• ベストアンサー


The concert ()()() by the staff then. コンサートはそのときスタッフによって準備されているところだった。 I()()() by a foreigner at the airport. 私は空港で外国人に話かけられた The advertising display ()()() many people in Osaka その広告は大阪では多くの人々に知られている She ()()() the result. 彼女はその結果に満足した ()()() that she is a famous singer in Hong Kong. 彼女は香港で有名な歌手だそうだ。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数0


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

The concert (was) (being) (prepared) by the staff then. コンサートはそのときスタッフによって準備されているところだった。 I (was) (spoken) (to) by a foreigner at the airport. 私は空港で外国人に話かけられた。 The advertising display (is) (known) (to) many people in Osaka. その広告は大阪では多くの人々に知られている。 She (was) (satisfied) (with) the result. 彼女はその結果に満足した。 (It) (is) (said) that she is a famous singer in Hong Kong. 彼女は香港で有名な歌手だそうだ。


  • どなたか英訳してください

    どなたか英訳してください 香港から来た友達を横浜に案内してあげました。 無事に香港に帰れたようで、早速メールが来ましたが 略語を使っているのか、部分的に意味が解らないところがあります。 ちなみに私からは Were you able to return to the house safely? I want to know Hong Kong more. What is the building which is the most famous in Hong Kong? とメールしましたが、その返事がこちらです。 Just landed at hong kong!!! Happy to c u r interested in hong kong~~~ but tired after 3hrs flight~ Talk u more by tomm., I will send u email at office~~ Thanks!!!! Talk u は多分Talk to you じゃないかと思いますが・・・ c u r って何? 英語の得意な方どうぞよろしくお願いします。

  • この英文間違いあるでしょうか?

    この英文間違いあるでしょうか? 友達に送る文です。 最後のへんあたりは違う文ですが・・・・ 1)The economy of Japan doesn't see ahead. How much is the cost of living of the average though I think about the migration in Hong Kong? As for work, it thinks about an architectural relation. 2)However, it is not easy so much. Mainland China is impossible in various respects. Still, the medical issue is large. The foreigner's migration is not admitted. Hong Kong was expected to be an admission on the Web site. The wall where either is big the word ‥ Your support is also necessary. 3)After that, where can you support it for me?Is it a connection only on the site? It doesn't demand ..impossibility... However, I want only to hear it. 。 Hong Kong?Is does it live in the bay district and [masuka]?Detailed address? Are you scary? Japan wants to present you the present. How should I go from HONG KONG INT'L AIRPORT to your house? Is there a hotel to be near? The text is requested from the translation agency this time. The purpose is to prevent the misunderstanding from occurring.

  • 関係代名詞whose+名詞+SV

    お願いします。 適語を選ぶ問題です。 She is a famous singer ( ) songs many people sing. 1. who 2. whose 3. whom 4. that ( )の直後が名詞なので、whoseだと思ったのですが、 そのうしろにSVが続くのがわかりません。 She is a famous singer whose songs are sung by many people. という形ならすぐわかるのですが…。

  • 日本語訳確認願います。

    The lobby is very much hustling and bustling during the day (where in Hong Kong is it not hustling and bustling), but as soon as you are in the elevator, all of that is left behind. 日本語訳があっているか、コメント願います。 日中のロビーはいつも、忙しく、ざわついていますが(でも、香港で忙しくざわついていない所などあるでしょうか)、エレベータの中にさえ入ってしまえば、喧噪からは完全に離れられます。 とくに、(where in Hong Kong is it not hustling and bustling)の部分が自信がないです。お願い致します。

  • 適当な1語をお願いします

    インドでは何語がはなされていますか。 () languages ()() in India? その時計は高校の入学祝に叔母が私にくれたものだ。 The watch ()()()() by my aunt as a gift for startilng high school. あの白鳥たちは村人たちが世話をしています。 Those swans ()() care of () the villagers. 私は君が決めたことにがっかりした。 I ()()() your decision. 日本は経済大国だと言われている。 A: It()()() your decision. B: Japan ()()()() an economic power.

  • 適当な語をお願いします

    We ()() the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. 私たちは温室効果ガスの大気中排出をやめなければならない。 This door ()() open この戸はどうやっても開かない. ()()() me the way to the ballpark? 球場へ行く道を教えてくださいませんか。 You ()() see a doctor right away. 君はすぐに医者に診てもらったほうがいい。 I()() go by taxi () wait here. 私はここで待つくらいならタクシーで行く方がいい. Irecommend that you ()() your passport in the front desk. 私はあなたにパスポートをフロントに預けていくことを勧めます。

  • 適当な形に変えて日本語訳もお願いします

    The guest__________________a speech is the mayor <make> This blue ball is the earth ____________from the moon.<see> The_____________bull rushed at the red cloth.<excite> I saw a worm _________on the floor<crawl> He got his leg ____________in the accident <injure> I found the man _________________on the floor.<lie> The iron door remained______________all day long.<close> She went out ,________________the door____________________.<leave,unlock> Frankly___________________,she is a little selfish.<speak> She likes listening to music with her eyes________________.<close>

  • 適当な形に変えて日本語訳もお願いします

    I have finished___________________my report on air pollution.<write> Would you mind_________________the bag?<carry> The retired politician refused______________a speech<give> Aya practices___________________the waltz every day.<dance> She promised_________________it ready by noon.<get> Remember___________________your homework by tomorrow.<finish> I remember ___________________the novel when I was a high school student<read> Kazuya is used to _______________in front of people<speak> I couldn't help ____________________at the funny sight.<laugh>

  • skewの訳

    The result is that China and Hong Kong are treated as one actor when it comes to state investment in the global economy. This mainly removes the massive Chinese outflows into Hong Kong which skews the global picture toward China. 上記英文のwhich以下を巧く御訳し下さい。 宜しくお願い致します。

  • 次の文を日本語訳してください

    この文章を日本語訳してください>< 本当に困ってます、おねがいします! Outaka Yoshiko, as she is known today, has surely enjoyed a long and interesting life. She might best be remembered for her three terms in the Japanese Diet as an active representative. She is remembered by many for her brave service as a political reporter in Palestine and other troubled areas in the world in the 1960s. there was much more, however, to this fascinating woman’s life. She was born in Manchuria, China, in 1920, and grew up using the name Li Xianglan, though both of her parents ware Japanese. Because she was troubled by tuberculosis as a child, she took singing lessons from a Russian man who had escaped the revolution 20 years earlier. She was very talented and became a coloratura soprano. This led to a career as an actress for the attractive young woman. In 1938, she made her debut in a film called Honeymoon Express, and then starred in a famous film called Shanghai Nights. In fact, no one knew that she was Japanese; she was thought to be Chinese. She was seen as a multi-lingual, talented Chinese actress. At the end of World War 2, however, she ran into trouble. She was nearly executed by the Chinese government for treason but she narrowly escaped and returned to Japan. In Japan, she continued her singing and acting career under a new name: Yoshiko Yamaguchi. Several years later, the celebrated actress got married to a famous person: the architect, Isamu Noguchi. The two lived happily in Kamakura, where he worked furiously and she built her acting career. She starred in films abroad as well as at home. For example, she was the leading actress in Japanese War Bride, but using a third name, Shirley Yamaguchi, as she was known in America.Sadly, the couple’s demanding careers caused their marriage to fall apart.