as if floating up from a hidden reservoir.)