
  • 政府のマルチリンガル政策の推進について英文の正確さと効果的な学習方法について質問があります。
  • 英語学習者が外国語習得において高い意識を持つのは効果的な学習方法の一つです。
  • ヨーロッパ人にとって英語は学びやすいと言えます。
  • ベストアンサー


教えて下さい!以下の英文は合っていますか? (1)『政府はマルチリンガル政策を推し進めている』 →The government has promoted the multilingual policy. (2)『彼は外国語習得において高い意識を持っている』 →He has high level of awareness of learning foreign languages. (3)『ヨーロッパ人にとって英語は学びやすい』 →It's easy to learn English for the European. (Learning English is easy for the European.) ※これは、 the Europeanでいいのか、ただEuropeanだけでいいのか、それとも複数形でthe Europeans(Europeans)にするのか教えて下さい。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数3


  • ベストアンサー
  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

(1)『政府はマルチリンガル政策を推し進めている』 →The government is promoting the multilingual policy. (2)『彼は外国語習得において高い意識を持っている』 →He has high level of awareness of learning foreign languages. この場合の「意識」は consciousness が適当であるかもしれません。 (3)『ヨーロッパ人にとって英語は学びやすい』 →It's easy to learn English for the Europeans. (Learning English is easy for Europeans.) 冠詞は用いず複数形となります。





  • この英文について教えてください

    Derek found an ideal environment in which to learn foreign languages. なんですがこの英文を2文に分けるとどうなりますか? 二文に分けるというのは 例えば He has a clever son of whom he is proud.は He has a clever son. He is proud of him. の2文に分けれます

  • 英文の翻訳をお願いします。3

    It doesn't make sense to argue that processing in the short-term store occurs before contact has been made with long-term memory. In contradiction of the assumptions of the multi-store model, learning can probably occur without conscious awareness of what has been learned.

  • 英文の翻訳をお願いします。

    Atkinson and Shiffrin assumed that information in short-term memory represents "the conterts of consciousness,"implying that only information processed consciously can be stored in long-term memory. However, there is reasonable (if not conclusive) evidence for the existence of learning without conscious awareness of what has been learnd (this is known as implicit learning--see Chapter7). It would seem that implicit learning would be impossible within Atkinson and Shiffrin's(1968) model.

  • 英語の得意な皆さんならどう訳されますか?

    いつもお世話になり、ありがとうございます。 英語の得意な皆さんならどう英訳されるか伺いたいです。 よろしくお願いします。 色々な国の言葉を覚えて、挨拶だけでもいいから話せる様になりたい。 I want to learn lots of foreign languages and to learn at least words for greeting. 英単語を覚えるのも一苦労だけど、英語以外の言葉は尚更頭に入らない。 I have a hard time learning English words, much less words in other languages.

  • 以下の英文の和訳をお願いします。

    特にformed a joint truck-making venture calledの部分と最後のas one of the founders wryly observed.の部分が皆目見当がつきません。宜しくお願いします。 When companies from four European countries - France,Italy,Germany,and Switzerland-formed a joint truck-making venture called Iveco in 1977, they chose English as their working language because , as one of the founders wryly observed.

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    As foreign minister Briand formulated an original proposal for a new economic union of Europe. Described as Briand's Locarno diplomacy and as an aspect of Franco-German rapprochement, it was his answer to Germany's quick economic recovery and future political power. Briand made his proposals in a speech in favor of a European Union in the League of Nations on 5 September 1929, and in 1930, in his "Memorandum on the Organization of a Regime of European Federal Union" for the Government of France. The idea was to provide a framework to contain France's former enemy while preserving as much of the 1919 Versailles settlement as possible. The Briand plan entailed the economic collaboration of the great industrial areas of Europe and the provision of political security to Eastern Europe against Soviet threats. The basis was economic cooperation, but his fundamental concept was political, for it was political power that would determine economic choices. The plan, under the Memorandum on the Organization of a System of European Federal Union, was in the end presented as a French initiative to the League of Nations. With the death of his principal supporter, German foreign minister Gustav Stresemann, and the onset of the Great Depression in 1929, Briand's plan was never adopted but it suggested an economic framework for developments after World War II that eventually resulted in the European Union.

  • 以下の英文を訳して下さい。

    Zionism was first discussed at a British Cabinet level on 9 November 1914, four days after Britain's declaration of war on the Ottoman Empire. David Lloyd George, then Chancellor of the Exchequer "referred to the ultimate destiny of Palestine." Lloyd George's law firm Lloyd George, Roberts and Co had been engaged a decade before by the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland to work on the Uganda Scheme. In a discussion after the meeting with fellow Zionist and President of the Local Government Board Herbert Samuel, Lloyd George assured him that "he was very keen to see a Jewish state established in Palestine." Samuel then outlined the Zionist position more fully in a conversation with Foreign Secretary Edward Grey. He spoke of Zionist aspirations for the establishment in Palestine of a Jewish state, and of the importance of its geographical position to the British Empire. Samuel's memoirs state: "I mentioned that two things would be essential—that the state should be neutralized, since it could not be large enough to defend itself, and that the free access of Christian pilgrims should be guaranteed. ... I also said it would be a great advantage if the remainder of Syria were annexed by France, as it would be far better for the state to have a European power as neighbour than the Turk." The same evening, Prime Minister H. H. Asquith announced in a speech that the dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire had become a war aim, "It is the Ottoman Government, and not we who have rung the death knell of Ottoman dominion not only in Europe but in Asia."

  • 英文の意味を教えてください。

    New York Timesから抜粋した以下の英文ですが his administration promoted evidence, since discredited, の部分の意味がよくわかりません。 evidenceがthatにつながるのはわかるのですが his administration promoted evidenceとは何でしょうか。 またsinceの意味はここでは「以来」なのか「なので」なのかどちらでしょうか。 また、since discreditedの部分はどこに繋がるのでしょうか。 ご教授お願いします。 Congress has not voted to give a president formal authority for a military operation since 2002 when it backed George W. Bush in his campaign to strike Iraq after his administration promoted evidence, since discredited, that Saddam Hussein’s government possessed unconventional weapons.

  • 英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えてください

    英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えていただきたいです よろしくお願いします!! 20The year 1953 had begun particularly successfully for Adenauer as regards foreign policy. 21On 19 March the Bundestag had ratified the treaty of the European Defence Community (EDC). 22Only France’s signature was missing. 25Above and beyond that, uncertainty about the consequences of a possible intervention was too great. 26Only when, in the next few days, he came under pressure to act did Adenauer address a telegram to the heads of government of the Western Allies on 21 June.

  • 以下の英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    German colonies in Africa had been acquired in the 1880s and were not well defended. They were also surrounded by territories controlled by Britain, France, Belgium and Portugal.Colonial military forces in Africa were relatively small, poorly equipped and had been created to maintain internal order, rather than conduct military operations against other colonial forces. Most of the European warfare in Africa during the 19th century had been conducted against African societies to enslave people and later to conquer territory. The Berlin Conference of 1884, had provided for European colonies in Africa to be neutral, if war broke out in Europe; in 1914 none of the European powers had plans to challenge their opponents for control of overseas colonies. When news of the outbreak of war reached European colonialists in Africa, it was met by little of the enthusiasm seen in the capital cities of the states which maintained colonies. An editorial in the East African Standard on 22 August, argued that Europeans in Africa should not fight each other but instead collaborate, to maintain the repression of the indigenous population. War was against the interest of the white colonialists because they were small in number, many of the European conquests were recent, unstable and operated through existing local structures of power and the organisation of African economic potential for European profit had only recently begun. In Britain, an Offensive sub-committee of the Committee of Imperial Defence was appointed on 5 August and established a principle that command of the seas was to be ensured and that objectives were considered only if they could be attained with local forces and if the objective assisted the priority of maintaining British sea communications, as British army garrisons abroad were returned to Europe in an "Imperial Concentration". Attacks on German coaling stations and wireless stations were considered to be important to clear the seas of German commerce raiders. Objectives at Tsingtau in the Far East and Luderitz Bay, Windhoek, Duala and Dar-es-Salaam in Africa and a German wireless station in Togoland, next to the British colony of Gold Coast in the Gulf of Guinea, were considered vulnerable to attack by local or allied forces.