• ベストアンサー


You should feel what I feel You should take what I tell you

  • tsf12
  • お礼率86% (1168/1348)
  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • cowstep
  • ベストアンサー率36% (756/2081)

【直訳すると】 私が感じるようにあなたも感じるべきです。 私があなたに言うことを真に受けなさい。 【意訳すると】 僕の思い通りにさせてくれよ 僕の言う通りなんだよ





  • 教えてください‼

    どうしたらいいか教えてください。 私が彼にAfter quitting the job I was thinking of going to Paris. Tell me what you really feelと聞いたところWe should talk :)と返事があり、why?We should talk? と返すとI Will tell you how i feelで返ってきてから、メールや電話が2日ほどありません。私は早くお互いどうすべきか聞きたいのですが、ここで要は私達はずっと友達でいたいって事?と聞くにはまずいですか?もう少し待つベキですか?また、その英語はニュアンス的に何と言えば伝わりやすいでしょうか?

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    I don't care what "team" you play for. If you contributed to shutting down the government today you should be recalled. This is inexcusable bullshit.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    So take this for what it is: 2nd hand info from a source I claim is reliable. It's hearsay, and/or a rumor. I'm telling you it's 100% legit, but that's just a stranger on a forum. Feel free to say I'm full of shit, or that I'm making this all up, it's up to you if you want to believe me. I'm only sharing because I'm sure you are as curious about the situation as I am.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    You should have to pass an IQ test before you breed. You have to take a driving test to operate vehicles and an SAT test to get into college. So why don't you have to take some sort of test before you give birth to children? When I am President, that's the first rule I will institute.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    Someone should tell me these things. I had no idea. I actually like U2.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    “But the thing is, what do you do when your lead actor is sick for the play, you get the understudy and the understudy gets a shot. And plus, what signal does that send to Scott? Because hopefully Scott will see this, and go ‘they're moving on without me, maybe I should clean up, maybe I should get a handle on this stuff, maybe I should look at myself for a minute and think to myself, do I really want to be this difficult to work with?’”

  • 英語の質問です。

    質問です。 After quitting the job I was thinking of going to Paris. Tell me what you really feelと入れたらWe should talk :) と返事がありました。この返事の意味あいは、こ の件について僕達はちゃんと話をしようであっていますか?

  • 翻訳お願いします

    どなたか英語の得意な方、下記英文を翻訳していただけないでしょうか? I'm good but busy. I have a special project I'm working on right now. How are you? I hate to do this but I feel I should be 100% honest with you. You are a very nice person and I enjoy teaching you in class, but I just don't feel like pursuing a relationship outside with you. I'm really sorry. I really hope we can still enjoy chatting at Sannomiya school. :-) Take care.

  • 英文の翻訳をお願いします!

    全くわからないのでお願いします。 Like I said once I have traced your other DVDs up I will send out again. i did my part and sent you the DVDs in the first place and you tell me what I should be doing next which I am not happy with.

  • わかりません( ; ; )

    I tell you what we should do このままきたのですが、これは疑問文なんでしょうか??