Effects of Acupuncture on Local Pressure Pain Sensitivity and Conditioned Pain Modulation

  • Acupuncture significantly reduces local pressure pain sensitivity compared to relaxation.
  • Acupuncture has no effect on conditioned pain modulation, temporal summation of pressure pain, neck disability, or symptom severity.
  • The study shows that local pressure pain sensitivity is more reduced following acupuncture than relaxation.
  • ベストアンサー


Local pressure pain sensitivity at baseline and during conditioned pain modulation decreased significantly more following acupuncture compared with relaxation (time × group interactions: p < 0.001), both in the neck and at a site distinct from the painful region. When comparing the effects of acupuncture versus relaxation, no differences were observed on conditioned pain modulation, temporal summation of pressure pain, neck disability or symptom severity (all p-values >0.05). more followingは何を示しているのでしょうか? Localは in the neck duringはat a site distinct from the painful regionに対応しているのでしょうか? conditioned pain modulation(条件付きの痛み変調) decreasedとなっていて、, no differences were observed on conditioned pain modulation 条件付きの痛み変調に違いは観察されない というのは矛盾していませんでしょうか?

  • 英語
  • 回答数3
  • ありがとう数0


  • ベストアンサー
  • sknuuu
  • ベストアンサー率43% (408/934)

学術的なpaperのようなので、次の言葉は定義というか説明があるはずです "baseline", "conditioned pain modulation", "relaxation", "temporal summation of pressure pain", ここを押さえないと、比較ができません "Local pressure pain sensitivity at baseline"というのと、"Local pressure pain sensitivity during conditioned pain modulation"が、acupunctureを行うことによって、relaxationに比べて非常にdecreaseしたということです(それも、both in the neck(首) and at a site distinct from the painful region(痛いところじゃないところ)) "conditioned pain modulation"というのは、たぶん痛みの感じさせ方の(実験上の)条件設定があって、acupunctureした時(後)と、relaxの状態のときで、痛みの感じ方に違いはなかった、ということです つまり(たぶん)、痛みをなくする(decreaseさせる)効果としてはどちらも一緒だった("conditioned pain modulation"においては)、です "temporal summation of pressure pain", "neck disability", "symptom severity"も各々条件設定なのだと思いますが、ご質問にある文だけでは関連がよくわかりませんでした("conditioned pain modulation"と別の条件だと思いますが) これは研究論文の一部でご質問の文は<Result>というとこに書いてあったんだと思いますが、実験には必ず条件設定というのがあって、どのような方法で実施したかも必ず書いてます(<Procedure>とか<Method>という項目ありませんか?) そのため、「あの場合は~」「この場合は~」という風に整理して読まないと理解がゴチャになります いろんな条件下で、AcupunctureとRelaxationの場合を比較してどうだったか、という研究のようですね あと、(time × group interactions: p < 0.001)とか(all p-values >0.05)という数値も、条件というか実験上大事な数値なので「~の場合」に含まれます

その他の回答 (2)

  • googoo1956
  • ベストアンサー率47% (623/1316)

 専門用語が用いられていることもあってなかなか難解な英文だと思います。あまり自分の解釈に自信はありませんが、正しい理解のための一里塚になればと思って回答します。  一つ目の英文:「身体のある部位に強さを変化させながら圧力を加えた場合とそうでない場合の痛みを感じる度合いは、頚部(患部)と患部から離れた部位の両方において、そしてマッサージをした後よりも鍼を打った後の方が著しく低下した。」  二つ目の英文:「鍼治療の効果をマッサージ(の効果)を比較した場合、部位へ加える圧力の変化、圧力によって感じる痛みの量、頚部の不具合、症状の重篤度に関しては変化は見られなかった。」 >more followingは何を示しているのでしょうか?  「following」は「~の後に」という意味の前置詞、「more」は「~の方がより」という意味の副詞だと考えられます。 >Localは in the neck duringはat a site distinct from the painful regionに対応しているのでしょうか?  「local」は「圧力を加える身体の部位」のこと、すなわちここでは「患部(=頚部)」と「患部から離れた部位」のことをあらわしているという解釈が良いと思います。  「during」は時間を表す前置詞ですから「(身体のある部位に強さを変化させながら圧力を加えるという)実験を行なっている間の」という意味で「local pressure pain sensitivity」にかかると考えると良いでしょう。 >conditioned pain modulation(条件付きの痛み変調) decreasedとなっていて、, no differences were observed on conditioned pain modulation 条件付きの痛み変調に違いは観察されない というのは矛盾していませんでしょうか?  上記の私の解釈に間違いがなければご指摘の通りになってしまいます。おそらく解釈のどこかに間違いがあるのでしょう。正しい解釈に到達するのに役立てば幸いです。

  • sporespore
  • ベストアンサー率30% (430/1408)

Loaclは部分的という意味だと思います。全体的に感じる痛みと部分的なのを区別し、全体的な痛みはacupunctureとrelaxationとの差が出なかったが、acupunctureをした場合は部分的な痛みがdecreased significantly more ということです。 decreased significantly more (following acupuncture)という構文です。


  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    At approximately 7 km (4.3 mi) in length, and culminating at an elevation of 145 m (476 ft) or 60 m (200 ft) above the Douai Plains, the ridge provides a natural unobstructed view for tens of kilometres in all directions. The ridge fell under German control in October 1914 during the Race to the Sea as the Franco-British and German forces continually attempted to outflank each other through northeastern France. The French Tenth Army attempted to dislodge the Germans from the region during the Second Battle of Artois in May 1915 by attacking their positions at Vimy Ridge and Notre Dame de Lorette. The French 1st Moroccan Division managed to briefly capture the height of the ridge but was unable to hold it owing to a lack of reinforcements. The French made another attempt during the Third Battle of Artois in September 1915 but only captured the town of Souchez at the western base of the ridge. The Vimy sector calmed following the offensive with both sides taking a largely live and let live approach. In all, the French suffered approximately 150,000 casualties in their attempts to gain control of Vimy Ridge and surrounding territory.

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    On 9 April the Fourth Army began a bombardment of the Hindenburg Line, with such heavy artillery that it had in range, as the Third and First armies began the offensive at Arras to the north. Fighting on the Fourth Army front, for the remaining outpost villages, went on until the end of April. German air operations over the winter concentrated on reconnaissance to look for signs of Anglo-French offensive preparations, which were found at Messines, Arras, Roye, the Aisne and the Champagne region. By March the outline of the Anglo-French spring offensive had been observed from the air. German air units were concentrated around Arras and the Aisne, which left few to operate over the Noyon Salient during the retirement. When the retirement began British squadrons in the area were instructed to keep German rearguards under constant observation, harass German troops by ground attacks and to make long-range reconnaissances to search the area east of the Hindenburg Line, for signs of more defensive positions and indications that a further retreat was contemplated.

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    The Battle of Mărășești (August 6, 1917 – September 8, 1917) was the last major battle between the German Empire and the Kingdom of Romania on the Romanian front during World War I. Romania was mostly occupied by the Central Powers, but the Battle of Mărășești kept the northeastern region of the country free from occupation.On July 22, 1917, the Romanians launched a joint offensive with Russia against the Austro-Hungarian 1st Army, around Mărăști and the lower part of the Siret river, which resulted in the Battle of Mărăști. Although there was some initial success, a counter-offensive by the Central Powers in Galicia stopped the Romanian-Russian offensive.The offensive of the German Ninth Army, from the Army Group Mackensen, started on August 6, 1917, when the units of the Russian Fourth Army on the Siret River were expected to leave their positions to reinforce the front in the north of Moldavia and be replaced by the divisions of the Romanian First Army (commanded by General Constantin Cristescu until August 12, then by General Eremia Grigorescu). For 29 days, until September 3, this sector was the scene of the most important battle delivered by the Romanian army during the 1917 campaign. The Battle of Mărășești had three distinct stages. During the first stage (August 6–12), successively committed to battle, the troops of the Romanian First Army, together with Russian forces, managed to arrest the enemy advance and forced the Germans, through their resistance, to gradually change the direction of their attack north-westward. In the second stage (August 13–19), the Romanian Command completely took over the command of the battle from the Russians and the confrontation reached its climax on August 19, ending in a complete thwarting of the enemy's attempts to advance. The third stage (August 20 – September 3) saw the last German attempt at least to improve their positions in view of a new offensive, this one too baffled by the Romanian response. Starting with August 8, 1917, the fighting on the Mărășești front combined with an Austro-Hungarian-German offensive at Oituz. Battle of Mărășești マラシェスティの戦い

  • 下記の英文を訳そうと思ったのですができませんでした。この英文を下記のよ

    下記の英文を訳そうと思ったのですができませんでした。この英文を下記のように訳された方がおりました。これについて3つ質問があります。 1.この訳は正しいのでしょうか? 2.特に”it rests” をどう訳すのかわかりません。 3.正しいのなら訳を読んでも意味がわからないのですが、具体的にどんな意味なのでしょうか? Keynes believe that economic stability is a fundametal requirment of libery,and that, as is a basic right, responsibility for delivering it rests with goverment. ケインズは経済の安定が自由の基本的な要求であり、基本的な権利として、政府は干渉すべきでないと考えた。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    The Siege of Toma was a bloodless action during the First World War on the island of New Pomerania (now New Britain) between 14–17 September 1914 as part of the occupation of German New Guinea by the Australian Naval and Military Expeditionary Force (AN&MEF). Australian forces had been dispatched to seize and destroy German wireless stations in the south-west Pacific because they were used by the German East Asian Cruiser Squadron of Vice-Admiral Maximilian von Spee which threatened merchant shipping in the region. New Zealand provided a similar force for the occupation of German Samoa. Ultimately the German colonial government was forced to surrender after being surrounded, ending the last significant resistance in the territory. The Australian Naval and Military Expeditionary Force (AN&MEF) reached Rabaul on 11 September, finding the port free of German forces. Small parties of naval reservists landed at Kabakaul and Herbertshöhe on Neu-Pommern, south-east of Rabaul. These parties were reinforced firstly by sailors and later by infantry and proceeded inland to capture the radio station believed to be in operation at Bita Paka, 4.3 miles (6.9 km) to the south. The Australians were resisted by a mixed force of German reservists and Melanesian native police, who forced them to fight their way to the objective. By nightfall the radio station was reached, and it was found to have been abandoned, the mast dropped but its instruments and machinery intact. During the fighting at Bita Paka seven Australians were killed and five wounded, while the defenders lost one German NCO and about 30 Melanesians killed, and one German and ten Melanesians wounded. At nightfall on 12 September, the AN&MEF infantry battalion was landed at Rabaul. The following afternoon, a ceremony was carried out to signal the British occupation of New Britain despite the fact that the German governor had not surrendered the territory. Meanwhile, after their defeat at Bita Paka on 11 September the remaining German forces retreated 19 miles (31 km) to Toma, believing they would have time to recuperate before the Australians arrived. Unknown to the Germans however, an advanced party of 200 Australians had followed them from Bita Paka and surrounded the town, proceeding to bombard it with a 12-pound field piece.The protected cruiser HMAS Encounter also arrived on the scene, and fired several shells at a ridge nearby.

  • 次の英文を訳して下さい。

    The First Battle of Garua took place from 29 to 31 August 1914 during the Kamerun Campaign of the First World War between German and invading British forces in northern Kamerun at Garua. It was the first significant action to take place in the campaign and resulted in the German repulsion of the British force. On 25 August 1914 (three weeks after war had broken out in Europe), British cavalry from the West African Frontier Force crossed the border from Nigeria and seized Tepe, a German border post to the north of Garua. The post's occupation gave British forces a foothold in northern Kamerun, from which they could attack the many German forts that protected the region, including the ones at Garua. The Germans had constructed five modern forts at Garua, each of which were situated to give supporting fire to another if needed. The earthworks included deep trenches and dugouts with overhead protection, ringed with barbed wire and manned by three companies of African Askaris under German officers and NCO's. Artillery would be needed to cause any significant damage to the fortifications. From Tepe, British forces under the command of Colonel MacLear turned southwards towards the stronghold at Garua. They arrived on 29 August and dug entrenchments around the German forts. That night the British attacked the fortifications, charging over 400 meters of open ground. After suffering heavy casualties they successfully captured one of the five forts. The following day German forces counter-attacked, pushing the British out. Nigerian troops reportedly fled, leaving British officers alone in the trenches. As the British force fled the Germans continued their counter-attack, pushing them out of Kamerun completely and pursuing them into Nigeria for days afterwards. The majority of the officers of the British units were killed, including the commanding officer, Colonel MacLear. Forty percent of the native Nigerian troops were lost. The Germans suffered relatively minor losses in comparison. The action at Garua, as well as battles in other areas along Kamerun's north-western border with Nigeria, turned out to be relatively successful for the Germans. They were able to repulse each British thrust that came at them during the opening days of the conflict, and even put themselves in position to threaten Calabar, the main port in eastern Nigeria. The victory at Garua enhanced the morale of German Askaris significantly and stalled Allied advances into northern Kamerun until mid-1915, when the Second Battle of Garua resulted in British victory. Garua  ガルナ

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    宜しくお願いいたします。 What kind of job do you have Keiko? I am very friendly but I am difficult to travel with because I have a sick heart which makes travel very complicated. I am in Greece for 2 weeks and already I have been in hospital for 2 days. Would it be helpful, if my health allows it, to go to Japan and give you English practice for a few weeks?

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