• ベストアンサー

次の文法問題 接続詞

She did not answer,(and, but, when) put the book on the table and went away. 三拓問題ですが、答えはbutです。andでも良いような気がしますが、butはしかし と訳せばよいでしょうか? No one is wise enough to measure in advance the influence of an invention. をso~that....を使って書き変えて下さい。またその英文を訳して下さい。

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー

not A but B のタイプで「A でなく、B」 「答えるのでなく、本を置いて行ってしまった」 「答える代わりに」のような意味合いです。 「~せずに、~した」というのは日本語では and っぽいですが、 「しかし」とはちょっと違う but です。 No one is so wise that they (can) measure in advance the influence of an invention. 発明したことの影響がどれほどのものか、あらかじめ予測できるほど、賢明な人はいない。 前半が否定の場合、so that を「とても~なので」とやると破綻し、 後ろから「~するほど~だ」とやらないといけません。



wind-sky-windさん 何度か回答してもらっていますね。いつもありがとうございます。 not~butの構文かなあと思ったけでどやはりそうでしたね。 前半が否定の場合は違ってくるんですね。ありがとうございました。

その他の回答 (1)

  • shingo5k
  • ベストアンサー率33% (123/366)

>>andでも良いような気がします 1)She did not answer, and she put the book on the table. 2)She did not answer, and did not put the book on the table. 3)She answered, and put the book on the table. とは言いますが、 She did not answer, and put the book on the table. とは言いません。 後半が1)か2)かが解りにくいからではないでしょうか。



shingo5kさん なるほど、sheの省略かdid notの省略が分からないから駄目なんのですね。 深い、さすがですね。ありがとうございました。


  • 次の英文のasは何ですか?よろしくお願いします。

    Victoria went on to put her foot in it a couple of months later, both by publicly demanding that David be given a pay rise-£25,000 a week is not enough, she explained-and by saying that one day, he would almost certainly play for another team abroad. ↓ But that was as nothing compared to a recent interview she gave to Jerry Springer. asはなくてもいいように思いますが、as nothing と nothingはどう違いますか?

  • 文法的にわかりません

    A few nights ago I went out for a night on the town with a close friend, her sister, and her sister’s boyfriend. By the end of the night, after several drinks too many (not an excuse, and I know you don’t approve), the boyfriend and I found ourselves alone. He came on to me, and even though I know it was wrong, I ended up making out with him. Later that night, he came to my room, I’m guessing to take things a bit further, but I immediately sent him away. I’m guessing to take things a bit furtherは挿入されているかのように使われていますが、どのような役割でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 英語の得意な方、お願いします。

    Miss Connors went to the table and rearranged the bouquet of asters which Bill's wife had brought for the day before, narrowing her eyes and holdig her face away from the flowers critically. ※asters:アスター(の花) 1.全訳せよ。 2.文型を説明せよ。 お願いします。

  • 次の文章の和訳をお願いします。

    So,the troll children picked up the mirror and started to carry it away. But suddenly the mirror broke and thousands of tiny pieces of glass fell to earth. Now,what will happen? If one piece of glass from the mirror touches someone they will be nasty and mean for the rest of their life. Far,far away in Denmark there lived two happy children,a girl called Gerda and her brother Kay. They were the best of friends as well as being brother and siste and they did everything together. Every day during the summer,they played in the fields and explored the countryside close to their grandmother's house. Sometimes they went as far as the mountains,almost a day's walk away. They loved the animals at their grandmother's,especially the reindeer,Ned. The most fun they had was when they rode around on his back together. When they felt hungry,they called down to their grandmother from outside their bedroom window. `Hey,Granny!What's for tea today?' And their grandmother would answer, `Come down and see what's for tea,children!' Often Kay kould pick a red rose from outside the window as a present for his grandmother. Hewould hold it behind his back and then surprise her with it at the last minute. `Ta-rah!For you,beautiful lady!' His grandmother was always surprised and laughed and laughed. They were such happy days for everyone.

  • お手数ですが、次の英文を訳して下さい。

    Despite the casualties, Aylmer could not afford to spend much time waiting for the arrival of the second division of reinforcements still working its way upriver to the front. Every advance he made, put him further from his supply base at Basra, and closer to the Ottoman logistical hub at Baghdad. Although considered a British victory (albeit a costly one), the Ottoman forces had achieved their goal in delaying the Tigris Corps. They had bloodied Aylmer's forces, using up time which the Kut garrison believed it did not have and reinforcements which were hard for the British and Indian governments to replace.

  • 次の英文の解釈について教えてください(その3)

    出所はその1、その2と同じです。 But on Friday, neither the grim prospects of the coming year, nore the possibility that GM or Chrysler might file for Chapter 11 in the coming weeks, which would surely set off a wave of bankruptcies and layoffs in related industries, was enough to keep investors from buying all the way to a 65-point, or 0.75% advance for blue chips, which closed the day at 8,629. しかし金曜日に、来るべき年の悪夢のような見通しのみならず、GM、クライスラーがチャプラー11の申請を来る数週間のうちにするという可能性をもってしても、投資家が・・・(よくわかりません) 以上

  • 英語の問題

    僕がわからない問題です。 わかる人がいましたら、ぜひ教えてください。 和訳をしなさい (1)A burnt child dreads the fire. (2)The falling leaves were dancing in the wind. (3)The fallen leaves were dancing in the wind. 分詞構文を用いて(    )を埋めなさい。 I went into the hall and saw a lot of pictures on the wall. ( ) into the hall,I saw a lot of pictures on the wall. When I was crossing the bridge,I met Mr.Collins. ( ) the bridge,I met Mr.Collins. As I did not know what to do next,I just sat at my desk. ( )( ) what to do next,I just sat at my desk. Because this book is written in simple English,it has become a best seller. ( ) in simple English,this book has become best seller. I was unable to bear the cold,so I put on an overcoat. ( ) to hear the cold,I put on an overcoat. Since I haven’t seen the movie,I can’t comment on it. Not ( )( ) the movie,I can’t comment on it.

  • 和訳お願いします

    she moved away, and as the children said afterwards to each other, it was almost funny and certainly very sweet to see haw she tried not to be too happy the day she left, but they felt rather put upon, just the same. の和訳お願いします

  • 訳を教えてください

    That book did something not many other things I had thus far encountered in life were able to do ---it took me out of myself and put me into a larger world ---not all that much larger, now that I come to think about it,but large enough to stir my imagination. 自分なりに訳したら「あの本は私がこれまでのところ人生で遭遇した他のそれほど大きくないものができた何かをした。それは、私を自分自身から連れだし、より大きい世界に私を入れました。今や私はより大きい世界について考えるようになるので、はるかに大きい全ての世界は、しかし私の想像力をかきたてるくらいに広い世界の全てとは限らない」と、意味不明な訳になってしまいました・・・。特にわからない箇所は were able to do のdoは何をさしているのか、now thatはいまや~なのだからと訳していいのか、ということです。できれば全ての訳を教えてください

  • よろしくお願いします

    I went to my favorite cafe in Nashville and saw a man on the corner sitting on a curb with his pants down, just going to town on himself. He scooted his butt off the curb and took a shit, then tried to brush it away from himself with his free hand. It did not brush away. It smeared. He held his poop hand away from him and kept jerking it. 全文の和訳を教えてください。on himselfはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします