
  • 一年たつかたたぬにこの始末
  • ひと月たたぬにこのていたらく
  • 和訳でも分かりずらい文章
  • ベストアンサー


A year has hardly elapsed when things have come to this. 一年たつかたたぬにこの始末 A month has hardly elapsed when things have come to this! ひと月たたぬにこのていたらく when things have come to thisについて調べていたら以上のような例文がありましたが 日本語訳でも意味が分かりずらくどう解釈してよいのかわかりません。 もっとわかりやすく、英語で解釈しやすい全体の訳(特にwhen things have come to thisの解釈の仕方)などあれば教えて頂けないでしょうか?

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー

自分で和訳すると「こんなことになってしまったから一年ほど経ちました。」となります。 「~has come to this」は英語の決まり文句のようなもので、「次から次へと悪いことが重なってしまった。」という意味ですね。「since it has come to this」の方はよく使うと思います。 例えば: Since it's come to this, I'm going to have to quit my job. (こんなことになってしまったから、もう仕事をやめるしかない。) なんだかよく説明できないですが、これで何かの参考になったらいいです。^^; (英語のネーティブスピーカーです。つたない日本語でスミマセン。)



決まり文句なんですね。 勉強になりました。分かりやすい解説ありがとうございました。

その他の回答 (1)

  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

    #1さんに一票。 >>もっとわかりやすく、英語で解釈しやすい全体の訳(特にwhen things have come to thisの解釈の仕方)などあれば教えて頂けないでしょうか?     英語ではこれ以上簡単には出来ないと思います。英英辞典の I の説明が、「一人称単数の人称代名詞」などと英語で書いてあって「わたし」より分かりにくくなるのに似ています。     when things have come to this は、「落ちて落ちて最悪になった今」という時にしか使いませんから、一年経たないうちに最悪の事態が来た、一ヶ月経たないうちに最悪の事態が来た、というごく普通の表現です。    



なるほど、これは表現として覚えるべきの決まり文句なんですね。 勉強になりました。 分かりやすい解説ありがとうございました。


  • 和訳お願いします。

    Happy new year, may all your wishes come true and may 2012 be an unforgettable year for both of us. Somehow I kept thinking of you, especially after seeing your photos, you are still looking beautiful. This year I will do my best to come to Asia and hopefully we could meet each other somewhere. This year countdown I went to a good friend of mine. We had dinner at his restaurant and after that we went to a club to have drinks. Wish that we could have a countdown in the future together.

  • 和訳してください。

    1:The day has now come-or will come this year-when in addition to listening at a turn of the switch to music and speech it willbe possible for many to see as well as to hear from their firesides what is happening at some distant point. 2:What glorious view we might obtain could we but rise above the earth as aviators do. お願いします。

  • 和訳お願いします!!

    .recently many coworkers don't come to work so we have more things to do at job です。宜しくお願いします。m(_ _)m

  • 和訳お願いします。

    still Wednesday... want this weekend to come sooner!!! damn I can hardly wait to see her back Japan!!! My BFF is coming home on Friday!!

  • 和訳お願いします。

    My husband never speaks to me when he comes home from work. When I ask ,”How did everything go today? “ He says,” rough …” or “it’s a jungle out there” It’s a different story when we have guests or go visiting . Paul is the gabbiest guy in the crow-a real spellbinder. He comes up with the most interesting stories. People hang on every word. I think to myself , Why doesn’t he ever tell me these things ? This has been going on for 38 years. Paul started to go quiet on me after 10 years of marriage.

  • 3つの文章を見てください。

    1.Every year when summer has come I remembered we had nice time together. But for now, it's a hard memories to me. 毎年夏が来ると~今ではもう苦い、辛い思い出になってしまった。と言いたいのです。(hardが気になります) 2.When I go to that place where I used to lived. I feel as if my former house still there. 未だ自分の家がそこにあるような気がする。 3.Your responds not needed. 又はNo need respons 簡単な事務連絡をした事に対して返事はいりませんよ。 と最後に書く時これでよいでしょうか?宜しくお願い致します。

  • 訳お願いします(ΤДΤ)

    Oh ok is Korea a nice place to go I hear a lot of Japanese go there ? And yes I will be coming over next Christmas I was supposed to be coming this year but I have just buy a house so need money for that but next year I will come for two month? I am single do you have tattoos ↑ 訳お願いします★

  • 和訳お願いします

    和訳お願いします アメリカの学生から送られてきた質問なのですが、後半がよくわかりません… I have another question when it is summer in America, in a month like August. and its winter in Japan, in Japan is it still referred to as august or is it referred to as a winter month like January or December?

  • 和訳お願いします!

    The german soccer players are okay but I think there are better ones from other teams. But what a shame that Spain doesn't have a chance to win the world cup anymore. Really? I also was in Barcelona last summer, when exactely were you there? And this year from August to Feburary of the next year I'm going to study in Barcelona for half a year And Spain in general is a great country, you should also go to the south, for example to Málaga, Cádiz, Granada or Sevilla. 少し解読が難しいです、よろしくお願いします!

  • 時制と完了形について

    My sister ( 2 ) a nursery school teacher for three years next month. 1 will be 2 will have been 3 is 4 has been I'll help you when I ( 3 ) this work. 1 will finish 2 will have finished 3 have finished 4 finished I noticed that my mother ( 4 ) home five minutes before. 1 comes 2 has come 3 come 4 had come He ( 4 ) three cups of coffee today if he drinks another cup. 1 drinks 2 will drink 3 has drunk 4 will have drunk この問題で、私は(   )の数字だと思うのですが、合っていますか? 苦手な分野なので心配です。よろしくお願いします。